Kellie has been a Library Media Specialist since 2015 at both the High School and Middle School Level in South Carolina. As a Media Specialist, she enjoys working with all of the different content areas in her school. In her spare time, Kellie is also a group fitness instructor and enjoys using social media to get new ideas for lessons.
Kellie has been a Library Media Specialist since 2015 at both the High School and Middle School Level in South Carolina. As a Media Specialist, she enjoys working with all of the different content areas in her school. In her spare time, Kellie is also a group fitness instructor and enjoys using social media to get new ideas for lessons.
**Add another interesting element to your American Revolution Unit with this 6-part “Liberty: The American Revolution” documentary Viewing Guide!
This series can be used as an introduction or review for your American Revolution unit and the viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the documentary.
The viewing guides include questions that students can answer based on the information in the video, supplemental activities that may require additional research, and a vocabulary section for students to complete. There is also a section for a bellringer as well as an exit ticket. Six separate viewing guides are included–one for each episode of the series.
How the Lesson Works:
★ As students watch the documentary, they can answer the short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the video.
★ After completing the video, students can complete the supplemental activities on the worksheet along with the vocabulary section.
★ An exit ticket question is provided to end the lesson.
Accessing the Videos:
★ This movie can be purchased on Amazon or accessed via Safari Montage (if available in your district).
Add an element of fun to your any unit with this “Monsters University” Movie Viewing Guide and Worksheets!
This movie can be used as a review of the principles good character and ethics. The viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
The Pre-Screening Guide should be completed before viewing the film. The Viewing Guide splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the one page Worksheet.
On the worksheet, your students will analyze the content of the movie in regards to economics and business topics such as leadership, business, influence, improvements/innovations, and ethics.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Guide with basic questions about character, ethics, and leadership.
★ The Viewing Guide that is split into four labeled sections.
★ The Post-Screening Guide that ties in decision making and ethics to the content of the film.
Required Materials:
★ Monsters University DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add another interesting element to your World War II Unit with this “A League of Their Own” pre-screening guide, viewing guide, and research worksheet.
This movie can be used as an introduction or supplemental activity for your World War II unit and the viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
This lesson includes a pre-screening activity with basic questions about the time period that will require students to conduct a little bit of research to learn about life on the American home front during World War II.
The viewing guide is split into four sections to go along with the movie. Each of the four sections contains questions that are designed to make students think about the people and ideas at play in the film as well as to ensure that students are paying attention to the plot.
There is also a post-screening activity sheet that asks specific questions about the content in the film and asks students to compare the movie to actual historical events.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Worksheet is designed to serve as an introduction or review of World War II.
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie.
★ The Post-Screening Worksheet is designed to be completed after students have viewed the movie in its entirety.
Included Documents
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie.
★ Answer Keys for Worksheets
Movie Synopsis:
Tom Hanks, Geena Davis and Madonna star in this major-league comedy from the team that brought you Big. Hanks stars as Jimmy Dugan, a washed-up ballplayer whose big league days are over. Hired to coach in the All-American Girls Baseball League of 1943, while the male pros are at war, Dugan finds himself drawn back into the game by the heart and heroics of his all-girl team. Jon Lovitz adds a scene-stealing cameo as the sarcastic scout who recruits Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis), the baseball dolly with a Babe Ruth swing. Teammates Madonna, Lori Petty and Rosie O’Donnell round out the roster, taking the team to the World Series. Based on the true story of the pioneering women who blazed the trail, on the fields and off, for generations of athletes.
Rating - PG
Required Materials:
★ A League of Their Own (1992) DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add an interesting element of fun to your government class with this “On the Basis of Sex” Movie Viewing Guide and Worksheet!
This movie can be used as a review of the Fourteenth Amendemnt to the Constitution and sex discrimination in the law. The movie tells the story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s early career.
The Pre-Screening Guide should be completed before viewing the film and includes basic questions relating to constitutional rights.
The Viewing Guide is two pages and splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the one page Worksheet.
On the worksheet, your students will analyze the content of the movie.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Worksheet is designed to serve as an introduction to government concepts the film
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie
Movie Synopsis:
The film tells an inspiring and spirited true story that follows young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of gender discrimination. The feature will premiere in 2018 in line with Justice Ginsburg’s 25th anniversary on the Supreme Court.
Required Materials:
★ On the Basis of Sex DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add an element of fun to your Business and Entrepreneurship classes with this “The Devil Wears Prada” Movie Viewing Guide and Worksheet!
This movie can be used as a review of the principles of business, leadership, and ethics. The viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
The Pre-Screening Guide should be completed before viewing the film. The Viewing Guide splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the one page Worksheet.
