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Spanish Festivals: San Fermin - Spanish KS4 AQA Reading A

Spanish Festivals: San Fermin - Spanish KS4 AQA Reading A

This is the lesson that I have prepared for my y9/y10 in relation to the topic of Spanish culture (Festivals & Celebrations). The lesson starts with the starter about food (it was previous topic and I always try to link things together) and following review of lesson outcomes we move onto to trying to recite a tongue twister (plus a cultural SMSC tip!). Students will then recap on regular verbs conjugation in present tense and learn new / revise already known vocabulary on the topic of San Fermin celebration using Quizlet and Quizlet live tools. I have then included a video (see link) of Rosa from SpanishPod101 (see their channel in youtube) describing the celebration of San Fermin. Even though the video is in Spanish and Rosa speaks really quickly, there are subtitles in English so that all students have a chance to listen to a native speaker and at the same time understand what the video is about (note: I personally find the Spanishpod101 videos amazing as they address quite a few cultural / grammar / pronunciation and other aspects so I would recommend letting your students know that a lot of resources are available for free. Consequently, students answer quiz questions about the video and move on to Reading activity. They read the text aloud, search for cognates and keywords and finally answer the questions that I have tried to create in the style of AQA Higher Reading Section A. Please note that there is also a handout to make the task easier and faster to access. Enjoy!
Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3/KS4 French AQA - Christmas project

Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3/KS4 French AQA - Christmas project

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my KS3/lower KS4 French students. The idea is to promote independent learning via research. Students have to research information about French Christmas, compare the traditions with the ones in Britain and to create a presentation / poster. Students decide on the task, the roles and start researching relevant information using their iPads (one of the students needs to summarise the information that others found). There is also a designer and an analyst (usually the most attaining student in the group. Enjoy!
Town research project for KS3/KS4 Spanish - Mi ciudad favorita

Town research project for KS3/KS4 Spanish - Mi ciudad favorita

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my year 8 Spanish students. It can also be used for year 9 as the model answer has quite a list of grammar / some more can be added. The idea is to promote independent learning via research. There are two choices: a documentary about your favourite town in England (in my case it is Manchester) or an interview with a football player about his town in Spain ( I chose Madrid). Students decide on the task, the roles and start researching relevant information using their iPads (one of the students needs to summarise the information that others found). They then have to prepare a script in Spanish and to make a video using iMovie or any other video application. If there is little time I would suggest them to present it and I would film it. The whole process takes about 2 lessons and is perfect for the end of the topic as you can incorporate all of the structures / vocabulary learned during the term!
Town research project for KS3/KS4 French - Ma ville préférée

Town research project for KS3/KS4 French - Ma ville préférée

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my year 8 French students. It can also be used for year 9 as the model answer has quite a list of grammar / some more can be added. The idea is to promote independent learning via research. There are two choices: a documentary about your favourite town in England (in my case it is Manchester) or an interview with a football player about his town in France( I chose Paris). Students decide on the task, the roles and start researching relevant information using their iPads (one of the students needs to summarise the information that others found). They then have to prepare a script in French and to make a video using iMovie or any other video application. If there is little time I would suggest them to present it and I would film it. The whole process takes about 2 lessons and is perfect for the end of the topic as you can incorporate all of the structures / vocabulary learned during the term!
KS4 Spanish Halloween El Dia de los Muertos (AQA GCSE)

KS4 Spanish Halloween El Dia de los Muertos (AQA GCSE)

This is a lesson which I prepared for my KS4 Spanish groups for the end of the term. It includes one of my favourite starters - students have to analyse the overview of the cartoon - The Book of Life - and choose a task according to their level. You would then check the answers and would move on to explaining the lesson outcomes. Then they would have some fun with a tongue twister, working on their pronunciation of ‘Br’ sound (one of their favourite thing to do every lesson - easy to find and to tick SMSC, engagement, phonics and oracy points).Then I have included a mind map mini-plenary for them to revise the festivities/celebrations vocabulary. It is then followed by the new vocabulary introduction with a quizlet and quizlet live games. A short Rally coach activity is included for them to consolidate the vocabulary and to practice translating topic-related sentences. I have then arranged for a listening / reading activity using one of the youtube videos of the SpanishPod101 about Halloween. The lady speaks fast but there are Spanish and English subtitles at the bottom to assist students with understanding the video. They would answer the listening questions as they listen to /watch the video. The next task is Reading (Section B) - they need to insert the correct words in the text about the Day of the Dead followed by the AQA skill-based self-assessment. Finally, the ‘words’ snake’ plenary that students totally love - they have to work in groups remembering topi-specific vocabulary. Enjoy!
Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3 French - Bon voyage  (Holidays) (AQA new spec)

Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3 French - Bon voyage (Holidays) (AQA new spec)

