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The Supernatural in Macbeth: Planning an essay

The Supernatural in Macbeth: Planning an essay

Notes and model essay plan looking at essay technique and using context in essays through a focus on the theme of the supernatural in Macbeth. (3 pages, used for 1hr of tutoring) Designed for GCSE AQA English.
A Level Spanish Resources

A Level Spanish Resources

Document compiling useful resources and websites for enhancing Spanish learning (designed for AS and A Level but some may also be relevant to GCSE).
Creative Writing: Adjectives and Adverbs

Creative Writing: Adjectives and Adverbs

Resource helping students to use adjectives and adverbs effectively and strategically, and to find alternative ways of describing. Includes both notes and activities. Aimed for 11+ and KS3, but many of the ideas could also be suitable for older students.
Spanish Grammar (powerpoint)

Spanish Grammar (powerpoint)

Grammar powerpoint covering tenses (present, preterite, imperfect, compound tenses, near-future, future, conditional, gerund, present subjunctive, imperfect subjunctive), si clauses, the direct object, por and para. Level: advanced GCSE or basic AS/A-Level.
A Valediction of Weeping (John Donne): Analysis

A Valediction of Weeping (John Donne): Analysis

2.5 pages of notes analysing ‘A Valediction of Weeping’ by John Donne (summary, technical terms, title, structure, five important quotes, context). Designed for A-Level English Edexcel Metaphysical Poetry.
Midsummer Night's Dream: Context notes

Midsummer Night's Dream: Context notes

Context notes for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Includes: Courtly Love, gender, Queen Elizabeth I, the supernatural, Shakespeare’s other plays, Classical/mythological references, literary influences and conventions, historical context of the contemporary theatre, modern productions. Designed for the Edexcel A-Level English specification.
A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummer Night's Dream

2 Resources
Detailed context notes for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Includes: Courtly Love, gender, Queen Elizabeth I, the supernatural, Shakespeare’s other plays, Classical/mythological references, literary influences and conventions, historical context of the contemporary theatre, modern productions. Critical quotes for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, both from the prescribed anthology and from elsewhere. Designed for the Edexcel A-Level English specification.
A Christmas Carol Comprehension: Christmas Dinner with the Cratchit Family

A Christmas Carol Comprehension: Christmas Dinner with the Cratchit Family

A festive themed past-paper style passage followed by comprehension questions, and a choice of two creative writing prompts. Questions are a mixture of short-answer (testing understanding of the passage), vocabulary, Passage taken from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Would be suitable for 13+ entrance practice, or high-level 11+ entrance/scholarship practice.
Gender in Macbeth

Gender in Macbeth

Bullet-point essay plan exploring gender, femininity and masculinity in Macbeth - raises questions and context points for the class to think about, discuss further and find quotes for.
Latin Vocab 13+ or Year 9:  Crossword

Latin Vocab 13+ or Year 9: Crossword

Latin crossword practising vocab, verb conjugation and noun cases. Created for pupils revising for 13+ entrance exams (also appropriate for end of year9/beginning year10).