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FRENCH - Intercultural understanding - Any grade

FRENCH - Intercultural understanding - Any grade

86 PDF FILES. These resources can be used for any grade (from grade 2 to grade 6). They are designed to provide learning support to teachers and enable them to facilitate highly engaging and motivating lesson openings. Topics covered with links to other subjects include: • FOOD TECHNOLOGY (Le goûter/ le quatre-heures/Les biscuits/Le fromage/Le chocolat chaud/Les moules-frites/ Les cuisses de grenouilles/Les escargots/ Le petit déjeuner/ Les sandwiches/ Les frites et chips Le gratin dauphinois/La ratatouille/La tomate farcie/Le pied de cochon/ Le coq au vin/ le foie gras/ le Champagne) • SCIENCE (Louis Pasteur/ Marie Curie/ La pieuvre/ L’entomophagie/ L’araignée/ Le papillon) • HISTORY (Vercingétorix/ Charlemagne/ Guillaume le Conquérant/ La tour Eiffel/ Le Mont Saint-Michel/ Le roi Soleil - Louis XIV/ Le château de Versailles/ La révolution française) • GEOGRAPHY (les montagnes/ les rivieres/ Les grandes vacances) • ECONOMY (L'Euro) • ART (Toulouse Lautrec/ René Magritte/ Henri Paul Gauguin/ Paul Cézanne) • FASHION (Christian Dior/ Coco Chanel/ Magazine Elle) • MUSIC (La fête de la musique) • PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Roland-Garros/ Le tour de France) • TRADITIONS, CELEBRATIONS AND CUSTOMS (Le réveillon de Noël/Pâques/ Le poisson d’avril) • FRENCH EXPRESSIONS The folder includes: • 46 colorful PDF files with SOUND embedded (Audio from Native French Speaker - PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. • 46 printable student worksheets Students learn to: - Understand cultural differences - Identify and analyse these features in examples of lesson starters - Discuss and evaluate these concepts with regard to their own practices - Use the language in different ways to convey meaning