Mike is a musician and ex-Head of Department with more than twenty years experience in the Secondary school classroom and middle-leadership, specialising in performance, composition and research. An accomplished performer himself (Woodwind) and celebrated Musical Director and Conductor, Mike is able to draw upon his continued professional practice in creating and sharing his resources.
Mike is a musician and ex-Head of Department with more than twenty years experience in the Secondary school classroom and middle-leadership, specialising in performance, composition and research. An accomplished performer himself (Woodwind) and celebrated Musical Director and Conductor, Mike is able to draw upon his continued professional practice in creating and sharing his resources.
A brilliant resource to give your students the experience to practice a specifically tailored exam-style question in preparation for the the Edexcel 9-1 exam.
Features three listening questions including an unfamiliar listening question, Samba Em Preludio and a rhythm & melody dictation question, as well as a KEY WORDS / VOCABULARY question to link to the extended writing question!
Includes: Question paper, teacher’s mark scheme, YouTube links* to suggested recordings and an mp3 for question 3
*An mp3 of all recordings has not been included for copyright reasons *
Three differentiated fun and accessible music quizzes from Ragtime Resources (Red/Amber/Green difficulty levels):
Crossword (inc. answer sheet)
’Match the Emoji’ (inc. answer sheet) and
’Spot the Christmas Carol’ word search
Go on - treat yourself…
A brilliant resource to give your students the experience to practice a specifically tailored exam-style question in preparation for the the Edexcel 9-1 exam.
Features three listening questions including an unfamiliar listening question, “Release” and a rhythm & melody dictation question, as well as a KEY WORDS / VOCABULARY question to link to the extended writing question!
Includes: Question paper, teacher’s mark scheme, YouTube links* to suggested recordings and an mp3 for question 3
*An mp3 of all recordings has not been included for copyright reasons *
All 8 sets of more than 30 slides (at least 240 in total), beautifully-presented and comprehensive, to support both teaching and learning with the GCSE Pearson Edexcel 9-1 Anthology set works.
In both [editable] PowerPoint and PDF formats (all with embedded hyperlinks) these include:
- An overview / introduction for contextual understanding
- Relevant links for wider reading, listening and quizzes
- Key words
- Digestible analysis under each element of music
- Tutorial videos
- Wider listening examples
- Practice exam questions (taken from past papers since 2018)
- Guidance for the extended writing question
A MUST-HAVE if you are teaching the specification for the first time, wish to update your resources or need additional revision material for your students.
BONUS FILES: Please also see a P.E.E. Points template (Point, Evidence Explain) for you to use in conjunction with each set of slides - for FREE!
More great resources to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel 9-1 GCSE exam) specific to each area of study. Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
This fantastic value bundle includes FOUR question papers (AoS 1 # 1 & # 2 + AoS 2 # 1 & # 2), teacher’s answer sheets AND mp3s!
Essential revision exercises
A brilliant resource to encourage your students to broaden their experience and wider listening opportunities for the ‘Unfamiliar Listening’ question in the Edexcel 9-1 exam.
Features eight extracts and listening questions (two from each AoS) with various approaches / styles of question they can expect in the exam.
Includes: Question paper, teacher’s mark scheme and YouTube links* to suggested recordings
*An mp3 of all recordings has not been included for copyright reasons *
A great resource to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel GCSE exam). Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
Includes question paper (#4), teacher's answer sheet and mp3s!
More great resources to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel 9-1 GCSE exam) specific to each area of study. Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
Includes question paper (Aos 4 #2), teacher’s answer sheet AND mp3s!
A great resource to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel GCSE exam). Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
Includes question paper (#2), teacher's answer sheet and mp3s!
A great resource to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel GCSE exam). Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
Includes question paper (#3), teacher's answer sheet and mp3s!
A very user-friendly 30-page workbook for your KS3 students (aimed at Year 7/8) to introduce “BRITPOP.”
