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How to make a Bird Feeder
Simple PowerPoint and printable pdf for how to make a bird feeder from a milk carton. Suitable for instruction and procedure writing.

Galileo Galilei - Science, Art, English
Activities and lessons based around the story of Galileo Galilei and others around his time.
This pack includes:
A PowerPoint and pdf of the story Galileo Galilei,
English comprehension questions on the story,
A timeline of Galileo’s life and other moments in history that were happening at the same time,
An art PowerPoint with lessons and activities on the renaissance and Leonardo Di Vinci and Michelangelo,
A science PowerPoint outlining 3 of Galileo’s experiments and how to recreate them,
A maths lesson on Di Vinci’s Vertruvian Man.

Co-ordinates - Position and Direction
Lessons for Position and Direction aimed at Year 4 with PowerPoint, activities and challenges.
Lessons include:
Reading co-ordinates
Plotting co-ordinates
Following directions of movement
Describing movement between two points

Fractions and Decimals Pack - Year 4
Sequence of lessons for Fractions and Decimals with PowerPoint and Worksheets.
Includes -
Identifying and finding fractions of shapes
Finding fractions of a set of objects
Finding fractions of whole numbers
Finding equivalent fractions
Introducing decimal numbers
Sequencing decimal numbers
Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 to get decimals
Rounding decimal numbers
Comparing and ordering decimal numbers
Pack includes challenges, differentiation and support visuals.

Y3 Roman Themed English Worksheets
Differentiated worksheets to support:
Coordinating Conjunctions
Sentence Types
Expanded Noun Phrases
Possessive ‘s’
Subordinating Conjunctions
Features of a Character Description
Features of an Information Booklet
Planning a Character Description

Year 3 - Science and Maths Concept Maps
Concept Maps for what the children should already know, what they will learn this year and how they will use that information in years to come for the following topics:
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division

Art Worksheets - Shading
Worksheets to introduce different shading techniques, then using these techniques to shade 3D objects. Also includes colour wheels and a perspective/symmetry portrait worksheet.
Techniques include:
Cross Hatching
Short Dashes
Can be used with colour or with just a pencil.

Homework Mat Pack
A mat of activities for the following themes:
Stone Age to Iron Age
Ancient Egypt

WAGOLLs for:
Explanation Texts
Information Leaflet
Diary Entry
Newspaper Article
Setting Description
Character Description
Kenning Poem
Non-Chronological Report

Year 3 Comprehensions
Comprehensions based on The Romans, Rivers, Ancient Egypt, Life Cycle of a Flower, Stone Age and Great Fire of London, as well as extracts from fiction stories such as The Worst Witch, Fantastic Mr Fox and The Enchanted Wood. These require children to answer questions using the VIPERS skills.
V - Vocabulary
I - Inference
P - Prediction
E - Explanation
R - Retrieval
S - Summarise
Varying difficulty
Perfect for Y3 curriculum
SEND texts that use pictures instead of writing for Roman Texts

Pokemon Comprehension
Pokemon Comprehensions with questions that require the use of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising skills. These texts vary in difficulty and skill focus changes in some.
Information sheets on Pokemon -
Chansey, Charizard, Unown, Eevee, Corviknight, Trevenant and Snorlax
Chapters from a Pokémon story -
A New Journey and Farewell to a Friend
Each question has an answer start beneath to help children write in full sentences.
Perfect for Year 2/3/4 Pokémon loving classes.

Year 3 Maths - Autumn Term Assessment
Assessment that covers Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division in line with the White Rose Maths scheme of work. One question per objective for a quick assessment.
Some worksheets and Smart notebooks to accompany Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division lessons.

Stone Age to Iron Age Timeline
Simple timeline to show the time between the Stone Age and the start of the Roman Empire including Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Roman Britain Timeline
Simple timeline for the Roman invasion of Britain used for Year 3.
Editable timeline and picture format included. Covers building of Rome, spread of the roman empire (including the 3 attempts at invading Britain), Hadrian’s wall and the end of Roman Rule in Britain.