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Edexcel Alevel History -lanc & Yorks - The crisis of 1399-1405
Complete info pact including all you need to know on the reign of Richard ii and Henry iv
a* level facts
important events - usurpation
Welsh rebellion , percy rebellion,

Edexcel Alevel : Lancs -Henry V
Complete information pack on Henry V : including statistics and A* level facts
-Conquest of France
-Rebellions /revolts( the Lollards and Lollardy and the Southampton plot)
-The Anglo-Burgundian alliance /Treaty if Troyes(1920)

Edquas Religious studies : hinduism ( puja , holi and durga puja)
useful analysis and key quotes included

Alevel -Russia, 1917–91: from Lenin to Yeltsin
theme 4 Social
● Social security: full employment, housing and social
benefits, 1917–53. Khrushchev, Brezhnev and the
promotion of a stable society, 1953–85.
● Women and the family: the changing status of different
groups of women in towns and countryside; changing
government attitudes towards the family as a social unit.
● Education and young people: the growth of primary,
secondary and higher education; the reduction of illiteracy;
state control of the curriculum.

Alevel Exexcel History 1E Russia 1917–91 Lenin-Yeltsin
Theme 3 Control of
the people,
● Media, propaganda and religion: state control of mass
media and propaganda; attacks on religious beliefs and
practices. The personality cults of Stalin, Khrushchev and
● The secret police: attacks on opponents of the government;
the roles of Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria; Andropov’s
suppression of dissidents, 1967–82; the continued
monitoring of popular discontent, 1982–85.
● The state and cultural change: Proletkult, avant-garde and
Socialist Realism, 1917–53; nonconformity from the 1950s;
clashes between artists and the government to 1985.

Alevel Exexcel History 1E Russia 1917–91 Lenin-Yeltsin
Theme 2: Industrial and agricultural
change, 1917-1985( Lenin -Andropov)