Powerpoint presentation covering floods, hurricane, tornados, tsunamis, lightning, volcanos and earthquakes.
Each slide is simple and contains only a 2-3 minute National Geographic 101 video. Teacher could discuss with the class what they know about each topic before they play the video and then after each video discuss what they now know.
Worksheets are good for data gathering while each video is playing or during discussion.
I do not own the National Geographic videos, I have simply obtained them on YouTube and compiled them altogether in the one place.
This download is a free sample of my main Stations of the Cross download which can be found here;
When you choose to download this download you’ll receive 2 pictures which are aimed at giving you a ‘try before you buy’ experience.
Minibeast booklet which can be printed and handed to children as they embark on a Minibeast hunt. Booklet focuses on challenging children to find minibeasts in a forest by looking in places which resemble the conditions mentioned in a perfect minibeast hotel. i.e. dark, moist ect.
Thought I’d share it with you, I created it for use in a school for a presentation lesson on a Royal Visit.
Differentiated doubling and halving worksheets for year 3-4.
6 written questions per page with adequate space for children to work out their answer.
Lower ability (LA) doubling numbers up to 48 - 6 questions.
Medium ability (MA) doubling and halving even numbers up to 48 - 6 questions.
Higher ability (HA) doubling and halving odd and even numbers (up to 4-digit) - 12 questions.
Both .word (editable) and .pdf available for both.
I made these for a composite Year 3 (P4) and Year 4 (P5) class.
Poster containing flags, country name and capital cities of all countries in the continent of Europe.
Perfect for printing on A3 paper and laminating for your classroom!
Provided in both JPEG and PDF format.
The flag game is great for playing when you have some spare time. I display a flag and ask the class to write which country they think it is. If they get it wrong they are eliminated. Repeat until you have a winner.
A refresh lesson lesson packed full of moving images to get your class excited!
This presentation gives a refresh on nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. It uses both still images and moving images to give children the opportunity to say what they see. I.e. Pictures of Marty and the Doc are nouns.
Then the presentation displays a short clip from the movie. Here children will watch the clip and on their whiteboards they will write one sentence, they will have to identify what types of words they used in their sentence.
Now tell children you're taking them back in time to watch Marty McFly in concert. When they come back to the future they will act as reporters and write an account of what they saw. Children will then watch the 'Johnny B Goode' clip from the film and write an article telling people of the performance they witnessed.
Great and effective lesson (plus it gets children interested in this great movie!).
Presentation focusing on the use of non-standard English (slang). This presentation focuses on the non standard English used in parts of Northern Ireland.
An interactive PowerPoint which focuses on the past, present and future tense of the following vocabulary;
A great lesson starter which can be left on the board as a word bank.
YouTube preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqGXvdrvHkY
Take your class on a quest to defeat the Riddler who wants to take control of Gotham!
This PowerPoint is perfectly structured, if you need to write a plan just write it around the slides! You don’t need to change a thing, the PowerPoint will take you through the whole lesson, and providing you take the time prior to the lesson to study the PowerPoint each slide will prompt you - and you will soar!
Presentation starts off with a few introductory slides, you then will split the class into 4 teams. Once the class is split you will then present Riddles to them, children must work in their teams to solve the riddle and provide you with an answer on their team whiteboard. You as teacher can take a tally of their scores.
Once all 10 riddles have been solved, your class will now work in their teams to create riddles to present to the other 3 teams. I had each child write a riddle and then as a team they selected the best to use in the final battle. Children then presented their riddle to the other 3 teams. If none of the teams could solve their riddle I awarded 20 points, 15 if one teams solved it, 10 for two and 5 points if all three teams solved it. These points were added to the tally created earlier and a winning team declared.
As a substitute teacher I take this lesson with me everyday on a USB pen. It’s perfect for getting a class engaged and always works a treat!
I am a fully qualified Graphic Designer (BSc Hons) with a PGCE in Primary Education. My resources are made to a high standard, and priced reasonably. I believe firmly that high quality resources are what’s needed for teachers to compete with iPads and tablets, I also believe that no teaching resource should break the bank.
All feedback welcome! And a review would be much appreciated.
Simple PowerPoint Presentation which informs children why written instructions are important. PowerPoint then models a Laughing Potion Recipe. Blank recipe worksheets are provided (lined and not lined) as well as titled ‘Laughing Potion’ blank recipe worksheets.
Keyword list included.
Perfect resource for Halloween Revision.
Perfect for any time of the year - not just pancake Tuesday!
A detailed lesson which demonstrates the importance of instructions and how to write a set of instructions. When you download this resource you will receive:
A PowerPoint Presentation
4 Differentiated Recipe templates (lined and unlined)
Instructions Checklist
Pancake recipe sheet
Word banks (Time connectives & imperative verbs)
The interactive PowerPoint is split into sections;
Examples of when we use instructions in everyday life.
Why are instructions important?
Tips on writing instructions.
Things to remember when writing instructions.
Different sections of a recipe. This slide reviews a blank recipe template.
Review of a pancake recipe. This slide reviews a pancake recipe.
This resource was designed by a graphic designer (BSc Hons) with a PGCE in education. I strive to make my resources an extremely high quality and welcome any feedback.