Includes ESP exercises, RAG-style resources for stretch and challenge, fun homework tasks, peer feedback forms for performing and an end-of-topic test for assessment.
Now features a GLOSSARY to encourage and support the use of subject specific vocabulary.
There are activities to span five lessons - these are not designed to last for a whole lesson but are intended to support additional listening / practical work.
BONUS FEATURES: Now includes differentiated versions of “She’s The One” (Robbie Williams) and “Don’t Look Back in Anger” (Oasis) as both Sib. 7 & PDF files to support practical activities!
Two very user-friendly work books for your KS3 students (aimed at Year 7/8) to introduce “PITCH & NOTES OF THE STAVE” and “BRITPOP.”
Includes ESP exercises, RAG-style resources for stretch and challenge, fun homework tasks, peer feedback forms for performing and an end-of-topic tests for assessment.
Also includes a GLOSSARY to encourage and support the use of subject specific vocabulary.
There are activities to span five lessons in each book - these are not designed to last for a whole lesson but are intended to support additional listening / practical work.
The eighth in a FANTASTIC series of question papers to help your students practice aural dictation with FAMILIAR pieces of music.
Paper #8 contains extracts from ten need-to-know pieces of well-known Pop Music repertoire.
Work through the exercises to develop your aural perception skills
Learn collaboratively or for independent study (can be set as homework, cover work)
Project answers onto the board for tutorial / class discussion
**Includes: Question paper (10 x questions), teacher’s answer sheet - both printable PDF’s and MP3 recordings **
A great resource to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel GCSE exam). Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
Includes question paper (#1), teacher's answer sheet and mp3s!
A very accessible keyboard resource for your KS3 students, or as an introduction to Music for Stage & Screen. Can also be used as INTERVALS practice! (MORE DIFFICULT)
Features three differentiated versions: INTERMEDIATE (EASY LH), INTERMEDIATE (MORE DIFFICULT LH), and MORE DIFFICULT with and without note names.
Both versions are the first section of this work only.
Ideal for solo and small ensemble performance!
THREE very user-friendly work books for your KS3 students (aimed at Year 7, 8 & 9) to introduce “PITCH & NOTES OF THE STAVE,” “BRITPOP” and a “MUSICAL HISTORY TIMELINE”.
Includes ESP exercises, RAG-style resources for stretch and challenge, fun homework tasks, peer feedback forms for performing and an end-of-topic tests for assessment.
Each book also includes a GLOSSARY to encourage and support the use of subject specific vocabulary.
There are activities to span five lessons in each book - these are not designed to last for a whole lesson but are intended to support additional listening / practical work.
For a limited time, grab this selection of easy keyboard arrangements plus two original compositions for jazz combo (“Boondoggle Stomp”) and jazz band (“Hang in There”).
Featuring some easy and accessible versions of those classic pieces your students want to play (including some seasonal favourites!), arranged for piano / keyboard and/or small ensemble.
(Full score included with “Hang in There”).
**Includes 19 x pieces of music to boost your classroom resources / KS3 performance library! **
More great resources to practice aural dictation of rhythm and melody (question 7 from the new Edexcel 9-1 GCSE exam) specific to each area of study. Can easily be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
Includes question paper (Aos 3 #1), teacher’s answer sheet AND mp3s!
Dictation questions on each specific set work, extended writing practice questions, unfamiliar / wider listening questions and more!
Covers multiple areas of the Edexcel GCSE Music 9-1 specification.
Resources can be used in class, for homework, revision and even end-of-unit assessments.
(Dictation questions include mp3 recordings).
FREE resource to help your students get organized!
Basic editable (Word.doc) and printable (PDF) layouts including requirements for Paper #1 (Performing) and Paper #2 (Composing) components.
Print on coloured card to organize your student’s folders!
Encourage your students to articulate their own progress and targets as well as how to critique their peers using the wording directly from the Edexcel 9-1 spec! **