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Paul Smith (Teacher of French & German KS3 - 5)

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In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul




In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul
A-LEVEL FRENCH  Kiffe kiffe demain essay writing framework

A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe kiffe demain essay writing framework

A 4-page document offering essay writing phrases specific to writing responses to Kiffe Kiffe Demain essays at AS and A-level French. These are tailored around the book by Faiza Guene and is divided into sections, including introductory phrases, Introducing / structuring points in main paragraphs, presenting evidence, presenting evaluation, being more specific, making conclusions. I allow and actively encourage my students to write essays using this framework, up to and including timed essay attempts, in order to familiarise themselves with phrases which will enable them to produce a structured piece with varied language. This has proven very successful and popular with students, whose results have developed by using this resource.
A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe Kiffe Demain - Le contexte et le récit (4 lessons PowerPoint)

A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe Kiffe Demain - Le contexte et le récit (4 lessons PowerPoint)

A 34 slide PowerPoint with at least 4 lessons worth of activities for students to become more familiar with the novel Kiffe Kiffe Demain by Faïza Guène, specifically the context and the storyline of the work. The lessons based around the book's context include activities on the author herself, as well as it's literary milieu as a celebrated piece of littérature beur. There is also a lesson based around gaining a greater understanding of the history of immigration in France . The storyline lessons build knowledge of the key events in the book, culminating in a task requiring pupils to match summary titles to each "chapter" from the book, complete with page number references. This will enable pupils to build a useful table to refer back to, when looking for evidence of particular aspects of the storyline when writing A-level essays. The PowerPoint includes gap-fill tasks, reading and listening comprehension tasks, summary tasks, phrase finder tasks, as well as translation and grammar activities, with answers to facilitate self- and peer assessment of activities.
Ma ville autrefois

Ma ville autrefois

Reading comprehension worksheet with vocabulary finder task and comprehension questions. Pupils can also texts as models for their own responses, which are ideal for GCSE speaking and writing preparation. The sentence building task is using phrases and ideas from the reading comprehension worksheet and along with the support column, pupils translate the English sentences into French to form an extended paragraph about how a town used to be.
A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe Kiffe demain - KKD comme journal: comment cela affecte l'histoire (Model essay)

A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe Kiffe demain - KKD comme journal: comment cela affecte l'histoire (Model essay)

A 783-word model written response to the new AQA A-level French 7652 Paper 2 question "Faïza Guène présente Kiffe kiffe demain comme un journal. Comment est-ce que cela affecte la façon dont l’histoire est présentée ?" The response is followed by a comprehensive vocabulary list which will enable pupils of all levels to access the model response. Pupils can use the model response to identify point, evidence and personal evaluation in each main paragraph, as well as to draw out useful generic essay language which they can in turn use in their own work.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Points positifs et aspects qu'on pourrait critiquer (Essay + exercises)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Points positifs et aspects qu'on pourrait critiquer (Essay + exercises)

A model essay on La Haine for the A2 French cultural studies essay writing question "Quels aspects de l’œuvre du metteur en scène que vous avez etudié est-ce que vous trouvez plutôt positifs ? Est-ce qu’il y a des aspects de l’œuvre que vous critiqueriez ? Expliquez pourquoi." This resource includes a 732-word model essay with a variety of points, vocabulary and grammatical structures and also 3 exercises for pupils to complete, including a vocabulary finder task, a reading comprehension and target language response task, and a third task which invites pupils to think of further positives and criticisms of La Haine.
GCSE GERMAN - New AQA 2018 specification GCSE-style Foundation Writing Paper on topic of Holidays

GCSE GERMAN - New AQA 2018 specification GCSE-style Foundation Writing Paper on topic of Holidays

Bemoaning the lack of new GCSE-style assessment materials to accurately assess our pupils, and using a draft assessment resource from the AQA website as a rough guide, I create my own foundation writing paper on the topic of holidays. This will need to be used in conjunction with the writing marks scheme from the new AQA specification, but at present there are no raw mark - grade conversions. This can nonetheless be devised by teachers using either professional judgement following the assessment or using percentages of old UMS conversion tables (i.e. approx. 80% = A*).
GCSE FRENCH - L'alcool, le tabagisme et la drogue

GCSE FRENCH - L'alcool, le tabagisme et la drogue

A self-made speaking mat which includes phonetics and PowerPoint presentation so that pupils of all ability ranges at GCSE can create extended answers to questions about smoking, drugs and alcohol. Suitable for all GCSE speaking and even writing preparation on the topic of Healthy Living/Lifestyle.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Main themes of film director and your reaction to these (Model essay)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Main themes of film director and your reaction to these (Model essay)

