I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
Lesson 3: Week 1
Title Number Sequences
Learning Objective:
count on or back in steps
describe number patterns
continue number patterns
make predictions.
Mental Warm Up:
Sit in a circle. Collect a card between 0 and 30. Stand up if you have number cards 1, 4, 7 and 10. What is the next number? Stand up if you have the number.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to look at some number patterns and work out the rule.
Educational Challenges
Work out the rule for shaded grid patterns. Write the number sequences.
Work out the rule for shaded grid patterns. Write the number sequences.
Work out the rule for shaded grid patterns. Make up a pattern for a friend using a two-step rule.
Lesson 1: Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective:
read and write numbers in figures and words.
Mental Warm Up:
Playing Bingo with numbers
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to practise reading numbers in figures and words.
Educational Challenges
Read out number word cards. Your partner must write the figure. Swap roles.
Match words to figures. Practise writing figures for words and words for figures.
Make some number word cards for the rest of the class to read out and write the figure.
Lesson 2: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective:
use and begin to read words about mass
compare different masses.
Mental Warm Up:
What’s my number?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to continue our work on mass.
Educational Challenges
Look at the food packages your teacher has given you.
Weigh out the amount.
Compare them
Check the order is correct by weighing the items using 10g weights.
Lesson 4: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective:
solve measurement problems
understand and use words about mass
measure and compare using standard units.
Mental Warm Up:
Questions about different numbers.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to continue our work on mass.
Educational Challenges
Check the order is correct by weighing the items using 10g weights.
Look at the food packages your teacher has given you.
Estimate which size of plastic bag to put 50g of the substance in.
Lesson 3: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective:
use and begin to use words about mass
suggest and use simple measuring equipment
develop estimating skills.
Mental Warm Up:
I am thinking of a pair of numbers with a difference of how much?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to continue our work on mass.
Educational Challenges
Estimate what the order of mass should be.
Check the order is correct by weighing the items using 10g weights.
Look at the food packages your teacher has given you.
Lesson 2: Week 6
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective:
solve problems and recognise patterns
recognise and describe line symmetry
complete symmetrical patterns.
Mental Warm Up:
I bought two items.Together they weigh 100g. How much could each of them weigh?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today and tomorrow we are going to be looking for and using lines of symmetry.
Educational Challenges
Find symmetrical letters. Make a poster.
Make symmetrical patterns with paint and paper or pegs and pegboards.
Lesson 1: Week 6
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective:
recognise and describe turning movements
recognise half and quarter turns to the left or right
understand angle as a measure of turn
recognise right angles.
Mental Warm Up:
What do we know about the number 100?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to continue our work finding out about different turns and we are going to learn about a special size of turn called a right angle.
Educational Challenges
Cut out a quarter of a circle to make a ‘right angle measurer’. Use it to find things which have right angles.
Make a ‘right angle measurer’. Can you think of things that have corners which are greater than or less than a right angle?
Lesson 3: Week 6
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective:
solve problems and recognise patterns
recognise and describe line symmetry
complete symmetrical patterns.
Mental Warm Up:
Put these weights into order – heaviest first.
Main Lesson Idea:
We are going to continue looking for and using lines of symmetry.
Educational Challenges Make symmetrical patterns with paint and paper or pegs and pegboards.
Find symmetrical letters. Make a poster.
I wanted to make Year 6 SATs revision more fun. I have combined each of the 2015 Past SATs papers for maths questions and the marking scheme into a single document. This means that a teacher can now show a single question and get the students to find the answer before moving onto the next question.
This makes revision a lot less stressful. I have removed the time limits and of course students can now work in pairs or small teams to discuss their different strategies and answers. It also helps to make the lessons faster paced and snappier as the children start to gain confidence in their abilities to solve maths problems.
This resource could be used in the classroom or at home to prepare for the UK Year 6 SATs exams. Students should try all the tests to gain the deepest knowledge of this subject.
Please leave me a comment below about this teaching resource.
Looking for great resources about shopping? This bundle complete complete with shopping presentations, ESL topic lessons about shopping and lovely English writing prompts. Try it today.
Test Your Reading Skills
Common Weights and Measures 2
Write out the following common weights and measures in full.
