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Petermorris2001's Shop

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Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.
die Paralympischen Spiele LONDON 2012

die Paralympischen Spiele LONDON 2012

Foundation Level text about the Paralympics, with on-page vocab support. Text is followed by questions in English, a 'find the phrase' task focussing on time phrases, a manipulation exercise, and a writing task.
Quelle heure est-il, Igor?

Quelle heure est-il, Igor?

Simple playscript in which Dracula repeatedly wakes up too soon, asks Igor the time and has to go back to sleep again, until finally it is midnight. Perform it with a colleague or the FLA to your class, or play both parts yourself, then get them to practise it in pairs, and finally ask them to develop the dialogue using the extra vocab and phrases supplied.
CONDITIONAL verbs poster

CONDITIONAL verbs poster

5 verbs in the Conditional, set out in a table, so that students can analyse and infer the pattern. Could be printed as hand-out or blown up as a poster.
IMPERFECT verbs poster

IMPERFECT verbs poster

5 verbs in the Imperfect tense, set out as a table so that students can analyse and infer the pattern. Could be given out as a hand-out of blown up for display.
L'art olympique de Londres 2012

L'art olympique de Londres 2012

Activity featuring the 12 Olympics posters commisionned from artists such as Tracey Emin and Rachel Whitread. The Powerpoint aims to stimulate speculation, discussion, interpretation, a bit of guesswork, and suggestions for titles for the artworks. Lots of questions in French to structure discussion and (hopefully) get the pupils thinking More…. The title of each piece can be revealed with a click of the mouse once suggestions have been made. Typo now removed!


Activity featuring the 12 Olympics posters commisionned from artists such as Tracey Emin and Rachel Whitread. The Powerpoint aims to stimulate speculation, discussion, interpretation, a bit of guesswork, and suggestions for titles. Lots of questions in German to structure discussion and (hopefully) get the pupils thinking. The title of each piece can be revealed with a mouse-click once suggestions have been made.
Ich BIN mit Catwoman nach Paris gefahren

Ich BIN mit Catwoman nach Paris gefahren

Batman describes his holiday in France with Catwoman, simultaneously modelling the use of the Perfect Tense with haben and sein. The stimulus text is followed by (i) a richtig / falsch / nicht im Text exercise, (ii) a 'find the phrase' exercise, (iii) pupil reflection on the choice of haben or sein, (iv) an explanation of the use of haben or sein, (v) a manipulation exericise focussing on the Perfect, and (vi) three writing tasks.
Raketen über der Mietwohnung LONDON 2012

Raketen über der Mietwohnung LONDON 2012

(i) Extended text about the surface to air missiles deployed in East London for the Olympics, followed by comprehension questions in German, and (ii) a selection of opinions about the security measures, based on internet blogs, followed by a comprehension task, a speaking task, and two writing tasks, one pitched at AS level and one pitched at A2 level. (Typos spotted and now fixed.)
London 2012 : 10 Fakten

London 2012 : 10 Fakten

Interactive drag and drop exercise focussing on 10 key statistical facts about London 2012. Will work on PC or IW. Presented in Usain Bolt's colours!
La Torche Olympique

La Torche Olympique

HIGHER level reading text about the Olympic Torch, a factory in Coventry, Didier Drogba's surprise role in the relay, plus a bit of symbolism. The text is followed by questions in English, a 'find the phrase' exercise picking out the different tenses in the text, an 'adapt the phrase' exercise and a writing task. NB The opening statement about the torch having arrived in England won't be true until the 17th of May. Edit the text if you use it before.
Londres 2012 Disciplines et Sports

Londres 2012 Disciplines et Sports

Interactive drag and drop practice of sports vocab. The file has 40 of the sports for London 2012 embedded and will select ten at random to practise each time it is opened. Will work on PC or IW. (PS Typos now fixed following comment below.)
Wie ist dein Hund?

Wie ist dein Hund?

Interactive drag and drop practice of adjectives which could be used for describing the personality of a dog, another kind of pet, and maybe even a sibling. Will work on PC or IW.
Les Jeux Olympiques de Londres 2012

Les Jeux Olympiques de Londres 2012

Two similar texts about the London Olympics, each with comprehension questions in English. The first is a Higher level text. The second is pitched at Foundation level, and is a simplified version of the first text with slightly fewer questions.
Les Jeux Paralympiques de Londres

Les Jeux Paralympiques de Londres

Two parallel texts, pitched at different levels, looking forward to the Paralympic Games 2012. The first text is fairly complex and is followed by questions in English, a 'find the phrase' exercise with a focus on the Future Tense, revision / presentation of the Future, a manipulation exercise, again with a focus on the Future Tense, and finally a writing task featuring past tenses. The second text, pitched at Foundation level, is virtually verb-free, and is followed by questions in English and no grammar whatsoever.
Les Jeux paralympiques

Les Jeux paralympiques

Interactive cloze exercise based on a text looking forward to the Paralympic Games 2012. The grammar focus is the future. In each case the missing word is a third person plural future tense. Will work on PC or IW.