I aim to give you access to useful resources that I have created and used in secondary classrooms when teaching Computing to KS3 (Year 7, 8 & 9) and GCSE Computer Science to KS4 (Year 10 & 11).
I aim to give you access to useful resources that I have created and used in secondary classrooms when teaching Computing to KS3 (Year 7, 8 & 9) and GCSE Computer Science to KS4 (Year 10 & 11).
This Python Beginners Workbook has been designed to introduce secondary school students to a text-based programming language step-by-step for the first time. The long term objective is to build their knowledge ready AQA GCSE Computer Science.
Output and Input
Definite Iteration
Indefinite Iteration
The questions in this KS3 Python Workbook have been carefully created to be solvable by all students either on a computer or off line using pen and paper. Each topic has ten questions with five extra bonus questions as extension work.
Question techniques include:
Simple Recall Questions
Fill in the Blanks
Parsons Problems
Predicting Outcomes
Error Detection
Scaffolded Programming Questions
This approach ensures that even students without access to a computer can fully engage and learn Python.
A wide range of abilities will be able to attempt this workbook with the reading age aimed at around 11 years old, so suitable for the majority of your year 8 or 9 students.
The resource contains a questions PDF, an answers PDF, and a .py file with all the code you will need for any live coding demonstrations.
This SQL cheat sheet is designed to providing pupils with examples for a number of common relational database tasks. Was originally designed to aid KS4 (Year 10 or 11) students studying AQA GCSE Computer Science, topic 3.7 Relational databases and structured query language.
Sample data is also provided thanks to an .sql import file that allows you and your students create the sample schema and data using SQL Statements using an application like DB Browser for SQLite .
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a very popular and powerful tool that enables users to interact with databases by using commands such as SELECT to retrieve data, INSERT to add records, UPDATE to modify existing data, and DELETE to remove records.
All examples use a common set of sample data to aid students.
Sections include:
Sample Data
Recommended tips and conventions
SELECT - Querying data from a single table
SELECT - Filtering data using numeric fields
SELECT - Filtering data using text fields
SELECT - Filtering data using multiple fields
SELECT - Querying data from multiple tables
INSERT - Inserting data into a table
UPDATE - Updating data in a table
DELETE - Removing data from a table
ERD diagram illustrating the Sample Data
If your students need some independent practice, why not check out my companion [SQL worksheetsheet] (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12919007)
The following homework worksheets have been carefully created for GCSE Computer Science students to carry out throughout their studies.
There is a homework sheet for each of the following topics:
3.1 Fundamentals of algorithms
3.2 Programming
3.3 Fundamentals of data representation
3.4 Computer systems
3.5 Fundamentals of computer networks
3.6 Cyber security
3.7 Relational databases and structured query language (SQL)
3.8 Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology
I used them for my own Year 11s to offer some spaced practice after a gap of practice, but you could equally use them at the end of a topic, or if your simply need some home learning in a hurry!
For my own students, I recommended that students aiming for grades 2-4 completed the “Foundation” questions, and those aiming for 4+ the “Higher” questions. I deliberately used these two classifications of questions, as the students themselves encounter that language in Maths.
The worksheets are provided as a .docx so you can edit them if required, and exemplar answers are included to allow students to self-mark their answers .
This SQL worksheet sheet can be used either for a cover lesson or within your own scheme of work to provide pupils with some independent working practice to help them with learning SQL.
It has been tested with my own Year 11 pupils who take the AQA GCSE Computer Science, whilst studying the 3.7 Relational databases and structured query language topic.
Starting sample data is also provided thanks to an .sql import file or a Google Drive download of a .db file that will allow students to use an application like DB Browser for SQLite .
Sections include:
Introduction: including an ERD diagram illustrating data structure
Section one: Ten SELECT statement questions (single & multiple table)
Section two:Five questions to get test their vocab knowledge followed by three extensions questions to create tables and insert data
An answer sheet is also included.
If your students need added support, why not check out my companion [SQL cheatsheet] (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12910086)
This Algorithmic Thinking Workbook has been designed to introduce secondary school students to creating effective algorithms. The long term objective is to build their knowledge ready AQA GCSE Computer Science.
Linear Search
Binary Search
Trace Tables
The questions in this workbook have been carefully created to be solvable by all students either on a computer or off line / unplugged using pen and paper.
Each topic has at least 12 questions with extra bonus questions as extension work, ensuring that even students without access to a computer can fully engage and learn.
A wide range of abilities will be able to attempt this workbook with the reading age aimed at around 13 years old, so suitable for the majority of your year 9 students.
The resource contains a workbook PDF that contains the questions, an answers PDF, and a .py file with all the solutions for any live coding demonstrations.
