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Spooky Halloween Math Collection

Spooky Halloween Math Collection

A seasonal math worksheet, Use as homework, morning work or a quick Do Now! This packet includes 34 Practice worksheets set. Students are to write the missing numbers, before, after and between numbers. Addition, subtraction sheets are included.Great for a homework or morning work. Halloween Color by Number is a packet of different printables with a Halloween theme where students can use their skills in mathematics to create a series of colorful Halloween pictures and solve addition and subtraction questions. Each printable is aligned with the Common Core standards for kindergarten mathematics to make it easier for you to incorporate these printables into your curriculum. This packet also includes shapes set. (Everything about 8 shapes for your kiddos) reading sentences about shape draw shapes on dotted draw themselves This recourse has a set of coloring pages. These are: coloring by code coloring by addition coloring by subtraction coloring as your students choice Students can color in all sheets on the color key found underneath each picture. When all of the sheets have been colored in, the picture will be revealed. You can use these in your class as enrichment, Friday fun, homework, work for early finishers or as part of your daily math lesson. . Questions/Materials include: Play doh mats sheet (ten frames) Recognition shapes sheets(8 shapes) Reading sentences about shapes + draw dotted shapes, draw themselves Addition, Subtraction sheets 2 Before Worksheets (pumpkin patch counting 1-10/11-20) 2 After Worksheets (pumpkin patch counting 1-10/11-20) 2 In Between Worksheets(pumpkin patch counting 1-10/11-20) color by number code, color by addition, color by subtraction Terms of use Page Common Core aligned! 37 Sheets in all


This packet includes addition and subtraction worksheets. These worksheets are use for classwork, homework, back to school work, summer vacations work and winter holidays. In this activity you will find an intresting way for students early years. Your kiddos will love to learn about addition and subtraction. With the use of these pages, the students will feel motivated to practice concepts they have learned; such as add more, crossing out etc. This packet includes a FUN of drawing. Your kiddos will draw the different pictures to solve the addition. I hope you will found this product helpful! I welcome questions about this or any other of my product.
Counting to 10 Strip Puzzles

Counting to 10 Strip Puzzles

Strip puzzles for counting to 10 are reusable educational materials. They consist of strips with numbers and corresponding images. After laminating them, children can repeatedly arrange the strips in the correct numerical order, reinforcing counting skills and providing long-lasting learning opportunities. These 1-10 counting strip puzzles numbers recognition and fine motor skill development. Ideal for preschoolers and kindergarteners, they involve identifying and matching numbers. These puzzles are a low-prep activity, and students can enhance fine motor skills by cutting and gluing them into their journals.
Number Puzzles with Colors

Number Puzzles with Colors

Numbers : Numbers Number Puzzles Math Centers This numbers puzzle set includes 10 colorful puzzles for numbers one to ten. This packet also includes 10 black & white puzzles for numbers one to ten. This is in PDF format which you can print, cut and laminate and use in your Numbers ~ Math Center. Please leave your feedback! Please hit the follow button for update and freebies! Enjoy! numbers puzzles | number | numbers | puzzles
Meet The Shapes

Meet The Shapes

This packet includes two shapes classroom poster and two activities. which will helpful to make the correct shapes.You can use also play dough to make the shapes. The following activities are included: Make the shapes Colour and fun I hope that you will found this product helpful! I welcome questions about this or any other of my product. This product is a fantastic way to learn about shapes in an interactive way! It is a great resource for students to refer back to.
How many are there?

How many are there?

This packet includes 1-15 counting which will helpful to identify numbers.I hope that you will found this product helpful! I welcome questions about this or any other of my product.
Dr. Seuss Dot to Dot Activity Sheets

Dr. Seuss Dot to Dot Activity Sheets

Celebrate Read Across America Week with this Dr. Seuss activity pack! With 10 total pages. ** Kids love dot to dot!** These activities pages contains ten pages of Dr. Seuss based theme dot to dot worksheets. This is a great way to have your students practice their numbers. Worksheets range from numbers 1 to 30, 0 to 20 and 0 to 15. Please download the Preview File to see all that is included. Thanks! Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. I sincerely hope, you found this activity useful and students would enjoy doing it. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Number Flashcards 0-100 (Christmas Holidays, Santa Hat)

