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AER Lesson - WJEC GCSE Maths / Numeracy
AER Lesson
Worksheet attached as well.
Made for WJEC GCSE Maths and GCSE Numeracy specifications!

Countdown to Christmas 2021
A numeracy style “Countdown to Christmas” PowerPoint slide presentation.
These are printed out/ added to whole-school form PPT to add a numerical element of excitement as we countdown to Christmas day 2021.
School logo can easily be changed for all slides by using view-> slide master and switching/editing from there.

WJEC GCSE Mathematics Numeracy - Intermediate Tier - Key Skills booklet - Revision pack
A revision pack aimed at providing a chance for students to gain confidence by attempting WJEC GCSE Mathematics Numeracy - Intermediate Tier style questions that have either previously appeared on past papers or questions that are key skills that are regularly assessed.

Times tables Challenges / Multiplication Mixture Challenge / Complete series of Challenges
Times tables / Multiplication Mixture Challenge.
Brilliant starter activity / half-termly assessment to develop fluency in times table recall.
Separate sheet for each Times tables (2 to 12).
Also includes a mixture challenge at the end.
If there are any other challenges you would like please leave a comment…
If you found it useful please leave a review.

Trigonometry - SOHCAHTOA - Differentiated questions
Differentiated Trigonometry questions (SOHCAHTOA) using excel to create changing questions with the click of a button!
Again, please rate/review if you’ve used the resource and found it useful…
Press Delete on an empty cell to refresh questions. I suggest freezing the board just in case you change the questions without meaning to.

Differentiated Pythagoras' theorem questions - Procedural style
Excel workbook set up to build confidence in the process of pythagoras’ theorem.
Questions will change with the press of an empty cell to give you loads of new questions!
Please review if you found it useful…

LNF Numeracy Key Skills - Maths Starters
An Excel workbook designed to cover some key skills in the LNF Numeracy framework (Wales).
Designed to be used as a starter in maths/numeracy lessons to build confidence in tackling key skills that lead into the GCSE Mathematics: Numeracy papers in Wales.
3 separate starters, one for each year group at Key Stage 3, outlined by the different age expectations in the Numeracy framework.
Any feedback or suggestions would be great!

Straight Line Graphs - Differentiated Discovery Lesson KS3/KS4 - y=mx+c
Straight Line Graphs - Differentiated Discovery Lesson KS3/KS4 - y=mx+c
Full differentiated lesson, complete with starter and plenary.
Used in an observation, with excellent feedback, lesson aims to get students to discover y=mx+c, through scaffolded differentiated and questionning. Use of metacognition to develop full and deeper understanding on what can be a misunderstood and easy to forget topic.
Any feedback would be great!

GCSE Maths Revision Starters - Key Skills/Topics - Higher/Intermediate Tier
GCSE Maths Revision starters covering some Key Skills/Topics for Higher/Intermediate Tiers.
Some questions repeat enough for students to gain more confidence and some alternate to cover a greater range of topics.
Worked very well as starters over a short space of time in recapping, with restoring and building confidence in key topics the goal.

Dividing Polynomials / Polynomial Division - Core/Pure A-level Maths Lesson
Dividing Polynomials / Polynomial Division - Core/Pure A-level Maths Lesson
Differentiated AS/A2 lesson on polynomial division.
Lesson worked extremely well with my classes over last 2 years. Let me know what you think.

AER Annual Equivalent Rate - WJEC GCSE Lesson
A complete lesson on AER, with accompanying worksheet.
Lesson is differentiated and comes with starter, mini-plenary and plenary.
Worksheet designed similarly to WJEC GCSE style questions.
Plenary contains spot the mistake and WJEC GCSE style questions.

Fractions of Amounts - Bar Modelling / Box Method approach - adaptable
A basic worksheet using the Bar modelling Singapore maths/ box method approach to calculating a fraction of an amount.
Good differentiated template to develop understanding of sharing amounts, using tallies to help before going on to formalise the idea using division and multiplication.

Conversion Graphs - Full Lesson - Currency
Full lesson on using conversion graphs to convert between different currencies.
Suggest using graphs in powerpoint as your worksheets and arranging as you would like on a printed document.
Thanks to Whidds(Check out his stuff, if you haven’t already done so!) for the idea of using the flags as a cross curricular hook into the lesson.
Contains a WJEC SAMS Question towards end of lesson/plenary.

Factors Investigation - Whole/Complete lesson
Complete lesson investigating which number, less than 50, has the most factors.
Designed as an engaging/competitive way of recapping or consolidating basic factors.
Have also used it as a way of engaging students in an introduction to finding HCF's.

Complete Ratio lessons - Sharing amounts - Bar Modelling method
Complete/whole lesson(s) meant as an introduction to ratio’s for KS2/KS3/KS4 students.
Lesson adapted to incorporate a Bar modelling / Singapore maths style approach to the topic.
Demonstrates a clear method/process which utilises students practicing their numeracy and developing a visual understanding of sharing an amount in a given ratio.

Venn Diagrams - Set notation (inc. Intersection & Union) - Full Lesson
A complete lesson introducing Venn diagrams, suitable for KS2, KS3 & KS4 students.
Lesson introduces the concepts of sets, the intersection of sets and the union of sets.
Worksheets attached for printing out of examples and questions.
Feedback/suggestions welcomed…

Trigonometric (Sin, Cosine & Tan) Graph (inc. drawing/sketching graphs) - Full Lesson
Lesson starts with plotting the graphs of Sine, Cosine and Tangent functions.
Then brings in sketching a comparison of the Sine and Cosine functions.
Before, getting on to solving trigonometric equations using the graphs.
Lesson finished with an interactive plenary where students need to evaluate trigonometric values.
Updated with correct animation ordering on solving graphs slide and updated/alternative graph paper for plotting of graphs on 2mm graph paper similar to that used on most exam boards exam papers.

Stratified Sampling GCSE - Full Lesson
Complete Stratified sampling lesson made for my Year 10, top set, GCSE class.
Lesson includes definition and builds the difficulty of examples which my class found insightful.
Worksheet includes 3 past GCSE questions.

Measurement/Units (cm) conversion activity - Connect 4
Consolidation activity converting mm, m and km into cm using the theme of connect 4.
Students create their own conversion Connect 4 game.
Also asked to create an answer sheet for the game they have created.