A qualified Primary Teacher and drama and music specialist, I have worked both as a class teacher and in partnership with organisations including Young Enterprise, as well as several youth theatre groups and programmes. My shop provides a range of resources including original scripts, workshop plans, cross curricular topic planners with accompanying resources, planning and assessment pro formas and worksheets.
A qualified Primary Teacher and drama and music specialist, I have worked both as a class teacher and in partnership with organisations including Young Enterprise, as well as several youth theatre groups and programmes. My shop provides a range of resources including original scripts, workshop plans, cross curricular topic planners with accompanying resources, planning and assessment pro formas and worksheets.
This tricky word game is great for independent work stations and early finishers in class. Giving practice and reading and pronouncing tricky words and having fun while learning!
Simply print onto A3 and laminate. The game requires a dice and up to four counters or similar.
This powerpoint covers all common 2D shapes, properties and related vocabulary.
This is a useful tool to use when revising 2D shapes and introducing the correct terminology to use when describing/identifying shapes.
This can also be used to introduce further 2D shapes following pupils previous learning in past years.
This resource has been developed as part of a mini drama study based on Toys. This covers minimum two separate sessions with links to literacy, music as well as Health and Wellbeing. This is specifically directed at P1/2 stages.
Included in the resource are descriptors of a selection of warm up drama games and activities, an original rap song and lesson plan outlines.
All materials are subject to copyright and may only be used by the school/teacher purchasing. No time or number of use restrictions once purchased.
These assessments have been designed to suit any infant stages at end of year. This provides good information for passing on to next teacher and transition between stages. Also, these can be used by the next stage teacher at the beginning of the year to gauge what the pupils have retained over the summer.
The Literacy assessment should be of use to anyone working with a phonics programme, especially with Jolly Phonics. There are also sections for assessing spelling, letter formation, sentence structure, blending and decoding and tricky word recognition. This is fully editable so that if you have taught some different tricky/high frequency words, these can be changed to suit the teaching.
The Maths and Numeracy assessment covers the following areas; Number recognition and formation to 20, addition within 20, subtraction within 10, coin recognition, 2D and 3D shape recognition, number words, O'clock times.
If you would like any further information please contact me via my shop, especially if you would like to see anything else added. I will be putting online further assessments for this stage that can be used throughout the year as the pupil learning progresses.
This is a comprehensive forward plan for first level literacy which includes resources, CFE experiences and outcomes and group differentiation. This has been written for Primary Four but is easily adapted and edited to suit any stage working at first level.
This resource is a script with directions, an information letter for parents as well as a powerpoint for a class to put on a super assembly based on the common world religions festivals and celebrations. It covers Eid, Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas. If you have a range of religions represented in your school, that is ideal, however, it would also be appropriate for smaller schools who perhaps have less diversity, as the script is easily adaptable.
This is well received by parents, pupils and the school community as it is a super way to celebrate several religious festivals at once.
This could be done at this time of year as a stand alone assembly, or can be undertaken at the end of the accompanying RME planner on World Religions which in turn goes with the Solar System topic planner.
I have also uploaded song words and backing tracks to support this assembly - all of these other resources will be available as a bundle.
This topic planner and display resources are for use with a cross curricular study with a focus on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling.
All of the signs and display material requires the font Harry P to be downloaded onto your computer if they are on Word format. I have made a number of posters to explain and showcase the pupils work, in line with suggested lessons in the forward plan. I have now uploaded all display posters as PDFs to enable printing of font without downloading it, excepting any that would require ability to edit.
If anyone wishes to have a look at my classroom please check out Pinterest/pammyc88/Harry Potter Classroom 2016.
This has been one of the most successful full on cross curricular topics I have done to date in my teaching career and is absolutely loved by all the pupils.
UPDATE: I have added in a template in for ‘A Hogwarts Ghost Story’ to the pack as well as a template for using for sending pupils their Hogwarts letters, a set of acrostic poem templates and a final quiz.
