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Vowel Teams - CVCe - Vowel Digraph - Worksheets Skills
Struggling to find skill activities to work with Phonological Awareness while learning Vowel Teams/CVCe/Vowel Digraphs? These skill worksheets are perfect for first-grade literacy. Just print these low-prep worksheets and follow the instructions to guide the activities! These diverse and challenging activities are perfect whether you use CKLA, Heggerty, or another curriculum!
This Phonological Awareness unit includes fun & engaging activities perfect for 1st-Grade:
Letter Formation
Word Chaining
Tricky Words
Word Transformation
These activities are perfect to use in your literacy classes with your students. They can also best be used for small groups, homework, or fast finishers.
The best part? This unit is perfect for subs because it is engaging and ready to use.

Repaso Regreso a Clase (II) - Lectoescritura 1er Grado
Struggling to find skill activities to review Spanish Phonological Awareness in Back to School Season? These skill worksheets are perfect for first-grade literacy. Just print these low-prep worksheets and follow the instructions to guide the activities! These diverse and challenging activities are perfect whether you use CKLA, Amplify, Caminos, Heggerty, or another curriculum!
This Back to School Phonological Awareness unit includes fun & engaging activities perfect for 1st Grade:
Escritura de letras en mayúscula y minúscula
Identificar sonidos iniciales
Diferenciar letras con sonido similar
Encadenar palabras
Contar sílabas
Sílabas trabadas
Escribir palabras
Identificar sustantivos
Escritura y ortografía
Comprensión lectora
These activities are perfect to use in your literacy classes with your students. They can also best be used for small groups, homework, or fast finishers.
The best part? This unit is great for subs because it is engaging and ready to use.

El cuerpo humano - Actividades de Conocimiento 1er Grado
Are you struggling to find Spanish activities to work with the El cuerpo humano unit? These Spanish vocabulary and literacy activities are perfect for First Grade. With these no-prep activities, just print, and let students master this unit. These diverse and challenging activities are ideal whether you use CKLA, Caminos, Amplify, Heggerty, or another curriculum!
These El cuerpo humano activities are perfect for your Daily Work center or any literacy center for 1st-grade students. They can also best be used for morning work, distance learning, and early finishers.
The best part? This unit is also perfect for subs because it is engaging and ready to use.

The Human Body - 1st Grade Knowledge ELA Worksheets
Are you struggling to find activities to work with the Human Body unit? These vocabulary and literacy activities are perfect for First Grade. With these no-prep activities, print and let students master this unit. These diverse and challenging activities are ideal whether you use CKLA, Amplify, Heggerty, or another curriculum!
These Human Body activities are great for 1st-grade students in your Daily Word Work center or any literacy center. They can also best be used for morning work, distance learning, early finishers, or substitutes.
The best part? There is a mini booklet to expand the learning of this unit.

Fábulas y cuentos – Actividades de Conocimiento 1er Grado
Are you struggling to find Spanish activities to work with the Fábulas y cuentos unit? These Spanish vocabulary and literacy activities are perfect for First Grade. With these no-prep activities, just print, and let students master this unit. These diverse and challenging activities are ideal whether you use CKLA, Caminos, Amplify, Heggerty, or another curriculum!
These Fábulas y cuentos activities are perfect for your Daily Work center or any literacy center for 1st-grade students. They can also best be used for morning work, distance learning, and early finishers.
The best part? This unit is also perfect for subs because it is engaging and ready to use.

Fables and Stories - 1st Grade Knowledge ELA Worksheets
Are you struggling to find activities to work with the Fables and Stories unit? These vocabulary and literacy activities are perfect for First Grade. With these no-prep activities, print and let students master this unit. These diverse and challenging activities are ideal whether you use CKLA, Amplify, Heggerty, or another curriculum!
These Fables and Stories activities are great for 1st-grade students in your Daily Word Work center or any literacy center. They can also best be used for morning work, distance learning, early finishers, or substitutes.
The best part? There is a mini booklet to expand the learning of this unit.

Animales del zoo - Juegos de vocabulario en español
Do you need games to introduce vocabulary in Spanish? These printing activities help your students learn about zoo animals. These vocabulary games are engaging and motivating. These games can be used with whole groups and also small groups. This is an ideal vocabulary resource for introducing or reviewing Spanish words with your K-2 students.
The words included are: cocodrilo, elefante, flamingo, jirafa, gorila, hipopótamo, canguro, koala, llama, león, avestruz, panda, pingüino, rinoceronte, tigre, cebra.
Games included:
Yo tengo… ¿Quién tiene…?
Bingo with 30 unique boards

Animales del bosque - Ejercicios de escritura
Do you need activities to practice writing in Spanish? These printing activities help your students with writing about forest animals. These worksheets are engaging and motivating. These 27 pages can be used also as an independent literacy center or distant learning resource. This is an ideal vocabulary and writing resource for introducing or reviewing Spanish words with your K-2 students.
Poster with 16 words to help with the composition (color and bw versions). The words are: zorro, ciervo, lobo, castor, águila, serpiente, erizo, conejo, ardilla, oso, búho, ratón, mapache, pájaro, tucán, mofeta.
6 different writing activities about this topic:
* ¿Qué prefieres? (zorro/erizo)
* ¿Qué prefieres? (mofeta/pájaro)
* ¿Cuál es tu animal preferido?
* ¿Qué animal te gusta menos?
* ¿Qué animal tendrías de mascota en la escuela?
* Colorea el dibujo y descríbelo.
4 versions for differentiation in your classroom to help each and every student to achieve the task.

