I am a Head of Department (RE) in a large school. I teach KS3, KS4 and KS5. I have had additional responsibilities in improving progress and attainment in RE. I teach Health & Social Care and Life Skills. I have also taught BTEC Applied Law, Psychology and PSHE. Prior to teaching my background was in forensic psychology, mental health, learning disabilities and research/quality assurance.
I am a Head of Department (RE) in a large school. I teach KS3, KS4 and KS5. I have had additional responsibilities in improving progress and attainment in RE. I teach Health & Social Care and Life Skills. I have also taught BTEC Applied Law, Psychology and PSHE. Prior to teaching my background was in forensic psychology, mental health, learning disabilities and research/quality assurance.
An exciting lesson where students learn what the ten commandments are, the relevance in religion and what they tell about God. Originally planned for a unit of work on Judaism, but can be used within a Christianity unit. A variety of activities and opportunities for thoughtful discussions.
A KS3 lesson about the life of Muhammad, from a Islam unit of work. Can also be taught as part of a religious founder/figures unit of work or as a stand alone lesson. The lesson aims to teach students about Muhammad and the importance of his actions. The main activity is a fortune line, exploring thoughts and feelings. Students are encouraged to work with each other to review their learning. A homework task is included with this lesson.
Two Easter lessons suitable for all abilities at KS3. The theme running through these lessons is sacrifice. Activities link back to this theme. A good mix of AO1 and AO2 in these lessons, making links between the two.
Students will learn about Holy Week and the significance of the events. Links are made to how Christians celebrate Easter and how the events of Holy Week are still important.
Can be adapted to be taught as just one lesson.
NEW SPEC Eduqas lesson on Human Dignity. The lesson aims to describe what human dignity is, explore religious and personal views and discuss why people are not treated with human dignity. The lesson has an homework/extension task to consolidate learning and to challenge students. Additional support is given with this task.
KS3 lesson teaching students about the Mosque. Can be taught as a unit of work on Islam or a unit of work on religious buildings. The lesson aims to teach students about the key featues of the Mosque and its importance to Muslims and other members of the community. The lesson uses a True Tube clip (embedded in the powerpoint) where a young man shows people around the Mosque, this aims to teach students that the Mosque is very relevant for young people. The final task (also to be finished for homework) allows students to understand the importance of the Mosque and why it is an important place not only for Muslims but for other members of the community. There are lots of opportunities for student involvement in this lesson.
A revision PPT for Eduqas RS GSCE (new spec). The PPT provides students with information and notes. The PPT has been created for a final revision lesson with Y11 students and is mostly teacher led. It is perfect resource to guide revision, and for students to access to support addiitonal revision at home.
KS3 Sikhism lesson teaching pupils about the Khalsa and Vaisakhi. This lesson has been taught as part of a unit of work but can be taught as a stand alone Sikhism lesson. This lesson has been judged as OUTSTANDING during a lesson observation. The lesson includes a variety of activities to engage students. Role play is used to teach students about the formation of the Khalsa (the lesson includes an alternative to role play - video link in the powerpoint). This lesson promotes deeper thinking and encourages students to use their thinking skills. The lesson also includes a homework task.
A lesson teaching students about crime and punishment. Can be taught at KS3 (preparing students for future learning) or GCSE level. Or as a stand alone lesson. See my resources for other lessons from the world issues scheme of work (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/leanaandrews).
The lesson aims to explain the different type of crimes, different types of punishment, Christian beliefs including key teachings and how effective punishment is in our society. Students apply their learning using Christian teachings (ten commandments, Parable of the Good Samaritan, Parable of the Lost Son, golden rule). Students are encouraged to give their own opinions and views at various points in the lesson (e.g. through questioning and discussion). Students review their learning linking back to the outcomes. Learning is extended through the homework task.
BTEC HSC Tech award to be delivered to Y9s.
Component 1 - Learning Aim A Human lifespan development.
The lesson is an introduction to the course and to the learnign aim A. The lesson focuses on the key terms, introduces the life stages and explores what is meant by development. Activities are varied and have challenging elements.
Perfect to teach as is, or can be adapted to suit.
Lesson about the origins of Buddhism and key beliefs.
Lots of opportuniteis for questioning - targetted and whole class. Students love the Buddha wordfil and film strip activities. The lessons provided the class teacher with a variety of options for the final activity.
Aimed at KS3 but can be taught as an introduction to Buddhism at KS4. Can be tweaked for KS2.
A GCSE Eduqas new spec lesson for the topic Issues of Relationships. The lesson focused on the attitudes to cohabitation and adultery from a Christian persepctive. Opportuties for teacher led discussions, reviewing key teachings and Bible quotes and student led tasks.
The final task is a homework task on marriage outside of religious traditions (can be completed in lesson due to time differences).
BTEC Applied Law task about lawyers and lay people. To be used as a presentation, detailing the types of people involved in the legal system (both professionals and lay people). Evaluation points can be used to stimulate a discussion. BTEC task in order to support Unit 1.
A GCSE Lesson about ethics in psychological research. The lessons aims to teach students about the ethical guidelines all researchers must follow when conducting research. The two main activities are a research task (use of computers if possible) and a create your own study task. Students will also explore Zimbardo's study as an example of unethical research.
A new spec EDUQAS lesson from component 1 Christianity. This lesson focuses on Christianity in Britain and the Church in the community. It explores the issues of religion on the decline and how the Church is still very relevant in our modern society.
You will need the Eduqas textbooks for one activity.
A KS3 lesson where pupils learn the Christian beliefs about God. There is a main focus on the Omni words. The lesson includes a variety of activities that are engaging. One activity involves student learning the key beliefs through actions, this can also be adapted in to a written task to promote literacy. Another activity focuses on personal beliefs about God, exploring reasons for these beliefs. This lesson is a fast paced lesson, but can also be stretched in to two lessons to for mixed ability/lower ability groups or to include more exploration of the differing beliefs. A homework task is included to continue to learning from the lesson.
A MINI BUNDLE of A level resources used to teach the A Level Shi'a Islam unit. These lessons work well alongside the Victor Watton Islam book (or another text can be used). This unit is taught over 11 lessons, however can be adapted to suit your needs.
The unit starts with an introduction to Muhammad and the origins of Shi'a Islam. There is a lot of focus through the unit on the differences in terms of key beliefs and roles of the Iman. There are opportunities for exam questions and reviewing example questions in line with the spec (Edexcel). This unit is perfect to support your teaching of Shi'a Islam and keep pupils engaged with a variety of activities.
This is a KS3 unit of work about religious journeys. The unit aims to teach students about journeys that can physically made but also journeys that are significant life events. The unit explores religious journeys from four of the world religions; Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. The final lesson is an assessment lesson using the RE levels. This unit suitable for mixed ability classes in KS3. There are a variety of lesson activities to ensure high levels of engagement and that have an element of fun.
A new spec Eduqas lesson from the topic Issues of Life and Death. This lesson deals with the sensitive issue of euthanasia. There are many opportunities for discussion and questioning. The lesson offers level of challenge in terms of giving view points and understanding these.
The next lesson focuses on the Christian view points (see my shop).
A mini unit of work that teaches students about world issues and Christian views. This is perfect for students prior to starting their GCSEs to give them background knowledge and prepare them for future learning. Also perfect to use the lessons at GCSE level due to the emphasis on Christian teachings.
L1 Introduction
L2 Poverty
L3 Prejudice and discrimination
L4 Crime and punishment