This worksheet has 16 fill in the blanks on using the present subjunctive with WEIRDO
wishes and wants: quiero que…
emotions: temo que…
impersonal expressions: es dudoso que
doubts and denials: no creo que…
Includes MANY IRREGULAR verbs: haya, vaya, sepa, tenga, sea, esté, dé, llegue, etc.
Answer key included.
Editable word file.
This 3-page file includes:
~1 reading that features a dialogue between three people: two female friends who are out for dinner and their waiter. A glossary of food vocabulary appears at the top.
~1 page of 10 true/false reading comprehension questions in Spanish and a short writing section.
~Answer Key.
Activity idea: after reading the skit with a partner, students can be split off in pairs to write their own scripts about eating in a restaurant to perform for the class or hand in for working.
Vocab includes:
el mesero
el pescado
el bistec
los mariscos
el arroz
de postre
el flan
la cuenta
el café
la langosta
This French reading includes descriptions of 3 people’s morning routine in the passe composé tense. One woke up early, one late and one has the day off. Includes many reflexive verbs and examples of using être in the past tense.
Includes 8 reading comprehension questions in French.
Answer key included.
Includes two versions of the reading, with and without the verbs highlighted.
Activity idea: After reading, have students underline all the reflexive verbs they find, then have them discuss their own routine that morning or write about it for homework.
This worksheet includes three parts to help your students get comfortable with weather expressions in Spanish:
matching 14 expressions (English to Spanish)
placing expressions on a chart choosing between Hace/Está/Hay
a short translation including the seasons and types of weather within the seasons.
Editable Word file
Answer key included.
This worksheet includes a total of 16 fill in the blank questions for the past perfect tense:
8 with regular verbs
8 with irregular verbs
Students must fill in both the auxiliary verb and the correct past participle!
Editable word file.
Answer key included
This 4-page file includes:
~An advanced level reading that is a funny dialogue between two girlfriends who have just returned from a disastrous trip! They discuss what they would have done differently if only they had known what was going to happen! The reading includes numerous examples of the pluperfect subjunctive and the conditional perfect. The reading also includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
~The same reading with the verbs in the pluperfect subjunctive and the conditional perfect. highlighted for students to see in context.
~A worksheet with 8 reading comprehension questions in Spanish based on the story.
~Answer key.
This 3-page file includes:
~A fun reading in which five people are interviewed about what they would do in specific situations. In the answers the students can see the Spanish conditional verb forms in context!
~A worksheet based on the reading which includes two parts: a true/false reading comprehension section and a writing section where students need to describe what they would do in the following situations:
~ Answer key
¿Qué harías si perdieras algo importante?
¿Qué harías si encontraras una cartera (wallet) en la calle?
¿Qué harías si tus padres te dieran un regalo que no te gusta?
¿Qué harías si fuera el último día de clases?
¿Qué harías si pudieras cantar muy bien?
Level: Upper Intermediate
This 3-page file includes:
~A German reading with the descriptions of 4 people’s morning routines including preparing for work or school.
~A worksheet based on the reading with 12 reading comprehension questions and a short writing assignment.
~Answer key.
Activity idea: After reading, have students discuss their own family’s daily routines or write about it for homework
This French reading includes the descriptions of three young people and their social media habits and attitudes towards it. The reading includes a lot of technology/social media vocabulary.
The reading is followed by eight reading comprehension questions.
Level: Intermediate
Editable Word file
Answer key included
This worksheet focuses on adjective agreement. Students are required to fill in the missing words by translating it from English into the correct form in Spanish being mindful of the number and gender!
This worksheet has a total of 18 exercises including descriptive adjectives (rojo), limiting adjectives (mucho) and adjectives which shorten (primero, bueno).
Editable word file
Includes answer key.
This worksheet is a great way to review clothing vocabulary in Spanish!
It includes 3 parts:
1. Matching - students match up 15 English and Spanish clothing vocabulary items
2. Short reading-students read a short dialogue about someone buying clothes
3. Writing - students are required to write their own short script (this can be handed in for homework or performed for the class) based on the model script
Vocab includes:
la camisa
la falda
los pantalones
el vestido
la chaqueta
la blusa
los zapatos
el tamaño
los vaqueros
Plus more!
This worksheet features two parts: 18 Matching and 8 Short Answer questions with vocabulary on greetings and basic expressions.
Activity Idea: After completing the worksheet, have students write a short script with a partner in class using the new phrases!
This French language reading introduces students to talking about recurring past events by using imperfect tense. It talks about the childhoods of three different people and the activities they used to enjoy.
The reading includes 8 reading comprehension questions.
Answer key included
Activity idea: Have the students underline all the imperfect verbs they find in the reading and then have them talk about their own early childhood habits using the imperfect tense.
This 3-page file includes:
~A beginner level script in which four students from different parts of the world are discussing their various backgrounds, languages they speak and their motivations for learning. Reading includes a glossary of new vocabulary.
~An accompanying worksheet with 8 true/false reading comprehension questions and a short writing section on how to common nationalities.
Level: Beginner
This 8-page file includes:
~24 task cards focused reflexive verbs (4 pages x 6 cards per sheet)
~1 blank sheet for your ideas
~Recording sheet
~Answer key in both tenses
All 24 task cards feature a DIFFERENT verb, an image and a sentence where students need to conjugate the verb to complete the sentence. (May be used for present or past tenses)
Can be used alone, in pairs or in small groups!
Example sentences:
Yo ___ ______ el pelo. (sacarse)
Ellos _______ los dientes. (cepillarse)
This 3-page file includes:
~A cultural reading that explains the history and conventions around the important 15th birthday celebrations of the Quinceañera. The reading includes a short glossary of specialized vocabulary up top.
~A worksheet with 10 reading comprehension questions.
~Answer key.
Vocabulary includes:
la quinceañera
la misa
los padrinos
el chambelán
Great for Hispanic heritage month or simply an adjunct to beginner level Spanish courses.
This French reading features a traveler checking into their hotel. The script features a large number of travel and hotel related vocabulary that students can see in context.
The reading is prefaced by a glossary of new vocabulary and followed by a reading comprehension section. Includes 2 versions of the reading, with 8 true/false questions in English OR French for differentiated learning.
Activity idea: Have students read the script in pairs, and then have them write their own similar script to practice the new vocabulary to act out.
Editable Word file.
Answer key included.
In this worksheet students get comfortable creating the conversational future tense (ir + a + inf) with 10 fill in the blank and 4 translation questions all in the present tense.
Editable word file.
Answer key included.
Example questions:
Yo ………… a ir al banco mañana. (ir)
Pedro y María …………. a trabajar mucho. (ir)
Nosotros .…………… a limpiar la casa. (ir)
This 3-page file includes:
~ A reading in which four people described their weekly chores around the house.
~ A worksheet based on the reading with ten short answer questions, a gap fill exercise and a short writing section.
~Answer key
Includes the following vocabulary:
cortar el césped
lavar la ropa
preparar la comida
sacudir el polvo
limpiar el baño
pasar la aspiradora
hacer la cama
poner la mesa
ir al supermercado
lavar a los perros