Number Flashcards 0-100 (Christmas Holidays, Santa Hat)

These NUMBER flash cards are perfect for introducing numbers and their recognition to students. These math flashcards will keep your students engaged for a long time!!! Perfect for Math Centers! Number Flashcards 0-100 : These cards can be used in many different ways. They can be cut apart and laminated to be part of a math center or made for each student to practice. Students can use these cards to practice number recognition or to practice putting numbers in order.
Color by Code Number Sense Activity and Worksheets

Color by Code Number Sense Activity and Worksheets

This Halloween Theme color by code set is a fun and engaging way for students to practice number sense skills. Students will count numbers and use the color by number code to shade in each section of the picture. This is a low-prep activity designed to save you time. Simply print and go. Use heavy paper and laminate for write and wipe activity. Pages are in black lines only. These would make great activities for math centers, morning work, or early finishers, as independent work, homework, and more ! Numbers included? 0-5 5-10 11-15 16-20 Even, Odd What is included? 13 color by numbers worksheets Thank you for purchasing, downloading, browsing, following and inspiring! I hope this brings your students excitement and makes your job a little easier! If you find anything in this packet that needs to be reworked or might work better for your students, please let me know and I will be happy to rework any activity/packet that you have purchased to fit your needs. FEEDBACK I truly appreciate feedback. It helps me decide which products are most helpful and valuable for your students. The feedback you provide helps me make my products better to suit your needs. I Love to create so if there is anything that you might need or want to make your job easier, just let me know! To Earn Credit for Future Purchases, Go to My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback Link. Click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment about the product. Why is feedback so important? Each time you give feedback, you earn TPT credits that you can use to lower the cost of your future purchases.
Number Puzzles (Skip Counting: By 2s, to 10s, & Backwards 10-1)

Number Puzzles (Skip Counting: By 2s, to 10s, & Backwards 10-1)

I love watching kids learning to play with numbers, but I’ve noticed that there are specific areas where they tend to get stuck. These number puzzles are perfect for skip counting practice and make learning and review much more interesting and fun! Colored versions are color coded to help with mix up issues. Your students put the puzzles together by placing the numbers in order. When the numbers are in the correct order, the puzzles form a variety of fun pictures. Black and white versions can be colored first, then cut apart by students. For extra practice, have students color patterns on the crayon borders. Simply copy on card stock, laminate, and store in baggies/envelopes for long term use or make individual copies for students to keep and use for homework, morning work, or early finisher work. Includes color and black/white puzzles in this set. You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Remember, leaving feedback earns you points toward free TPT purchases. Also, follow me to be notified when new products are uploaded. Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Math Symbols vocabulary Posters(charts)(Easter day)

Math Symbols vocabulary Posters(charts)(Easter day)

Use these posters or charts to remind your students of basic math symbols and their vocabulary. This set INCLUDES: Multiplication Addition Subtraction Division Equal Sign Great reference to use for students to remberme key math vocabulary words. These posters will guide students when solving a math word problem. Hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Seuss Theme Counting Puzzles (1-100)

Seuss Theme Counting Puzzles (1-100)

Great for Seuss Theme! This set of Read Across America Week number puzzles are a fun and engaging way for your students to practice their counting and number sequencing skills.This pack is differentiated making them adaptable to all learners. These activities focus on numbers 1-100 and skip counting. Number Order and Skip Counting Puzzles for an easy addition to your Math Workstation Centers, independent work activity or partner pair activity. Students also work great as morning or bell work activities or as an activity for fast finishers. These activities are perfect for your Pre K, Kindergarten or homeschool classroom. Several levels are included for easy differentiation: Count by ones to 100 Count by 2’s Count by 3’s Count by 4’s Count by 5’s Count by 6’s Count by 7’s Count by 8’s Count by 9’s Count by10’s all in one packet…** Simple Directions: You will need to print off the number of copies on cardstock or project board, laminate and cut out. These work well for centers, individual work, or whole group. Tips for customers: Please go to your My Purchases page . Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. **I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you! ** Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. I sincerely hope, you found this activity useful and students would enjoy doing it. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com
Seuss Math Worksheets No Prep

