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EYFS Reception Baseline Assessment
An on entry baseline assessment for reception children to be completed in the first half term of the year to assess children across all 7 areas of learning.
This is linked to Development Matters 2021.

Reception and Year 1 Super Six
A varied list of reading books to look at during guided reading sessions over the year in a mixed reception and year 1 class.

Year 1 Science Medium Term Plan - Human Body and the Senses
A medium term plan showing overall coverage and a lesson by lesson breakdown for year one, looking at the human body and the five senses.

Sentence Checklist
A little checklist children use when writing to check they have included a capital letter, finger spaces, full stop and neat letter formation in their sentences.

Mary Anning Medium Term Plan
Medium Term Plan for a 5 week history unit focusing on Mary Anning. This is aimed at KS1 class.

Reception and Year One Weekly Planning
This is the planning format that I use each week that shows the inputs that I will be teaching and the enhancements that I put in provision.

Set 2/3 Phonics Planning
This is the planning sheet that I give to my TA to support teaching set 2 or 3 Read Write Inc phonics lessons. It ensures consistency across all groups.

Reception Planning, Autumn 2, Week 7
CP plan full of Christmas activities and consolidating last week’s learning!
No formal lesson plans for maths, literacy or guided reading this week as we will be too busy completing end of term assessments and having some festive fun :)

Reception and Year One Timetable
This is the timetable I use for Autumn term in a mixed reception and year one class. I alternate teaching maths and english so one week there will be 3 maths inputs and 2 english inputs and the following week there will be 3 english and 2 maths so it all evens out.

Group Name Labels
Julia Donaldson book group names.
These are editable so you can change the wording/font to suit you.

KS1 Gunpowder Plot Medium Term Plan
A detailed medium term plan including declarative and procedural knowledge for a half term block of teaching focused on The Gunpowder Plot. This is for a mixed reception and year 1 class with activities for each age group.

Year R/1 Seasonal Changes Science Planning
10 lessons to be used across the year to teach reception and year one children about the changes across the seasons.

SEND Review Template
The template that we use to assess targets set out for children with EHCPs or whom we are gathering evidence to apply for EHCPs for.
Set out across two pages, with details on how to complete each section.
These should be created by class teachers at the beginning of each term and reviewed by SENDCOs and parents to ensure everyone has been consulted and is happy with the content for the term ahead.

Spell Your Name PE Challenge
A fun sports activity aimed for reception and year one children but could easily be adapted for older ages.

Mixed Reception and Year One Weekly Planning
This is the planning format that I use and share with my support staff to show what inputs we are doing over the week as well as what challenges are out in provision.

Autumn 2, Week 1 Challenge Passport
Year 1 Challenge Passport for continuous provision activities.
I also use this for reception but adapt the reception writing and maths activities to be more accessible for them.

EYFS Summer 1 Overview
A brief overview detailing what we will be teaching across the 7 areas of learning in our reception class.