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Mcmtuition's Shop

We provide resources for tutors and teachers to use with learners. Our resources are also for parents to use to support learning at home.

We provide resources for tutors and teachers to use with learners. Our resources are also for parents to use to support learning at home.
Grammar Practice Booklet First Level KS1

Grammar Practice Booklet First Level KS1

This set of worksheets will help children working at first level/KS1 to develop their grammar skills and writing. It includes fun activities working on areas including adjectives, synonyms, antonyms, tenses and connectives.
Phase 3 Phonics Worksheets ng ee ai igh Sounds

Phase 3 Phonics Worksheets ng ee ai igh Sounds

This fun pack of worksheets is perfect for children working at Phase 3 of phonics. It looks at the -ng, -ee, -ai and -igh sounds and focuses on segmenting sounds to spell different words and blending sounds to read sentences.
Non-Fiction Information Report Writing Booklet

Non-Fiction Information Report Writing Booklet

This 20 page booklet consists of planning sheets and writing frames to help learners practise writing information reports. It is broken down into three areas for writing- animals, countries and our world. For each topic, there is some bullet points of information that the learner can read through and make their own notes. It is great for modelling using the planning sheets and for building up to independent writing.
Future Tense Predictions Activity

Future Tense Predictions Activity

This activity can be used when learning the future tense using ‘I will’ or ‘I am going to’. The learner will use the crystal ball to come up with a few predictions. You can then have a fun discussion about how likely these are to happen, linking in with maths outcomes on chance and certainty.
Phase 2 Phonics Race Track Board Game

Phase 2 Phonics Race Track Board Game

This resource supports learners working at phase 2 of phonics and covers all of the sounds. It is a pack of board games which are perfect for children who are interested in cars or racing. Children can play with an adult and race around the board to practise blending the sounds to read the words.
Halloween Maths Activity Booklet

Halloween Maths Activity Booklet

A Halloween maths activity booklet for children in the early stages of learning about numbers.The worksheets are based on number recognition and formation, counting, adding, subtracting, ordering and patterns.