Seuss Math Worksheets No Prep

A total of 21 worksheets are included which are great to use Dr. Seuss Week. The Seuss Math Worksheets packet is engaging no prep math activities. This packet is designed for Kindergarten, Prek, 1st grade students and is ideal for morning work, learning centers, homework and early finishers. ** ALL OF THE PAGES ARE IN BLACKLINE ONLY!** Tips for customers: Please go to your My Purchases page . Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Please download the Preview File to see all that is included. Thanks! Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. I sincerely hope, you found this activity useful and students would enjoy doing it. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
St. Patrick's Day Math Worksheets ( No-Prep )

St. Patrick's Day Math Worksheets ( No-Prep )

Looking for fun, no- prep activities during the month of March? In this file, you will find 32 fun-filled St. Patrick’s Day worksheets.These easy no prep St. Patrick’s Day templates are great for incorporating math in the classroom while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. This packet contains 32 blackline masters of worksheets that are great extra practice for your Kindergarten class. These are suitable for March and the St. Patrick’s Day holiday.Students will love practicing their math skills with a fun St. Patrick’s Day theme. Just print and go. St. Patrick Theme math worksheets. This St. Patrick’s Day Worksheets includes: Addition worksheets (2 pages) Subtraction worksheets (2 pages) Smaller number worksheets (2 pages) Larger number worksheets (2 pages) Before, Between, After worksheets (2 pages) Shamrock count and write activity Color, count and write sheet Addition number line Subtraction number line Addition & Subtraction mix number line Shamrock pattern cut and paste activity Continue pattern (draw three more shapes) Numbers name (3 pages) Write the numbers (3 pages) Numbers sentences (3 pages) Makes 10 worksheet Missing number bonds Flat Shapes name (2 pages) Correct shapes name worksheet Color the odd shapes Tips for customers: Please go to your My Purchases page . Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. If you download this file, I would really appreciate your feedback with a friendly comment or rating. This will help me continue to create great products that teachers love! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email me at lubnarauf60@gmail.com.
Patrick's Shamrock Math Puzzles

Patrick's Shamrock Math Puzzles

**Math puzzles are here! St Patrick’s Day Shamrock March Math Puzzles:** Within this set are 4 different types of puzzles. These puzzles are: *Shamrock puzzle: subtraction *Shamrock puzzle: Addition *shamrock puzzle: Multiplication *Shamrock puzzle: Division These puzzles are a quick and fun way to review math facts! This pack makes it super easy to differentiate for your kiddos. March Math Puzzles are a great option for your early finishers, math centers, enrichment opportunities, morning work, or even intervention groups. Each puzzle focuses on a math skill. Each puzzle piece has a math problem for the student to solve. Then the student assembles the puzzle by putting their pieces in order from problem to answer. Simple Directions: Simply copy on card stock, laminate, and store in baggies/envelopes for long term use or make individual copies for students to keep and use for homework, morning work, or early finisher work. Tips for customers: Please go to your My Purchases page . Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you! Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. I sincerely hope, you found this activity useful and students would enjoy doing it. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for: • Your own personal use and • single classroom only You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Hope you enjoy this! Thank you! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com
Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Patrick's theme)

Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Patrick's theme)

How does this resource excite and engage children’s learning? A fun way for children to learn their times tables and test themselves on both the multiplication and counting fact. These simple multiplication table puzzles from 0 to 20 & counting 0 to 100 in Patrick’s theme. With the help of these times tables, your pupils will perfect their 0 to 20 times tables in a fast-paced and educational activity.The activity encourages pupils to consider both the multiplication times tables and counting elements of puzzles. ** These puzzles are:** 0 times table 1 times table 2 times table 3 times table 4 times table 5 times table 6 times table 7 times table 8 times table 9 times table 10 times table 11 times table 12 times table 13 times table 14 times table 15 times table 16 times table 17 times table 18 times table 19 times table 20 times table 1 to 100 counting 100 to 1000 10000 to 20000 You can use these puzzles in school, at home or on the go! The great thing about puzzles is that they’re simple to use and provide instant feedback. Simple Directions: Simply copy on card stock, laminate, and store in baggies/envelopes for long term use or make individual copies for students to keep and use for homework, morning work, or early finisher work. You’ll be able to base lessons around this times tables & counting activities, use them in short exercises and use them at home. Learning times tables & counting are easy thanks to these puzzles. If you like this product, please follow my store by clicking the green ‘follow me’ at the top of my store page. This will keep you up to date regarding the latest sales and freebies in my store! Also, remember, leaving feedback .
Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Seuss theme)