On the worksheet, your students will analyze the content of the movie in regards to economics and business topics such as leadership, business, influence, improvements/innovations, and ethics.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Guide with basic questions about business ethics and leadership.
★ The Viewing Guide that is split into four labeled sections.
★ The Post-Screening Guide that ties in business, leadership, and ethics to the content of the film.
★ The document also includes a document listing all content in the film that is tied into the PG-13 Rating and a permission form that can be signed by parents before using it with your class.
Required Materials:
★ The Devil Wears Prada DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Stations Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - State Legislatures
Station 2 - Who Are Your Legislators?
Station 3 - Types of Legislation
Station 4 - Your Legislature in the News
Station 5 - Interest Groups in the Legislature
Station 6 - Vocabulary Review
Lesson Setup and Format:
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten to fifteen minutes. The entire lesson will take between sixty to ninety minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for two of the stations, a student answer sheet, and a sample completed answer sheet.
★ The document includes a link to create copies of each component of the lesson so it can be adapted for your individual classroom (if needed).
Required Materials:
★ One of the stations require devices for watching a video on YouTube. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Add an element of fun to your Business classes with this “Jurassic World” Movie Viewing Guide and Worksheet!
This movie can be used as a review of the principles of entrepreneurship, customer service, business practices, liabilities, and risks. The viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
The Pre-Screening Guide should be completed before viewing the film and includes basic questions relating to starting a business, gaining customers, funding a business, and managing risks.
The Viewing Guide is two pages and splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the one page Worksheet.
The post-screening worksheet asks students to consider how the characters in the movie handled business related topics throughout the film such as risks, target markets, characteristics of entrepreneurs, customer satisfaction, and business expenses.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Worksheet is designed to serve as an introduction to business and the film
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie
★ The Post-Screening Worksheet is designed to be completed after students have viewing the movie in its entirety.
Required Materials:
★ Jurassic World DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add another interesting element to your World War II Unit with this Midway pre-screening guide, viewing guide, and research worksheet.
This movie can be used as an introduction or supplemental activity for your World War II unit and the viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
This lesson includes a pre-screening activity with basic questions about the time period that will require students to conduct a little bit of research.
The viewing guide is split into four sections to go along with the movie. Each of the four sections contains questions that are designed to make students think about the people and ideas at play in the film as well as to ensure that students are paying attention to the plot.
There is also a post-screening activity sheet that asks specific questions about the content in the film and asks students to compare the movie to actual historical events.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Worksheet is designed to serve as an introduction or review of World War II.
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie.
★ The Post-Screening Worksheet is designed to be completed after students have viewed the movie in its entirety.
Included Documents
★ A Parent Permission form to send home with students before viewing the film.
★ A document of editing notes that can be used to edit the film for content. (I use this to edit the film in iMovie to make it suitable for viewing with my school standards.)
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie.
Movie Synopsis:
MIDWAY centers on the Battle of Midway, a clash between the American fleet and the Imperial Japanese Navy which marked a pivotal turning point in the Pacific Theater during WWII. The film, based on the real-life events of this heroic feat, tells the story of the leaders and soldiers who used their instincts, fortitude and bravery to overcome the odds.
Required Materials:
★ Midway (2017) DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add an element of fun to your entrepreneurship unit with this “The Greatest Showman” Movie Viewing Guide and Worksheets!
This movie can be used as a review of the principles of entrepreneurship and small business ownership and the viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
The Pre-Screening Guide should be completed before viewing the film. The Viewing Guide splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the one page Worksheet.
On the worksheet, your students will analyze the content of the movie in regards to economics topics such as entrepreneurship, business, investments, and small businesses.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Guide with basic questions about entrepreneurship.
★ The Viewing Guide that is split into four labeled sections.
★ The Post-Screening Guide that ties in entrepreneurship and the content of the film.
What is Included:
★ A Google Slides document that hosts all worksheets and the viewing guide
★ A Google Forms Version of the Movie Guide, Pre-Screening Activity, and worksheet are included.
★ Both the Slides and Google Forms can be customized to meet your specific needs.
Plot Summary:
Orphaned, penniless, but ambitious and with a mind crammed with imagination and fresh ideas, the American entertainer, Phineas Taylor Barnum, will always be remembered as the man with the gift to blur the line between reality and fiction. Thirsty for innovation and hungry for success, the son of a tailor manages to open a wax museum; however, he soon shifts focus to the unique and the peculiar, introducing extraordinary, never-seen-before live acts on the circus stage. Now, some people call Barnum’s rich collection of oddities, an outright freak show; but, when Phineas, obsessed for cheers and respectability, gambles everything on the opera singer, Jenny Lind, to appeal to a high-brow audience, he will lose sight of the most crucial aspect of his life: his family. Will Barnum, the greatest showman, risk it all to be accepted?
