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Year 4 Earth and Space Bundle

Year 4 Earth and Space Bundle

A bundle I used during a 5 week teaching sequence on Earth and Space in science. Please note; you will need Notebook in order to access the main teaching slides. The slides demonstrate new learning, have the necessary links to web pages and explain how each task needs to be completed. The documents (planning and activities) attached are word documents. Some of the images of these look a little odd - when they are downloaded, everything will go back into the correct place on the document. Lesson/planning overview: 1 - exploring evidence cards linked to the shape of the Earth (flat/spherical) and having a class debate about this before learning that the Earth, sun and moon are approximate spherical bodies 2 - researching key facts about the 8 planets using the internet. Children will then have Top Trump style cards to fill in linked to the 8 planets. Facts will include; distance from sun; orbit of sun; length of day; number of moons; mass; temperature; and explaining if it’s a gas or rocky planet. 3 - learning about the heliocentric/geocentric theory. Children will then make a human model of the heliocentric theory in small groups. 4 - learning about day and night, linking this to time zones. Children will then draw a diagram and label/explain how day and night is formed 5 - learning about phases of the moon and making a ‘phases of the moon’ pin wheel. One lesson (lesson 3) has an extension. There are scaffolds for emerging/working towards children in many of the lessons. I have also attached some of the documents I used as part of my display board. Enjoy!
Year 4 Science - Electricity

Year 4 Science - Electricity

A bundle I used during a 6 week teaching sequence on electricity in science. Please note; you will need Notebook in order to access the main teaching slides. The slides demonstrate new learning, have the necessary links to web pages and explain how each task needs to be completed. The documents (planning and activities) attached are word documents. Some of the images of these look a little odd - when they are downloaded, everything will go back into the correct place on the document. Lesson/planning overview: 1 - learning what electricity is and identifying electrical & non-electrical items. Children can write/draw or cut and stick pictures and put these into a table. 2 - learning about electrical safety using a web link. They will then use this to make an electrical safety poster. 3 - using circuit equipment to make a simple circuit. This is purely a practical lesson. 4 - using circuit cards to predict if the circuit will/will not work and why. They will record these predictions down on the attached documents. Children will then test out their prediction using equipment. 5 - learning what insulators/conductors are and predicting which materials fit into which of these categories before testing it out. They will do this using a table provided. 6 - learning what a switch is and making their own switches out of everyday equipment e.g. bull dog clips, cardboard and split pins! Most lessons have an extension. My class LOVED this sequence and it was a great introduction for them into electricity. Enjoy!