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my year 7 French students. The writing example can be easily adapted if more structures are to be added. The idea is to promote independent learning via research. Students have to research information about the place that they would like to visit (any place in world really but I encouraged to visit France). Students decide on the task and start researching relevant information about the chosen location using their iPads/ Chromebooks. At the same time they create a poster or a travel brochure with pop-up images (!!!) about the chosen location. During the second lesson they distribute the writing task bullet points in-between the members of the group and complete a piece of writing as per success criteria and model answer. In the end they stick their written notes (or attach them) to their poster /travel brochure. The whole process takes about 2 lessons and is perfect for the end of the topic as you can incorporate all of the structures / vocabulary learned during the term! Note: the writing example is oriented on the revision of tenses studied this year, holidays, weather and location vocabulary. Please let me know if you have any other ideas on how this project can be implemented. If you still have some time left you can enjoy few games I have inserted to simply have fun during the (possibly) last lesson of the year.
Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3/KS4 Spanish AQA - Christmas project

Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3/KS4 Spanish AQA - Christmas project

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my KS3/lower KS4 Spanish students. The idea is to promote independent learning via research.Students have to research information about Spanish Christmas, compare the traditions with the ones in Britain and to create a presentation / poster. Students decide on the task, the roles and start researching relevant information using their iPads (one of the students needs to summarise the information that others found). There is also a designer and an analyst (usually the most attaining student in the group. Enjoy!
Research project for KS3/KS4 Spanish - My school

Research project for KS3/KS4 Spanish - My school

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my year 9 Spanish students. It can also be used for older students as the model answer has quite a list of grammar / some more can be added. The idea is to promote independent learning via research. There are two choices: a documentary about your school or an interview with between a student from your school and a school in Spain. Students decide on the task, the roles and start researching relevant information using their iPads (one of the students needs to summarise the information that others found). They then have to prepare a script in Spanish and to make a video using iMovie or any other video application. If there is little time I would suggest them to present it and I would film it. The whole process takes about 2 lessons and is perfect for the end of the topic as you can incorporate all of the structures / vocabulary learned during the term!
Spanish Verb conjugation games (AQA GCSE/KS3)

Spanish Verb conjugation games (AQA GCSE/KS3)

This is a collection of verb conjugation games that I decided to share. I would use them for pretty much all age groups, both KS3 and KS4, GCSE both tiers. They can be easily amended to suit the grammar topics that you wish to reinforce / revise / introduce. The templates can also be easily reused for French. See enclosed: Snakes and ladders slide (you can amend the squares and it is short enough to serve as a 5-10 minutes activity; The dice game to revise verbs conjugations (differentiated). I included a slide with rules of the game, a template to create your own and an origami instructions to make it more hands on. Dice conjugation (differentiated) - I would mostly suggest it for KS4 students as it is easier to differentiate. Students have a board with verbs and they need to roll dices to ascertain the personal pronoun that they apply to the infinitive on the board. My students totally loved it! Let me know how it goes!
KS3 KS4 Spanish - SKILLS - How to use a dictionary effectively / Aste Nagusia

KS3 KS4 Spanish - SKILLS - How to use a dictionary effectively / Aste Nagusia

This is the resource that I have prepared for both GCSE and KS3 classes. It can be used as a template as the only thing you would change is the text and the words. I believe the full set of slides needs to be used several times until a group of students remember the sequence of actions. The only thing left is to continue revisiting to gain confidence in using the dictionary! The text that I chose to introduce this task is based upon short cultural texts on the topics of a Basque festival, Aste Nagusia, and Las Hogueras de San Juan. Students look through the first text and analyse the explanation of different things one can find next to the Spanish word in a dictionary. Then they compete (a game!=team challenge) to translate the words. Then they work in teams to figure out how to use the bi-lingual dictionary effectively - they analyse simple words used in classroom language and try to find their meaning in Spanish at the same time not forgetting to pay attention to gender of the nouns and adjectival agreement (extension - they think of more examples of words they could use). For KS4 students you might add another level of difficulty - include verbs in English in different tenses and let them decide how to correctly translate these verbs in Spanish. Finally they have a look at the second text and try translating it themselves into English (or given words / very simple text if KS3) The most important thing in my point of view is to remember that translating is an art not a precise science! NOTE: I used a dictionary cut outs from the internet which is most likely an extract from Collins Eng-Sp and Sp-Eng dictionary.
AQA GCSE Spanish - Writing (Foundation) answer strategy

AQA GCSE Spanish - Writing (Foundation) answer strategy

3 Resources
These are the templates that I prepared for my higher year 8 Spanish students and early KS4 in relation to answering Writing Foundation Questions 1-4. They include different games and tasks to revise verbs conjugations and vocabulary to answer the questions. I also included the templates for some games and activities. These templates are totally amendable and adaptable to use with different topics and so far worked for my students. Please let me know how it goes!
AQA GCSE Photo card scrabble /  Tarsia games with templates (speaking / writing /revision)

AQA GCSE Photo card scrabble / Tarsia games with templates (speaking / writing /revision)

