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Leave a 5***** review and get an extra resource up to the same value for free!!! Enjoy these well-designed, interactive, fun and colourful resources designed for an exciting classroom :-)
Spanish Year 7 First week back - Mira

Spanish Year 7 First week back - Mira

Spanish introduction lessons are what you need if you are starting to teach Year 7 students for the first time in September. Enjoy this huge collection of resources for teachers, new and experienced, and for schools setting up their Spanish department. Videos, songs, homework and worksheets - all provided for you in one single download. Lesson 0 - Welcome back Lesson 1 - Presenting yourself Lesson 2 - Using a bilingual dictionary. Nouns, verbs and adjectives Lesson 3 - Numbers Lesson 4 - Gustar and adjectival agreement Lesson 5 - Infinitives Lesson 6 - Me gusta Te gusta Le gusta Lesson 7 - Ser and nationalitieis Lesson 8 - The alphabet Lesson 9 - Describing character Lesson 10 - Describing physical appearance Lesson 11 - Writing project Lesson 12 - Presentations and halloween
Spanish  Year 7 first week of school September - 22 lessons

Spanish Year 7 first week of school September - 22 lessons

2 Resources
Spanish is a beautiful language spoken by millions a cross the world and most of South America. Help your students learn with this amazing and complete resource, particularly well adapted to MIRA and other UK courses A total of 22 powerpoints that will be more than enough for your entire autumn term with year 7! Includes audio files, worksheets, songs, videos, interactive games! AUTUMN 1 = ME AND MY FAMILY 0 - Welcome 1 - Presenting yourself + VIDEO 2 - Using a bilingual dictionary, adjectives, nouns, verbs + TREASURE HUNT GAME 3 - Numbers 4 - Gustar and adjectives 5 - Infinitives and verb tables 6 - Me gusta te gusta le gusta + UP VIDEO 7 - Ser and nationalities 8 - Alphabet + SONG 9 - My personality 10 - Physical appearance 11 - Writing project 12 - presentations + BONUS HALLOWEEN GAME AUTUMN 2 = SCHOOL 13 - School subjects 14 - Opinions 15 - Time + VIRTUAL CLOCK PLENARY 16- Timetable 17 - Food, drink 18 - Transport 19 - Facilities 20 - My bag 21 - Christmas game
Spanish - What hurts - Me duele - complete lesson

Spanish - What hurts - Me duele - complete lesson

Complete lesson based around saying ‘what hurts’. Learning Objective: To be able to name at least 5 body parts from memory. To be able to say what hurts. Vocabulary covered: la garganta los oidos los ojos el estomago los brazos los pies la rodilla las piernas la mano la espalda la cabeza las muelas el cuerpo Jugué al fútbol/baloncesto – I played football/basketball Hice esquí/natación – I went skiing/swimming Fui a la discoteca /bolera– I went to the disco/bowling alley Caí de mi caballo – I fell off my horse Comí tres hamburguesas/calamares/muchas gambas – I ate three burgers/squid/a lot of prawns Bebí mucha cerveza/mucho vino/ demasiado coca – I drank a lot of beer/ a lot of wine/ too much water ¡Ay! ¡Qué horror! ¡Qué desastre! ¡Qué tonto! – Oh! How awful! What a disaster! How silly!
Spanish - In the airport - En el Aeropuerto

Spanish - In the airport - En el Aeropuerto

Resource designed to develop listening and pronunciation skills. Airport announcements and script. Tracks imbedded into the powerpoint. Authentic airport and airplane feel with background noise to help students get used to the real environment. Can be used with absolutely any year group in many ways.
Spanish prepositions - meerkat madness

Spanish prepositions - meerkat madness

A whole lesson. Objective: teach prepositions (year7 or 8 Spanish) Students reinforce this through the humour of a meerkat bouncing around the room. Optional extra: print out a meerkat picture and place it around your classroom for further practice. A variety of games and plenary activity provided for the lesson, as well as writing, reading/ translation, speaking, listening within the plenary.
GCSE French - Roleplay practice cards

GCSE French - Roleplay practice cards

A series of vivid, colourful, animated role play cards designed to provide your students with the necessary vocabulary needed in a wide range of role plays. The first four cards come complete with worksheets to help prepare students. The last two don’t - they should try to apply the vocabulary from the other cards to the last two independently. The roleplays are far more expanded than what is required in the GCSE paper - intended to give students a real context and interest in real life scenarios (at the airport, in the shop, in the leisure centre, asking for help with a map, at the cinema, etc).
French Introduction September & back to school quiz !