My response to the A-level essay question Analysez les principaux thèmes ou les principales idées du metteur en scène que vous avez étudié. Comment avez-vous réagi à ces thèmes ou à ces idées ? which is relevant for either the legacy or the new-style A-level courses. This is a great model resource to discuss the importance of structure and to access for vocabulary and essay-writing phrases. We discuss the importance of the PEE model (Point-Evidence-Evaluation) and sometimes get pupils to do group work whereby each group evaluates a paragraph and explains PEE in each to other groups. ***NOW INCLUDES ASSOCIATED EXERCISES FOR PUPILS, INCLUDING PHRASE-FINDER AND TRANSLATION OF EXPRESSIONS WITHIN ESSAY***
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine Essay Writing Framework

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine Essay Writing Framework

This is a list of generic essay phrases that I have used in my many model essays on La Haine which I give to my students at the start of the year and encourage them to use when writing their own essays on the film. In this way, students are "trained" to write their essays in a structured fashion, following the Point-Evidence-Evaluation model. I call this the bones of the essay, and the meat on those bones comes from their own planning and ideas. I also encourage my pupils to add to this list should they come across any expressions that they like/use that aren't already on the list. Although students obviously aren't allowed any aid in the exam with them, by the final exam, some of these phrases will be embedded in their work by force of repetition. Students will naturally develop "favourites" and provided that these are used in the correct context, it will enable them to focus more on the content, i.e. gaining more marks for the critical analysis of the ideas they put forward.
An Idiot's Guide to French Tenses

An Idiot's Guide to French Tenses

A concise yet comprehensive & colourful resource for French students between KS3 to KS4 which can easily be made into a personalised booklet which summarises all of the key French tenses, including Pluperfect, Perfect, Imperfect, Present (Regular & Irregular), Near Future, Future, Conditional & Conditional Perfect. My pupils find the tense summaries really useful and they have also been enlarged and put onto A3 and laminated by other staff to use as classroom wall display support.
GCSE German - Perfect Tense worksheet & Perfect Tense summary

GCSE German - Perfect Tense worksheet & Perfect Tense summary

I created this resource for my Year 9 group who are studying die Medien und Freizeit. This is a reading comprehension worksheet with two tasks. The first is an identification task of the auxiliary verb and past participle & the second requires pupils to work back from the past participle to the infinitive whilst identifying the auxiliary verb. The latter exercise can be completed with the support of the summary sheet. Sentences can then be adapted as a written task.
A-LEVEL GERMAN: Goodbye Lenin Model Essay - Wie ändert sich das Leben für Alex nach dem Mauerfall

A-LEVEL GERMAN: Goodbye Lenin Model Essay - Wie ändert sich das Leben für Alex nach dem Mauerfall

My own model response to the new-style AQA A-level Paper2 question "Wie ändert sich das Leben für Alex nach dem Fall der Mauer? Inwiefern wird alles besser für ihn?". The essay also includes a comprehensive vocabulary list which has been drawn from the essay itself. Many of these phrases and expressions are generic and could be used for other essays. The essay can be accessed in many ways, including: - Asking pupils to highlight the Point, Evidence and Evaluation in each of the main body's paragraphs. They could summarise these in English which is a useful precursor from them to write their own plan in English following the Point, Evidence and Evaluation model. - Highlighting certain sections, phrases or passages for translation to consolidate on grammar structures which may have already been taught. - Asking pupils to read the essay and then consulting the mark scheme they could give the essay a mark and then justify why they chose the mark when discussing with peers. This would help to familiarise pupils with what is needed in order to score the higher marks. I hope you find this resource useful! Paul
A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe kiffe demain Analysez les rapports entre personnages masculins / féminins ESSAY

A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe kiffe demain Analysez les rapports entre personnages masculins / féminins ESSAY

A 762-word model essay in response to the AQA A-level French Paper 2 question on Faiza Guene’s Kiffe Kiffe Demain with the title “Analysez les rapports entre les personnages féminins et les personnages masculins dans ce roman.” The model essay is accompanied by 6 exercises, including a synonym finder task, a grammar gap-fill based on adjectival agreement, a verb formation gap-fill task, a diamond 9 speaking task based on relationships between characters, an English summary task to show understanding of model essay’s structure and content (Point-Evidence-Evaluation) and the final task which requires pupils to choose the relationships they wish to analyse and to offer their thoughts to each one. This resource could be used over the course of 2 lessons and serves as an excellent model to support less confident pupils, but also contains a wealth of vocabulary and structures in order to inspire the more able.
La Haine A2 French Speaking Exam Practice Task

La Haine A2 French Speaking Exam Practice Task

Paired speaking task. Pupils ask each other the questions on their resource about La Haine and pupils to then peer-assess using the AQA A2 marks scheme. This can easily be adapted to use any part of the mark scheme & include different questions to suit what has been taught. This enables students to identify areas upon which to focus revision.