This two-page, A4 Python help / cheat sheet is designed to provide pupils with relevant examples for a number of common programming tasks split into ten topics.
Perfect for students either in class and or for homework when their knowledge of Python syntax is not 100% secure. Although I have devised this two-pager to work for my own pupils that are entered for with AQA, it should also be helpful for other exam boards.
Programming style
Interacting with the user (Input & Output)
Making decisions (Selection)
Repeating code (Iteration)
String manipulation
Random Numbers
If you find any of my resources helpful your classroom, please do consider leaving a review.
I have also published a free KS3/KS4 one-page help / cheat sheet that covers variables, input/output, selection, iteration and the Turtle module.
The following programming activities have been carefully developed for KS4 GCSE Computer Science Year 10 pupils to carry out throughout the Summer holidays in order to ease their transition into Year 11.
A wide range of abilities will be able to attempt this worksheet that contains nine separate tasks that follow AQA’s guidance notes on teaching Python.
Both pupil and teacher versions are provided as a .docx so you can share the solutions with your pupils.
Task 1: Input, output and variables
Task 2: Selection
Task 3: Indefinite Iteration
Task 4: Indefinite Iteration and Input Validation
Task 5: Definite Iteration
Task 6: 1D Arrays
Task 7: 2D Arrays
Task 8: Subroutines and Functions
Task 9: Optional Bonus Challenge
A Visual Basic (VB.NET) version of this worksheet is also available.
This Python Further Programming Workbook has been designed to follow on my first Python Programming workbook, by giving students knowledge about manipulating string, creating more complex decision-making using nested selection, using lists to store multiple pieces of data, creating reusable programs with subroutines and mastering nested iteration.
String Manipulation
Nested Selection
Nested Iteration
The long term objective is to build their knowledge ready AQA GCSE Computer Science.
The questions in this KS3 Python Workbook have been carefully created to be solvable by all students either on a computer or off line using pen and paper. Each topic has ten questions with five extra bonus questions as extension work.
Question techniques include:
Simple Recall Questions
Fill in the Blanks
Parsons Problems
Predicting Outcomes
Error Detection
Scaffolded Programming Questions
This approach ensures that even students without access to a computer can fully engage and learn Python.
A wide range of abilities will be able to attempt this workbook with the reading age aimed at around 13 years old, so suitable for the majority of your year 9 students.
The resource contains a questions PDF, an answers PDF, and a .py file with all the code you will need for any live coding demonstrations.
This three page, A4 PDF cheat sheet is designed to help your students to read, write and convert AQA Pseudocode into Python during Computing lessons.
The information is split into the following sections:
Input & Output
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Definite Iteration (Count-controlled)
Indefinite Iteration (Condition-controlled)
Arrays (Lists)
Random Numbers
The first column describes the programming concept, the second column gives the Pseudo-code syntax as well as an appropriate example, and the third column is the Python equivalent of the example.
The following programming activities have been carefully developed for KS4 GCSE Computer Science Year 10 pupils to carry out throughout the Summer holidays in order to ease their transition into Year 11.
A wide range of abilities will be able to attempt this worksheet that contains nine separate tasks that follow AQA’s guidance notes on teaching VB.NET.
Both pupil and teacher versions are provided as a .docx so you can share the solutions with your pupils.
Task 1: Input, output and variables
Task 2: Selection
Task 3: Indefinite Iteration
Task 4: Indefinite Iteration and Input Validation
Task 5: Definite Iteration
Task 6: 1D Arrays
Task 7: 2D Arrays
Task 8: Subroutines and Functions
Task 9: Optional Bonus Challenge
Python version of this resource is also available!
Celebrate the men’s 2024 European Championship competition this Summer term with your Computer Science students with this fun and challenging Python programming worksheet where they will get create their very own football pitch!
Many resources are informative and comprehensive, but often don’t engage all students, and I hope to help this through delivering Python skills with their existing football knowledge.
The worksheet is suitable for KS3 and secondary students.
Whats included?
Read-only worksheet (.pdf)
Editable worksheet (.doc)
Standard Python solutions (.txt)
Extension Python solutions (.txt)
You can use this free Python Cheat sheet to help your students with any basic syntax questions.
This one-page, A4 Python help / cheat sheet is designed to provide pupils with relevant examples for a number of common programming tasks split into six topics.
Perfect for students either in class and or for homework when first starting out with Python syntax.
Interacting with the user (Input & Output)
Making decisions (Selection)
Repeating code (Iteration)
Useful tips and tricks (Random)
If you find any of my resources helpful your classroom, please do consider leaving a review.
NEW FOR 2024: If you find this free resource useful, I have now published a KS3/KS4 two-page help / cheat sheet that covers more indepth topics found in GCSE Computer Science.