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Basic Number operations Lesson Presenation

Basic Number operations Lesson Presenation

Basic maths operations addition . subtraction, multiplication , division and the meaning of the equal sign. Balancing addition, subtraction, division and multiplication equations and solving basic maths operations word problems.
Simple and Complex Sentences Presentation

Simple and Complex Sentences Presentation

This lesson presentation introduces the concept of independent (main clauses) and dependent (supporting clauses). Learners are asked to sort out clauses into dependent and independent clauses. First learners are introduced to conjugating connectives and then they are asked to use them to form complex sentences by combining the independent and dependent clauses. Interesting pictures and videos that capture the interest of learners are used as a prompt to get learners to try and write complex and simple sentences to recount what they have seen on the picture or video.
Introduction to Fractions of Whole Numbers

Introduction to Fractions of Whole Numbers

This is an introduction to fractions of whole numbers. It starts by looking at parts of a fraction, making one (Whole) Uses an interactive online game that learners can complete as a class challenge. There is also tasks like completing a maze while also working out the fractions of whole numbers to go through. This is appealing and may go down well with young people. Learners have to complete differentiated fractions of whole numbers word problems. To sum the lesson learners look at some questions that help them to deepen their understanding of number.
Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

This is a speaking and listening investigation lesson plan and presentation I have miss placed the cards to help with the lesson investigation but one can create their own
Zero Hours Contract Speaking and Listening  Lesson Presentation

Zero Hours Contract Speaking and Listening Lesson Presentation

This is functional skills lesson presentation that involves speaking and listening , reading and writing activity centred around a topical employability issue of zero hours contract. Learners gather information and discuss whether they would sign or not sign a zero hours contract. Learners are challenged to come come up with a contract that would make them a popular political candidate in an election. Learners get to draw a poster to use in campaign speech that they deliver in front of the class and everyone votes using made up ballot papers to decide which is the most attractive contract. Learners review their choices in a classroom exercise of British value of democracy.
Skint Money Addition and Subtraction Game

Skint Money Addition and Subtraction Game

This resource can get learners very competitive. It can be used as a lesson starter, recap session, plenary or a filler. It helps to print of a the card grid so that each learner can keep track of which cards have already been selected.
Pay Gender Difference Speaking and Listening and Poster Design Lesson

Pay Gender Difference Speaking and Listening and Poster Design Lesson

Learners discuss the causes of pay gender difference and discuss situations or jobs in which females earn more than man. A diamond nine activity on what learners think are the most important qualities of a model will be done and learners feedback on their choices. Learners will produce a poster about what they think are the most important qualities of a model.
Daredevil Jobs Request for Information Letter Lesson Presentation

Daredevil Jobs Request for Information Letter Lesson Presentation

Learners are introduced to what daredevil jobs are. They are asked to come up with a list and discuss and justify what they think are daredevil jobs. The watch a few short videos of daredevil jobs . Learners select one daredevil job and write a letter to request more information before they decide to apply for the job.
Fractions Decimals and Percentage maths and Art

Fractions Decimals and Percentage maths and Art

This is a maths lesson designed to engage reluctant learners by mixing maths and and art. Learners are introduced to maths concepts that are used in art . The lesson then moves onto what percentage means and using a 100 and 84 grid square learners design an artwork using preferred number of squares in different colours. When they have finished they can express the number of squares in each colour as a percentage of all the squares. They then can convert the percents into fractions and decimals.
Probability Horse Race Game

Probability Horse Race Game

This game introduces the idea Horse racing and how the chance factor (probability) works to determine the winner. Learners select a horse of their choice and spin two coins. If its two heads they move one step forward and if its head and tail they remain on the same sport. If they get two tails they move one step back. The winner is the learner who get to the end first.
Do you Know Your Alcohol  Units?

Do you Know Your Alcohol Units?

This is the first lesson in a unit about Alcohol Awarenes. It is focusing on understanding what a unit of alcohol is and raising an awareness and knowledge of how many units of alcohol people drink
Personal Budgeting and Managing Money: Course Unit

Personal Budgeting and Managing Money: Course Unit

The unit looks at examples of income and expenditure, identifies problems and solutions to living on a limited budget. It looks at different examples of financial transactions, where and how they take place. There is an opportunity to identify the key items of a receipt and payslip. Learners also get to look at different ways of saving money and keep a record of income and expenditure over a period of a week.
Importance of Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise

Importance of Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise

This unit requires that learners identify the essential food groups required for a balanced diet. One is required to identify the amount of each food group to be consumed by an average person. Learners should be able to identify how a balanced diet and regular exercise contributes to a healthy lifestyle. At the end learners are expected to identify different examples of exercise and weekly recommended amount of exercise.
Introduction to Health and Safety Awareness

Introduction to Health and Safety Awareness

This unit looks at whom learners should report to in-case of an accident, give examples of emergencies and one thing they could do if an emergency happened, identify simple safety signs, wear safety clothing and equipment as advised and follow specific health and safety instructions in relation to a given task.