I’m a graphic designer turned teacher, this gives me the advantage of being able to create high tech resources such as this one. This resource is perfect for an observation, I know this because I used it for mine and aced it!
Lesson will be Scooby Doo themed.
First slides investigate children’s knowledge on questions, statements, commands or exclamations. Each slide will provide children with a moving image example of each type of sentence we are discussing today. Ask children to give an example to the rest of the class and praise accordingly.
Nest section of slideshow will display Scooby Doo video clips, each containing questions, statements, commands and exclamations.
After each clip, slideshow will display children a script of the previous clip (modelling the correct way to write it) and ask them to raise their hands if they can identify what type of sentence it is and if they know how we write it. Then the slideshow will will display the correct answer.
Keep going with each clip. Don’t be afraid about asking children to experiment and think of their own sentences – give them the stage!
***Guided Work***
Guided work slide will be displayed followed by a slide of prompts and examples.
Year 2 children will be asked to write individual sentences. Their sheet has been divided into 4 titled sections with space to write accordingly. LA Year 2 will be given the same sheet however theirs will have examples of each to remind them.
Year 3 children will be asked to write at least two paragraphs. I will show them a few slides explaining what I mean by paragraphs. LA Year 3 will be given a worksheet, divided into two blank paragraphs and prompts for each paragraph.
***Please Note I created this slideshow for a composite class of Year 2 and 3. You can edit guided work to suit your needs***
Plenary will be a review.
Slideshow will play a longer clip this time, tell children to pay attention because you are going to reward whoever can tell you either a question, statement, command or exclamation from the clip. Those children can be rewarded with a sticker.
For those of you looking for 2-digit and 3-digit bus stop division sums then look no further!
This download contains 70 worksheets of sums divided into 2 sub folders;
2 Digit - Contains 20 worksheets (split into remainders and no remainders) + 20 lower ability worksheets + 10 Challenge worksheets.
3 Digit - Contains 20 worksheets (split into remainders and no remainders).
A perfect resource for strengthening pupil’s ability in performing division sums as they progress from Times Tables to the early stages of advanced division.
Each worksheet contains 30 questions and a seperate answer page.
This is a really fun problem solving lesson. You’ll need a bag of match sticks so that each child can participate.
We’ve all been challenged by someone who laid some matchsticks down and told us we could only move a certain amount to achieve a goal. Well, this PowerPoint contains 16 of these puzzles and their solutions!
Each slide shows a number of matchsticks laid out in some form of shape. You the teacher will tell each child to copy that shape. After this the slide will display the objective of the puzzle. After your class has had a go you can then click to reveal the answer.
A fantastic lesson on problem solving. Perfect for the run up to Christmas, easter or Halloween holidays!
Measuring sugar content of everyday products (Notice board creation activity)
This is a group work lesson focused on measuring the sugar content of everyday products we consume. The end result will be a noticeboard full of pictures of these items with a bag containing the amount of sugar in a serving of each and a corresponding label.
One idea to motivate the children during this lesson is when you notice a group who have accurately measured the sugar content of a particular item, take said bag then and there and pin it to the wall.
Arter purchasing this resource you will need:
• 1kg of sugar (I split my class of 27 into 5 groups and we only needed 1kg – I bought 3 kg just in case)
• A teaspoon per group
• A balancing scale per group
• Weights
• A jug for each group (to hold their sugar)
• A funnel for each group
• Plastic food bags
I used this lesson for an observation and had great success.
Extremely effective PowerPoint where each slide presents a word. The children will be asked to identify if it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. The sentences have been designed to trick children. For example, the word ‘fish’ is displayed. When tested most children say it is a noun, however PowerPoint will then display it in a sentence as a verb.
Each slide also contains a funny moving image, these keep children engaged.
When I did this lesson with my class it was wonderful to see the realisation set in.
The last slide contains a table of words which can be used as either a noun, verb, adjective or verb. It is then up to you what you’d like the children to. They could select 5 words and write two sentences for each word, using them in different context and identifying what they have done.
This was an extremely effective lesson.
For those of you looking for 3 column multiplication sums then look no further!
This download contains 60 worksheets of sums divided into 3 sub folders;
3 by 1 Digit Sums
3 by 2 Digit Sums
3 by 3 Digit Sums
Each folder contains 10 worksheets + 10 lower ability 2x 3x 4x 5x times tables sheets.
A perfect resource for strengthening pupil’s ability in performing multiplication sums as they progress from the early stages of Long Multiplication to the more advanced.
Each worksheet contains 30 questions and a seperate answer page.
For those of you looking for 2 column multiplication sums then look no further!
This download contains 170 worksheets of sums divided into 5 sub folders;
Times Tables - 10 worksheets for each Times Tables from 1 - 12
2x 5x 10x Sums - 10 worksheets
2x 3x 4x 5x 10x Sums - 10 worksheets
6x 7x 8x 9x Sums - 10 worksheets
2 by 2 Column Sums - 20 Long multiplication worksheets
A perfect resource for strengthening pupil’s ability in performing multiplication sums as they progress from Times Tables to the early stages of Long Multiplication.
Each worksheet contains 30 questions and a seperate answer page.
Two very good writing instructions lessons. You could easily use one to follow up the other.