Required Materials:
★ The Greatest Showman DVD or Streaming Capabilities
This movie can be used as a review for your Westward Expansion unit and the viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film.
The viewing guide is split into four sections to go along with the movie. Each of the four sections contains questions that are designed to make students think about the people and ideas at play in the film as well as to ensure that students are paying attention to the plot.
I show this movie after showing select episodes of “Ken Burns: The West” with History Through Film and US History Classes.
Included Documents
★ A Parent Permission form to send home with students before viewing the film.
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie.
Movie Synopsis:
In the 1880s, after the U. S. Army’s defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, the government continues to push Sioux Indians off their land. In Washington, D.C., Senator Henry Dawes (Aidan Quinn) introduces legislation to protect Native Americans rights. In South Dakota, schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Anna Paquin) joins Sioux native and Western-educated Dr. Charles Eastman in working with tribe members. Meanwhile, Lakota Chief Sitting Bull refuses to give into mounting government pressures.
Note: Please be aware of that there are instances of language and violent battle sequences in this film. Please screen the movie before showing it to your students.
Required Materials:
★ Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add an element of fun to your Computer Science unit with this “Wreck It Ralph” Movie Viewing Guide!
This movie can be used as a review or introduction to basic computer science principles. The viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film. Some of the questions revolve around how programming influences the characters, computer viruses, and network connections. Students can complete this lesson with very little background knowledge of the topic.
The Viewing Guide is two pages and splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the Worksheet.
On the post-screening worksheet, your students will answer specific questions about the content in the film and think about the decisions made in the film in regards to basic computer science and game design principles.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Worksheet is designed to serve as an introduction or review of basic computer science and game design principles.
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie.
★ The Post-Screening Worksheet is designed to be completed after students have viewed the movie in its entirety.
Movie Synopsis:
Four high school kids discover an old video game console and are drawn into the game’s jungle setting, literally becoming the adult avatars they chose. What they discover is that you don’t just play Jumanji - you must survive it. To beat the game and return to the real world, they’ll have to go on the most dangerous adventure of their lives, discover what Alan Parrish left 20 years ago, and change the way they think about themselves - or they’ll be stuck in the game forever.
Required Materials:
★ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Add an element of fun to your Personal Finances unit with this “Up” Movie Viewing Guide and Worksheet!
This movie can be used as a review of the principles of personal finances and preparing for retirement. The viewing guide is designed to help insure that students are paying attention and thinking about the information presented in the film, and is not specifically about the financial aspects of the film. The Pre- and Post-Screening worksheets are associated with the personal financial literacy elements of this lesson. Students will review types of budgeting and methods used to prepare for retirement.
The Viewing Guide is two pages and splits the movie into four parts. (The parts are labeled for you on the Viewing Guide.) Once your students have completed the Movie Viewing Guide, they can move on to the one page Worksheet.
How the Lesson Works:
★ The Pre-Screening Worksheet is designed to serve as an introduction to personal finances and the film
★ The Viewing Guide is split into four sections with short answer, true/false, and multiple choice questions from the movie
★ The Post-Screening Worksheet is designed to be completed after students have viewing the movie in its entirety.
Required Materials:
★ Up DVD or Streaming Capabilities
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - Basics of the Industrial Revolution (Reading Comprehension)
Station 2 - Fill in the Blanks (Reviewing Basic Concepts)
Station 3 - Important People (Important Figures from the Industrial Revolution)
Station 4 - New Ideas (Inventions of the Industrial Revolution)
Station 5 - Now & Then (Video Clip w/Compare and Contrast Activity)
Station 6 - Vocabulary (Vocabulary Review)
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for three of the stations, a student answer sheet, a sample completed answer sheet, a Notes for Teachers document explaining each station with tips and tricks.
★ All files come in a PDF format.
Required Materials:
★ Two of the stations require devices for watching videos on YouTube and listening to a song saved on Google Drive. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - Determining Creditworthiness (w/scenarios)
Station 2 - Vocabulary Review
Station 3 - The Small Business Administration (Loans and Services Offered)
Station 4 - Types of Financing
Station 5 - Working with Investors (Video and Assessment Questions)
Station 6 - Brainstorming Startup Costs
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for three of the stations, a student answer sheet, and a Notes for Teachers document.
★ All files come in a PDF format.
