The revision mats your students need to talk and write fluently about themselves, family, friends and relationships.
Powerpoint with revision mats to cover the GCSE French unit Me, my family and friends. Can be used as knowledge organizers for Speaking and Writing.
Includes revision slides for the following themes:
-Identity: describe yourself and others (portrait physique et portrait moral, nationalities, professions)
-Family: Family members, family relationships and the different roles of the family members
-Friends: Talk about friendships, similarities and differences with friends and siblings.
Marriage: the ceremony, the couple, the types of marriage.
-Future projects and aspirations
French Quiz with 35 Multiple choice questions (Level B1-B2), that can be used to assess Grammar and Vocabulary Skills. Accompanied by the answer sheet.
Presentation to teach KS2 students the solar system in French. The students describe the planets in French and learn to locate them in relation to the sun (loin de /près de).
Names of the planets. Colours. Adjectives (grande/petite)
Free worksheet.
The revision mats your students need to talk and write fluently about mobile technology and social media.
Powerpoint with 4 revision mats to cover the GCSE French unit mobile technology and social media. Can be used as knowledge organizers for Speaking and Writing.
Includes revision slides for the following themes:
Computers and Internet
The uses of social media
The pros and cons of social media
The benefits and dangers of mobile technology.
Ideas mats on the AS topic of health and wellness (Santé et Bien-être) (B2 Level)
Power point presentation of 6 slides that can be used for writing or speaking activities.
Subjects covered:
Drogues et dépendances
Le culte de l’apparence
La malbouffe
Le mal-être
L’ alcool
Le médecines alternatives
The revision mats your students need to talk and write fluently about leisure time activities.
Powerpoint with revision mats to cover the GCSE French unit “free-time activities and going out” Can be used as knowledge organizers for Speaking and Writing.
Includes revision slides for the following themes:
-Going to the cinema
-Going out to eat
-Music, books & reading, theater
Ideas & vocabulary revision mats for the French ΑS Topic Les médias covering the subjects of :
La télévision
La publicité
La télérealité
La presse
La célébrité
Boost your students’ french grammar skills with this powerpoint presentation which explains everything about the genders of the nouns in French.
8 slides that can be used to teach students the genders.
Τhis resource covers
-how to tell the gender of a noun by its ending
-gender of objects and notions
Presentation to introduce Y3 French class newbies to the French language and teach them to greet each other using bonjour et salut. Cross-curricular geography links, as they also learn about France and its location in Europe, the French flag, where French is spoken etc.
Presentation of key vocabulary and argumentation for the technology unit of AS French. It covers the basic vocabulary about using computers and emails and provides arguments for discussion on social networks, illegal downloading, smartphones, with words, ideas and expressions that can help the pupils to enrich their vocabulary on this topic and practise answering questions in speaking or writing (last slide).
Ideas & vocabulary revision mats for the French Α2 Topic La société multiculturelle covering the subjects of :
Société contemporaine: valeurs et attitudes
Bénévolat- Engagément
Ideas & vocabulary revision mats for the French ΑS Topic Family /Relationships covering the subjects of :
Role of parents, good parenting
Attitudes of family members
Conflict between young people and other family members
Changing models of family and parenting
Marriage / Partnerships
Changing attitudes towards marriage or cohabitation
Separation and divorce
Staying single
Benefits and drawbacks of different types of family unions
PowerPoint presentation with audio to teach students about movies.
13 slides covering:
-Ask and answer opinions about movies
-Different types of movies and basic vocabulary for each
-Expressions for positive or negative movie critics
It includes audio for listening and practising key vocabulary
This presentation sketches the portraits of he pre-socratic philosophers and can be used as a point of departure for a voyage into the world of wisdom.
Introduction to French and the French civilisation. Check how much your pupils know about France and how many French words they can recognize.
La France et le français for beginners. Faire le point sur ce que les élèves connaissent déjà de la France et du français. Reconnaitre le français, découvrir des élèments de la civilization française.
Presentation to introduce, teach or revise the topic of Family, Home and Daily routine for GCSE students.
Model texts and revision slides with useful phrases and expressions, that can be printed and used as revision mats. All the basics that students need to talk about school and future plans.
It covers
-Describe my self
-Τalk about my family
-Describe my house
-Describe my favourite room
-Describe a normal day
This is a video version of the original resource by sandy59 . I extended the original version by adding audio so that it can be used by non specialist teachers and self directed learners to practise saying the colours in French.
Worksheet to be used with the presentation "Le système solaire"
Students describe the solar system in French colouring the planets and writing statements to describe their size and position in relation to the sun.