Comprehensive mind map style topic plan on Under the Sea for forward planning. This covers early level/EYFS outcomes and also includes an overview planner for Four Contexts for Learning. The bundle also includes a range of accompanying resources; Word bank, literacy and numeracy worksheets and a homework workbook with accompanying parental information letter.
These are classroom friendly templates for developing SWOT analysis with pupils and setting Smart Goals.
These could be used on a regular basis for tracking and assessing pupils progress as well as encouraging self evaluation and taking ownership over their learning.
Four different activities to do in class at the beginning of the new term. Getting to know you activities, friendship and relationships as well as self awareness and self efficacy activity. One of the activities is for each pupil in the class to complete a page about themselves to go into a class book. Have the pupils design a front cover, blurb and back cover, choose winning entries and have it bound to be out on display in class.
All the documents are fully editable to change the year group.
This pack has the second set of the next 200 High Frequency and Tricky words in flashcard format. These are a fantastic tool for not only early level literacy but for older pupils in active spelling activities. These could also be helpful in working with EAL pupils.
This pack has the first 100 High Frequency and Tricky words in flashcard format. There are two options. Colour coded: blue for phonetically sounded words and yellow for tricky words, or plain white backgrounds. The colour coded flashcards match with the Tricky /HF word display clouds that are also available.
These will be super alongside any phonics and spelling programme and make an eye catching and useful display for pupils. These are also a fantastic tool for older pupils in active spelling activities.
This pack has the first 100 High Frequency and Tricky words for display in your classroom. These are displayed in attractive clouds and colour coded: blue for phonetically sounded words and yellow for tricky words.
These will be super alongside any phonics and spelling programme and make an eye catching and useful display for pupils.
There is also a set of colour coded and white flash cards available to purchase.
This booklet has a host of activities and worksheets for Halloween.
Included in booklet are:
Talk About Cards
Halloween Shadow Pictures
Design a Pumpkin
ICT Pumpkin
Haunted House Activity
Halloween Maze
Halloween Alphabetical Ordering
Halloween Wordsearch
Halloween Maths Word Problems
This is a great time saver for use in class as early finisher/extra activities on the run up to and around Halloween.
This bundle includes flash cards and display cards for the first 300 HFW as well as tricky words and phonics.
Fantastic tool for active spelling as well as infant teaching and displays in literacy.
Only available as a bundle for a short time.
To allow people to browse this resource before purchasing - I have uploaded this sample pack, which shows in detail the worksheets you would be receiving. See description below:
This early level literacy activity bundle contains 18 different worksheet activities to cover phonics, blending/decoding and writing, including a set of story prompts using pictures to inspire some emergent imaginative writing. The bundle also includes 4 sets of bingo cards to cover the main phonic sets.
The activities cover other skills such as cutting and colouring to enhance fine motor skill development and are designed to be both enjoyable and challenging for the pupils. This will be a super time saver for busy teachers!
This resource would be ideal to extend and consolidate learning in these literacy areas and/or use for early finishers in class.
Phonics cut and stick set 1
Phonics cut and stick set 1 and 2
Phonics cut and stick digraphs
Phonics missing sounds; single sounds
Phonics missing sounds; digraphs
Phonics bingo cards: Set 1 and 2
Phonics bingo cards: Set 3, 4 and 5
Phonics bingo cards: Set 6, 7 and 8
Write the word CVC
Write the word digraphs
Blending word/picture match 1
Blending word/picture match 2
Blending word/picture match 3
Sentence cut and stick
Blending; read, write and colour
Blending; read, write and colour
Picture the story 1
Picture the story 2
Picture the story 3
Picture the story 4
Picture the story 5
If you would like a copy of this on an editable Word document, please contact me via my shop. (This can only be requested following purchase)
Please note that this work is copyrighted to P.Marshall and Sounds Dramatic Ltd and may not be reproduced or altered without prior consent. Once purchased, uses are unlimited and files can be kept and reused with no limitation.
This RME planner and end of unit assessment is designed to be covered in conjunction with the cross curricular topic of Ancient Egypt (see other available resources in my shop for more information).