These are two grammar games that I decided to share. I would use them for pretty much all age groups, both KS3 and KS4, GCSE both tiers. They can be easily amended to suit the grammar topics that you wish to reinforce / revise / introduce. The templates can also be easily reused for French. See enclosed: Photo card scrabble (related to AQA GCSE speaking / writing tasks). I originally thought of this as a game prior to completing an exam task for KS4 students. The pack includes a slide and a scrabble board if you wish to organise an extended activity. Students need to come up with words related to the image, the words should contain 3 or more letters and they should be in Spanish! Tarsia slide and template - an activity to use to revise topic / key vocabulary. Students can either create their own or just cut the one you prepare for them. They need to then match the words / expressions in English with their Spanish equivalents. Let me know how it goes!
Motivational Triggers Lesson - Build and Describe a house! French KS3/KS4 (Christmas Starter)

Motivational Triggers Lesson - Build and Describe a house! French KS3/KS4 (Christmas Starter)

This is the lesson I have made for the motivational triggers week prior to Christmas. This is basically instruction on how to make and describe a house. There is also a detailed guide on how to describe the house using vocabulary on the topic of house, rooms and prepositions of place. My students totally loved the starter. You can find the templates of a ready made house on the internet - there are quite a lot! Enjoy taking pictures!
Opinions and reasons - Spanish- AQA (new spec) GCSE Listening  (Section A) practice

Opinions and reasons - Spanish- AQA (new spec) GCSE Listening (Section A) practice

This is a lesson on opinions and reasons in relation to school facilities and extra-curricular activities for a GCSE Spanish class. The lesson includes a differentiated starter activity to practice translation skills followed by a mini-test on school subjects vocabulary. The new practice phonics when pronouncing new words (see new vocabulary attached - quizlet) followed by the quizlet activity itself. Students are to choose what quizlet task they want to do based on their level. Then I have included a set of slides to introduce the best way (in my opinion) to approach a listening task. I have wrote the text of the listening myself, based on the New Aqa spec assessment specimen (I read it aloud but you may as well record it). There is also a Rally Coach activity ti consolidate the knowledge of the new vocabulary after they looked at the task. I have then provided them with a hint on how to find an answer by giving them a text of what was said. Finally, they note the answers and write a self/peer assessment. Please note that the penultimate slide is the handout in case you want to make it easier for the students. Enjoy!
Opinions on studies - Spanish- AQA (new spec) GCSE Reading (Section A) practice

Opinions on studies - Spanish- AQA (new spec) GCSE Reading (Section A) practice

This is a lesson on opinions ad subjects for a GCSE Spanish class. The lesson includes a literacy (scramble style) starter, a Mini-test on present tense verbs conjugation ( I often give these ones), a quizlet on the words that would be used in the reading task, and a reading task itself. I am trying to teach them how to approach these tasks in the most effective way so they underline the words they know and find out the ones they do not. I wrote the text myself on the basis of the one from the specimen materials for it to have a similar structure to the one they will see in the exam. Finally they self-assess their work (and learn new words!). I also attach a quiz quiz trade that I have prepared for the end of the lesson to revise the previously learned grammar and vocabulary.
2 versions of AQA GCSE (new from 2016) : Activities in town - Exam practice (Reading, Section C)

2 versions of AQA GCSE (new from 2016) : Activities in town - Exam practice (Reading, Section C)

This is the lesson for my GSCE Spanish class about activities in town. It includes a range of activities to satisfy the school policies, such as Independent Learning, Kagan, differentiation and engagement. I have included a short test to check vocabulary and a quizlet to learn some new words that they would use when completing the Reading activity (AQA new specification Reading Section C). I was trying to teach them how to approach text reading and translation. I also include a handout that I have prepared as an additional help. Please note that VCOP mat refers to reasons, opinions and the tenses. I attach two versions of the same lesson as one I used with older pupils and another one was amended for the observation (I got 1c/2a feedback!)
A typical school day - Spanish- AQA (new spec) GCSE Reading (Section B)

A typical school day - Spanish- AQA (new spec) GCSE Reading (Section B)

This is a lesson is about a typical school day for a GCSE Spanish class. The lesson includes a literacy (scramble style) starter, a tongue twister activity (to practise pronunciation of the 'go' sound), a pronunciation activity and a quizlet on the words that would be used in the reading task, a rally couach mini-plenary (it goes after I first show them the text so they realise they would really need to remember the words) and a reading task itself. I am trying to teach them how to approach these tasks in the most effective way so they underline the words they know and find out the ones they do not. I wrote the text myself on the basis of the one from the specimen materials for it to have a similar structure to the one they will see in the exam. I have also included a slide on how to use VES application to find and to correctly translate a verb which is not written in infinitive and a mini-plenary for them to practise using the same. You can introduce some competition in here if you wish. Finally they self-assess their work and compete to translate / provide a definition of the words in the plenary task that they have learned in previous lessons.
Spanish Trailer of Secret Life of Pets

Spanish Trailer of Secret Life of Pets

Hi everyone! I realised that some things disappear from Youtube, including trailers which are very useful to engage students. I have therefore downloaded this trailer to use for educational purposes only.