Suffixes - Meerkat Mail
Can I find and sort suffixes?
Can I write a sentence using the suffix?
LA and HA diff
Year 2 - meerkat mail - exclamations, questions and statements
Year 2 - meerkat mail - exclamations, questions and statements. Game - dice rolling. HA and LA.
Can I learn about the process it took to become a knight? Can I learn about medieval knights?
Can I learn about the process it took to become a knight?
Can I learn about medieval knights?
Differentiated LA and HA.
Year 2 - money observation lesson
adding 2 and 3 digit numbers. LA, MA and HA differentiated activities. Various challnges and whole lesson.
Handa's surprise - Editing lesson. Differentiated.
Handa’s surprise - Editing lesson. Differentiated.
YEAR 2 - Can I count in 2s, 5s, and 10s? week worth of lessons
YEAR 2 - Can I count in 2s, 5s, and 10s? week worth of lessons
Grandad's island mood/emotion graph - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad’s island mood/emotion graph - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad's island locational preposition - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad’s island locational preposition - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad's island noun phrases - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad’s island noun phrases - differentiated ks1/year 2
recognising half past, o’clock and quarter past
Can I recognise half past, o’clock and quarter past?
Can I begin to convert hours into minutes?
differentiated activities year 1/2/3
Grandad's island -ed suffix - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad’s island -ed suffix - differentiated ks1/year 2
Should plastic straws be banned? KS1 plastic pollution
Should plastic straws be banned? KS1 plastic pollution
powerpoint, facts about straws and different view points for and against plastic straws. Sort facts into for and against. Worksheet to write opinion and present in groups to class.
YEAR 1/2 place value treasure hunt
YEAR 1/2 place value treasure hunt
Can I add and subtract two one-digit numbers and compare calculations? year 2
Can I add and subtract two one-digit numbers and compare calculations? year 2 differentiated
Place value year 2 - representing numbers / comparing numbers
Can compare 2 digit numbers using both pictorial representations and numbers?
Can I use a place value chart?
Can I recognise the value of each digit in a 2-digit number?
Can I recognise the value of each digit in a 2-digit number?
Recognising half past, quarter past and quarter to.
Can I recognise half past, quarter past and quarter to?
Can I draw the hands on a clock to show a time given to me in words?
differentiated activities with extra challenge and extension
Can I calculate 1 more, 1 less and 10 more, 10 less than any number up to 100?
Can I calculate 1 more, 1 less and 10 more, 10 less than any number up to 100? differentiated and challenged included.
Can I compare more than/less than statements?
Can I compare more than/less than statements?
Design your very own coat of arms!
Design your own coat of arms.
Can I create a personal Coat of Arms based on the traditional colours and symbols of Middle Ages heraldry?
numberline and collumn addition year 2
numberline and collumn addition year 2 differentiated worksheets