Required Materials:
★ One of the station requires a device for watching videos on YouTube and visiting the website for the BBB. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Looking for a fun way to get your students interested in Personal Finance concepts that will be useful in their everyday lives? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students interested in learning more about the financial concepts involved with managing their money in the future. The lesson is designed to give students an introduction to several different concepts so they have a basic understanding of how each will work. From there, you can continue into a more in-depth personal finance unit for a deeper dive into the ideas.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to learn about the following topics:
Station 1 - Creating a Budget (Using the 50/30/20 Method)
Station 2 - Vocabulary Review
Station 3 - Taxes and Refunds (Filling out a tax calculator using a provided W-2)
Station 4 - Is College Worth the Cost?
Station 5 - Renting vs. Buying a Home
Station 6 - Preparing for Retirement (Looking at careers and salaries and planning based on those numbers)
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten to fifteen minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty to ninety minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
What is Included?
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for three of the stations, a student answer sheet, a sample completed answer sheet, a Notes for Teachers document explaining each station with tips and tricks.
★ All files come in a PDF format with links to create editable copies.
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit. And the best part…there is no prep work for you! Just print out the lesson and you’re ready to have fun and conduct an engaging lesson with your students.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - Basics of the Enlightenment (Article w/Questions)
Station 2 - Two Truths and a Lie (Vocabulary Review)
Station 3 - Influential Ideas (Reviewing five of the main ideas from the time and explaining how they relate to the modern world)
Station 4 - Who, What, When, and Where? (Timeline Creation w/Research)
Station 5 - Monarchs of the Enlightenment (Watching a video about Enlightened Despotism and responding to a writing prompt)
Station 6 - Oh Snap! (Important Figures from the Enlightenment)
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for three of the stations, a student answer sheet, and a Notes for Teachers document.
★ All files come in a PDF format.
Required Materials:
★ One of the stations requires a device for watching videos on YouTube. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - Basics of the 4th Amendment
Station 2 - Get Creative
Station 3 - Pros and Cons of DNA Databases
Station 4 - What’s Your Thought
Station 5 - Facial Recognition in Schools
Station 6 - Brain Break
Lesson Setup and Format
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten to fifteen minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for three of the stations, a student answer sheet, a sample completed answer sheet, a Notes for Teachers document explaining each station with tips and tricks.
★ All files come in Google Apps format.
Required Materials:
★ One of the stations require devices for watching a video on Google Drive YouTube and two stations have optional digital versions of the articles that can be used in place of the printed versions. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Stations Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - The Road to the White House
Station 2 - Presidential Elections in America
Station 3 - Mapping the Vote
Station 4 - Choosing a Running Mate
Station 5 - Financing Presidential Campaigns
Station 6 - Two Truths and a Lie
Lesson Setup and Format:
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten to fifteen minutes. The entire lesson will take between sixty to ninety minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for one of the stations, a student answer sheet, and a sample completed answer sheet.
★ The document includes a link to create copies of each component of the lesson so it can be adapted for your individual classroom (if needed).
Required Materials:
★ One of the stations require devices for watching a video on YouTube. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit. And the best part…there is no prep work for you! Just print out the lesson and you’re ready to have fun and conduct an engaging lesson with your students.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - Technological Advances in World War I
Station 2 - Important Events
Station 3 - Researching World War I
Station 4 - American Entry into World War I
Station 5 - Life in the Trenches
Station 6 - Sketch It
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for four of the stations, a student answer sheet, and a sample answer key for teachers.
★ All files come in a PDF format.
Required Materials:
★ One of the stations requires a device for watching videos on YouTube. Any device with an internet connection will work.
Looking for a fun way to get your students talking, moving, and collaborating? Look no further!
This Station Activity will get your students moving while introducing them to the content that will learn throughout the unit. And the best part…there is no prep work for you! Just print out the lesson and you’re ready to have fun and conduct an engaging lesson with your students.
How the Lesson Works:
★ This lesson is made up of six stations that will allow your students to discuss the following topics:
Station 1 - The United States’ Expansion
Station 2 - Tell Me About… (Important People)
Station 3 - Can You Imagine Life Without… (Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.)
Station 4 - France’s Failed Emperor (Video w/Review Questions)
Station 5 - What’s the Difference? (Suffragette Movements in Great Britain and America)
Station 6 - Oh Snap! (Important Events from the Era)
★ This activity can be completed by individual students or by teams of students with one answer sheet.
★ The stations are designed to be completed in ten minutes. The entire lesson will take sixty minutes to complete.
★ Many of the stations involve writing opinions rather than facts, so there is not always necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. I’ve included a sample answer sheet to give you an idea of how students can respond to these prompts.
★ This purchase includes the six station cards, supplemental files for four of the stations, a student answer sheet, and a sample answer key for teachers.
★ All files come in a PDF format.
Required Materials:
★ One of the stations requires a device for watching videos on YouTube. Any device with an internet connection will work.