Double sided worksheet covering:
Logical Shifts and their effects
Logic Gates (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR, NAND)
Masking with logical operators
All included in the NEW GCSE spec and in A Level Computer Science
Ideal for revision, securing understanding, cover work
A Word document with sections relating to:
Working out file sizes of images.
Using co-ordinates.
Looking at an existing game and looking for the decisions that need to be made
Make your own game with 3 decisions
Modify a game
Legal issues related to modifying code (Open Source, Copyright and Patents Act)
The document is set of tasks that pupils must provide evidence that they have completed. It does not teach students how to create the game.
One to four player word game.
Each player takes it in turn to try and write a keyword related to computer science on the board.
Each letter has a value.
The winner after 5 rounds is player with the largest score.
An A3 (but works in A4) double sided worksheet for Computer Science. The overall topic is 'Programming Techniques' and includes tasks such as:
Describe Key Terms
Data Types
3 Basic Constructs
Flowchart Symbols
Spotting iterations/conditions in code
Rewriting loops
String Manipulation
Programming Standards.
Good for general revision - Used with both A level and GCSE groups before Mocks.
Three files that students can use to store their research on the following topics from the OCR GCSE (9-1) spec:
System Security
Network Protocols
Legislation relevant to Computer Science
Ideal research lesson if cover work is required.
Some more revision for the OCR A451 exam. Double sided worksheet including questions on:
Binary addition,
Logic gates,
Character Sets
A Level Computer Science revision poster A3 but works well on A4
Topics Covered:
Describing computational methods
CPU performance
Acronym challenge
Lossy & Lossless Compression
A range of revision topics for the GCSE Computing OCR spec including:
The CPU (Clock Speed, Cache, Cores)
Key Term Description tasks
A revision worksheet covering 4 software development methodologies (2 each side of a worksheet)
Agile (Including Extreme Programming)
Double sided worksheet
Side 1: Two images taken from football related computer games. Task is to spot variables and state a suitable data type
Side 2: A whole load of computing acronyms. What do they stand for?
A double sided A3 (Works in A4) revision worksheet covering a wide range of key areas of 1.4 Data Types, Data Structures, Boolean Algebra.
Most of the content is based on Data Types and Data Structures. The Boolean Algebra Section is naming gates as I have covered this section in more detail in a previous worksheet.
Another double sided poster of mixed revision topics from the OCR A451 Computing spec.
Topics include
Hardware (Input, Output, Storage)
Primary Storage
Binary Logic
Laws related to computer science
The guide gives examples of how to:
Use loops (WHILE and FOR)
IF statements
Read and Write to text files
Use random numbers
Carry out basic mathematics
String Manipulation
There are a set of challenges that use the techniques covered in the booklet on the last page.