Animales del bosque - Juegos de vocabulario
Do you need games to introduce vocabulary in Spanish? These printing activities help your students learn about forest animals. These vocabulary games are engaging and motivating. These games can be used with whole groups and also small groups. This is an ideal vocabulary resource for introducing or reviewing Spanish words with your K-2 students.
Words included: zorro, ciervo, lobo, castor, águila, serpiente, erizo, conejo, ardilla, oso, búho, ratón, mapache, pájaro, tucán, mofeta.
Games included:
Yo tengo… ¿Quién tiene…?
Bingo with 30 unique boards

Letra E - Actividades digitales en español
Do your students struggle with the spanish alphabet? These fun and engaging letter activities will help them master each letter. These digital activities for PowerPoint, Google Slides and Seesaw are perfect for independent work, small groups or literacy centers. They are interactive and improve your student’s vocabulary.
Este archivo contiene 20 páginas con las que podrán aprender y practicar la letra mediante:
Rellenar la mayúscula con puntos de colores.
Secuenciar la escritura de la mayúscula.
Trazar la mayúscula.
Rellenar la minúscula con puntos de colores.
Secuenciar la escritura de la minúscula.
Trazar la minúscula.
Diferenciar mayúsculas y minúsculas.
Reconocer la mayúscula y minúscula de entre otras letras.
Colocar la letra inicial en 4 palabras.
Colocar la letra inicial en 4 palabras.
Reconocer el sonido inicial.
Reconocer si las palabras empiezan o no por la letra.
Reconocer si las palabras empiezan o no por la letra.
Leer 4 palabras que empiezan por la letra.
Leer 4 palabras que empiezan por la letra.
Leer 4 oraciones del estilo: Ee de estrella.
Leer 4 oraciones del estilo: Ee de estrella.
4 flash cards con el vocabulario usado.
4 flash cards con el vocabulario usado.
Las 8 palabras de vocabulario usadas para usar en centros o murales en clase.

Iniciación a la lectura 1 - Letra M
Do you need some activities to practice reading in Spanish? This NO PREP printing activities help your students learn to read the letter M. This worksheets are engaging and motivating. These 35 phonics pages can be used as an independent literacy center or distant learning resource. This is an ideal silabario resource for introducing or reviewing the spanish literacy with your K-2 students. It is designed to help your students become experts in learning how to read. Only the known letters are used. The students have the feeling to accomplish something since they are able to read everything at the end this unit.
Letter identification
Writting uppercase and silable formation
Writting lowercase and silable formation
Syllable color by code
Initial silable identification
Picture color by code
Writing the initial silable or all the knowing letters
Text to read that only contains knowing letters
Tracing and writting the sentences from the text
Dictado using words
Dictado using sentences
Control sheets for the dictados.
ABC to mark all the knowing letters
Chart with how to write the letter in uppercase and lowercase.
Chart with the syllables.

Letra A - Actividades digitales en español
Do your students struggle with the spanish alphabet? These fun and engaging letter activities will help them master each letter. These digital activities for PowerPoint, Google Slides and Seesaw are perfect for independent work, small groups or literacy centers. They are interactive and improve your student’s vocabulary.
Este archivo contiene 20 páginas con las que podrán aprender y practicar la letra mediante:
Rellenar la mayúscula con puntos de colores.
Secuenciar la escritura de la mayúscula.
Trazar la mayúscula.
Rellenar la minúscula con puntos de colores.
Secuenciar la escritura de la minúscula.
Trazar la minúscula.
Diferenciar mayúsculas y minúsculas.
Reconocer la mayúscula y minúscula de entre otras letras.
Colocar la letra inicial en 4 palabras.
Colocar la letra inicial en 4 palabras.
Reconocer el sonido inicial.
Reconocer si las palabras empiezan o no por la letra.
Reconocer si las palabras empiezan o no por la letra.
Leer 4 palabras que empiezan por la letra.
Leer 4 palabras que empiezan por la letra.
Leer 4 oraciones del estilo: Aa de ardilla.
Leer 4 oraciones del estilo: Aa de ardilla.
4 flash cards con el vocabulario usado.
4 flash cards con el vocabulario usado.
Las 8 palabras de vocabulario usadas para usar en centros o murales en clase.

Numbers 1-10 in English, Spanish and German
Are you looking for a fun way to practice numbers in different languages? Here you can find the numbers from 1 to 9 in English, Spanish and German.
English / Inglés / Englisch
Spanish / Español / Spanisch
German / Alemán / Deutsch

Kindergarten Math Addition and Substraction within 10 Word Problems
This NO PREP school themed Addition and Substraction within 10 word problems are an engaging way to master their math skills. Each problem has a ten frame, number path, number bond, equation and solution. They are perfect for distance learning, math journal pages, for morning work, as homework…
This resource includes:
10 addition problems
10 substraction problems