French Introduction September & back to school quiz !

A French introduction is what your students need if they are starting in school in September in year 7. Essential phrases such as Bonjour, Salut, Coucou, Comment t’appelles-tu, and many more including where you live, your age, how you are feeling, etc. Works with Studio 1, Allez 1 Module 1, Expo 1 for your “back to school” lessons! There are 3 full, complete and premade lessons all ready for you to just open the powerpoint and to start teaching. Lesson 1: France quiz, expectations, French culture, “Hello Goodbye” dialogue with Kylian Mbappé Lesson 2: Reinforcement of introductory language with video Lesson 3: Classroom routine, rules, expectations and French instructions Plenty of games and interactive videos within the lessons and sound effects too. Your students will love it!
GCSE French AQA Writing questions bank Higher Foundation

GCSE French AQA Writing questions bank Higher Foundation

A bank of questions for the AQA French Writing Paper, for both higher and foundation 40 words - 6 questions 90 words - 14 questions 150 words - 10 questions One document condenses the questions onto as few pages as possible, as a revision guide. Another document has one question per page, with space to write a response beneath, as a practice-style booklet. Hope you find it useful.
Minesweeper Plenary Game

Minesweeper Plenary Game

Minesweeper is a very popular game where players have to avoid exploding hidden bombs in the sea. Do the same in school and end your lessons with a bang ! Use this game as a plenary activity. This can be used for any subject and any year. E.g. MFL – translation of vocabulary Maths – answers to sums. History – dates, facts I personally have used it for pupils to translate vocabulary covered in a topic, scaffolding questions, starting with single words and then building up to more complex sentences. How to run the activity: Split the class into two groups or more. Teacher asks a question to each group. Teacher selects by hands up (or miniwhiteboards, or team discussion). Teacher selects a pupil to give the answer. If the answer is correct – pupil can choose a mine. If there’s a coin under the bomb - one point for your team If there’s an explosion under the bomb - lose one point If there’s a super bomb - the rubber duck of the evil clown - lose 2 points. The team with the most points wins!!!
Christmas tree colour-in baubles / Sapin de Noel

Christmas tree colour-in baubles / Sapin de Noel

Colour in the baubles of the tree. Useful for Early years / KS1 & KS2 languages Baubles have numbers, place the codes on the board, e.g. for French: 1 = rouge 2 = orange 3 = jaune 4 = vert 5 = bleu 6 = blanc 7 = noir 8 = violet 9 = marron
Star Wars translation - French

Star Wars translation - French

Looking for a fun, fast, way to get your pupils learning new vocabulary and structures? This game is designed to do just that. Pupils have to work in pairs to translate text as it scrolls upwards and before it disappears. One pupils must be looking away from the board and must listen to their partner, who reads out the text as it appears. Their partner must listen attentively and translate the text into the other language.
Tetris speed translation - disappearing words

Tetris speed translation - disappearing words

Help your pupils recall and revise new vocabulary more quickly with this exciting, fast paced 'speed-translation' game based on the 80s classic. Pupils have to work in pairs to translate the words on the board before they become totally obscured by the tetris blocks. Alternative versions of the game are available, with bubbles, footballs, toy blocks, appearing on the screen.
French Pronunciation Chart

French Pronunciation Chart

Pronunciation chart with 20 key sounds for English-speaking students to master when learning French. All sounds one one list - can be put into books One powerpoint with 20+ slides with multiple examples of each sound. Just copy the appropriate slide into your powerpoint and use it every week. For example, if you teach “je bois” in a week then it makes sense to revise all the “oi” sound words. Tongue Twisters included too.
Spanish Year 7 - 5 end of year booklets - great for the last weeks

Spanish Year 7 - 5 end of year booklets - great for the last weeks

5 booklets that will get your classes through those last few weeks of Spanish! Also a great summer homework ! All the basic topics covered that are taught in Year 7 Number, Colour, Adjectival agreement, Tener/Ser + regular verbs, Family, Pets, School, Presentations, Appearance, Personality, and so on …
Memorisation Score Board

Memorisation Score Board

This can be used to help pupils memorise a piece of work and encourages the class to compete to memorise the most. It can be used for any subject. You must enable Macros in Excel for the 'update' button to work.