Multiplication times table puzzles and counting(Seuss theme)

How does this resource excite and engage children’s learning? A fun way for children to learn their times tables and test themselves on both the multiplication and counting fact. These simple multiplication table puzzles from 0 to 20 & counting 0 to 100 in Dr.Seuss theme. With the help of these times tables, your pupils will perfect their 0 to 20 times tables in a fast-paced and educational activity.The activity encourages pupils to consider both the multiplication times tables and counting elements of puzzles. These puzzles are: 0 times table 1 times table 2 times table 3 times table 4 times table 5 times table 6 times table 7 times table 8 times table 9 times table 10 times table 11 times table 12 times table 13 times table 14 times table 15 times table 16 times table 17 times table 18 times table 19 times table 20 times table 1 to 100 counting 100 to 1000 10000 to 20000 You can use these puzzles in school, at home or on the go! The great thing about puzzles is that they’re simple to use and provide instant feedback. Simple Directions: Simply copy on card stock, laminate, and store in baggies/envelopes for long term use or make individual copies for students to keep and use for homework, morning work, or early finisher work. You’ll be able to base lessons around this times tables & counting activities, use them in short exercises and use them at home. Learning times tables & counting are easy thanks to these puzzles. If you like this product, please follow my store by clicking the green ‘follow me’ at the top of my store page. This will keep you up to date regarding the latest sales and freebies in my store! Also, remember, leaving feedback .


COUNTING ACTIVITY (NUMBERS 1-10 PUZZLE CARDS) This hands-on fun pack, containing 20 puzzle cards, is a fun resource for your Math center. Children have to count the ten frames (1-10) and match the puzzles. Your students will have fun finding the corresponding number and numbers name. The perfect resource to motivate your students! Perfect for math centers, small group activities or early finishers. PREP: Print the clip cards on cardstock and laminate (for extra durability) Cut them and you’re READY TO GO! You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following: Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave feedback even if it’s just two words. Thank you!
Halloween Addition with Regrouping Task Cards

Halloween Addition with Regrouping Task Cards

Halloween Freebie! These cards can be used for math centres, general addition practice, start of year independent work and of course just to capture your students attention for math fun. Looking for a quick and fun activity to get your students practicing addition with regrouping?! These 16 task cards are an easy way to get your kiddos moving and in the** Halloween spirit! ** **If laminated students can write on them with dry erase markers. ** If you enjoy this product please consider leaving positive feedback so that you will receive credit for future products.If you have any concerns or any of my resources are not what you expected, please contact me first before leaving feedback so I can have a chance to fix it for you! You can email me at lubnarauf60@gmail.com • Be the first to know when I upload new products, discounts and freebies by clicking on the green star next to my store logo to become a follower! These work well for a Halloween theme in October.
Halloween Subtraction with Regrouping Task Cards

Halloween Subtraction with Regrouping Task Cards

Halloween Freebie! **These cards can be used for math centres, general addition practice, start of year independent work and of course just to capture your students attention for math fun. ** Looking for a quick and fun activity to get your students practicing subtraction with regrouping?! These 16 task cards are an easy way to get your kiddos moving and in the Halloween spirit! **If laminated students can write on them with dry erase markers. ** If you enjoy this product please consider leaving positive feedback so that you will receive credit for future products.If you have any concerns or any of my resources are not what you expected, please contact me first before leaving feedback so I can have a chance to fix it for you! You can email me at lubnarauf60@gmail.com • Be the first to know when I upload new products, discounts and freebies by clicking on the green star next to my store logo to become a follower! These work well for a Halloween theme in October.