For example: 12 ” = 12 inches.
1. 6 tbsp ________________________________________
2. 10 fl oz ________________________________________
3. 70 °F ________________________________________
4. 10 qt ________________________________________
Complete with answers
Test Your Reading Skills
Common Weights and Measures 1
Write out the following common weights and measures in full.
For example: 12 ” = 12 inches.
1. 10 ” ________________________________________
2. 5 ’ ________________________________________
3. 3 yds ________________________________________
Complete with answers
Here are the main topics covered in the Year 4 Maths PowerPoint Pack
Lesson 1: Learning Objectives:
Read and write whole numbers to at least 1000
Know what each digit represents and partition three-digit numbers into a multiple of 100, a multiple of ten and ones
Order whole numbers to at least 1000, and position them on a number line
Learning Objectives for lesson 2:
Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to 20
Derive quickly all pairs of multiples of 5 with a total of 100
Partition into tens and ones, then recombine
Lesson 4a: PLACE VALUE
Lesson 4b: PLACE VALUE
Count on or back in twos and recognise odd/even numbers
Count in steps of 3 or 4
Count on or back in tens or hundreds
Say the number that is 1, 10, 100 more or less than any given two or three-digit number
Understand division as grouping or sharing. Read and begin to write the related vocabulary
Recognise that division is the inverse of multiplication and that halving is the inverse of doubling
Know by heart the facts of the 2-, 5- and 10- times tables
Choose and use appropriate operations (including multiplication and division) to solve word problems
Explain methods and reasoning orally
Lesson 7a: FRACTIONS
Lesson 7b: FRACTIONS
Recognise unit fractions and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers
Lesson 8a: TIME
Lesson 8b: TIME
Read the time to 5 minutes on a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40
Read the time to 5 minutes on an analogue clock and a 12-hour digital clock, and use the notation 9:40
Add and subtract a ‘near multiple of 10’ to or from a two-digit number by adding or subtracting 10, 20, 30 and adjusting
Lesson 10 a: MONEY
Lesson 10 b: MONEY
Understand and use £.p notation
Find totals and work out which coins to use
Give change
Instant lessons. I have taken the Springboard 4 planning and made simple to use lessons, with everything a teacher needs to teach their lesson. With 20 lessons in the pack, this could be used for booster lessons.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different objects for sale and the different stores being shown in each of the photos.
This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about shopping.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of shops and shopping.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Are you looking for Mental Maths Revision Quizzes for Year 6? I have written 24 self marking sets of Mental Maths quizzes for students.
The quizzes are similar to those students use for their Year 6 SATS exams.
When a student has completed a test, they can instantly see what they got correct, and what they need to work on.
The front page of this Excel file is especially interesting for teachers as it provides a summary of the scores the students have achieved as both a table and a bar chart.
The teacher simply downloads the Excel file and renames in the student's name. The student could complete these tests at home or in the classroom.
Are you teaching about counting to 10? Here is a great teaching tool, linked into fireworks, bonfire night and Guy Fawkes events.
Students can count the numbers in order or solve the mixed up number slides.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Guy Fawkes - Counting to 10.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into order.
Teachers could show two printed out cards at once and add them, subtract them, or multiply them.
Lesson 2: Week 1
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective:
count on and back in steps
describe a number pattern
continue a number pattern
make predictions.
Mental Warm Up:
Start from the start number. Count back in steps of ten when I clap my hands.
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to count on in steps of different sizes using some grids.
Educational Challenges
Shade the first number on a 4 x 4 grid and count on in fours. Do the same for a 5 x 5 grid and a 6 x 6 grid.
Does the pattern look the same?
Count on in steps of 4 on different-sized grids. Explain the pattern.
Count on in steps of 4 on different-sized grids. Predict the pattern.
Lesson 2:
Week 2
Title Place Value
Learning Objective:
what a digit is
what each digit in a number means
to represent numbers as tens and ones.
Mental Warm Up:
If I chose a number between 20 and 28, what number could it be?
Main Lesson Idea:
Today we are going to use different ways to represent numbers.
Educational Challenges
Show three ways of representing numbers using different apparatus. Try a number greater than 100.
Show three ways of representing numbers using different apparatus.
Show three-digit numbers using different sets of apparatus.