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Mother's Day Book Responses for Any Book
These tasks can be used with any Mother’s Day Book you have access to. As teachers we have so many Mother’s Day Books and always want tasks to do with them. You will be able to use this over and over again and never run out of ideas.
Pre Reading Tasks
• Predictions from the cover
• Predict what will happen after two pages
• Interactive Flap page for recording predictions
Vocabulary Tasks
• Alphabet Key
• Word Wall
• Is-have-can for Mum and Mom
• Noun, Proper Noun, Verb and Adverb sorting task
• Vocabulary Detective task
• Words to describe Mum/Mom
• Inside and Outside traits of your Mum/Mom and the character within a book
• Important facts
• Beginning. Middle, End with two options
• Somebody, wanted, but, so, then
• First, next, then, after that, last or finally
• Recount
• Main Idea and sub points
• Booklet for Beginning. Middle and End
Print and go section
• Venn Diagram
• Problems and Solutions
• Complications
• Compare two plots
• I see, I think, I wonder
• Three facts and opinions
• 3-2-1 facts-opinions-questions
• Plus, minus, and interesting parts
• Text to Text, Self, World
• What does the author do to keep us interested?
• Interview questions
• Design a new cover
• Speech bubbles
• Author’s Purpose
• Write a sequel
• Different ending
• Change the characters
• Write a letter
• Draw and label a Story Map
• Story Elements
Book Reports
• Fiction Text
• Non Fiction Texts
Craft Idea
• Make a card
Rubrics and planners included are
• Biography
• Descriptive
• Informational
• Narrative
• Recount
• Opinion
• Persuasive
• Procedural
• Use these planners and rubrics to write about topics related to Mothers. The above suggestions are just ideas and there are multiple ideas to write about. Brainstorm the possibilities as a grade.
• 4 choices of paper to write on
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place Teaching Resources
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent of the author.

Fairy Tale Bundle - 10 Mini Units
Who doesn’t love Fairytales? We have put together our top ten Fairy Tales in a money saving bundle for you.
This pack includes - Cinderalla, Goldilocks, Hansel and Gretel, Jack and The Beanstalk, Little REd Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Snow White, The Frog Prince, Th Three Billy Goats Gruff and the Three Little PIgs.
Each of our mini units contain the following tasks
A KWL to show what you know, want to know and your new learning
Word Wall to display and record words related to the Fairy Tale
I see, I think, I wonder
Beginning, middle and ending template
Text Connections – self – text, world
Is, can, has templates for Cinderella, Godmother, Prince
Problems and solutions in the text
Compare characters
Record a summary
Change the ending
Record story elements
Description of outfit before/after
Brainstorm forms of transport - shoes
Adjectives to describe the castle
Character Traits
Word Study Tasks
Matching Tasks
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Fairytale Bundle - 4 complete Resource packs
This Fairy Tale Bundle engages your early readers in well known texts. As you proceed through the tasks the confidence to discuss texts, write about them and then make predictions increases
Three Little Pigs - Reading and Writing Tasks
57 pages
This pack is a great way to engage your students in reading and writing tasks around a well known story. There are tasks suited to many differentiated levels, some tasks will challenge and extend, while others will support your students at best fit.
Little Red Riding Hood – Reading and Writing Tasks
96 pages
This Little Red Riding Hood – Reading and Writing set provides a small reader (2 options), and supporting tasks to improve literacy through reading and writing. Your students will love learning about this Fairy Tale and working through the tasks.
Princess and the Pea
63 pages
Our Princess and the Pea Pack has writing tasks that build vocabulary and descriptions to write a retell of this Fairy Tale. There are photos that help you through three different craftivities. Your students will love learning about this Fairy Tale and working through these tasks.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
62 pages
This pack focuses on one Fairy Tale – Goldilocks and the Three Bears and gives many opportunities to explore and interpret the text through reading and writing.
The variety of tasks lets you choose which aspects will suit your grade before you print. Explore all facets of the story with these planners and the prepared prompt sheets. Encourage planning before writing and allow for lots of discussions.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

ANZAC Day - Junior Activities
ANZAC Day is an important day in Australian and New Zealand History. April 25 marks the day to remember the people who were lost and families who were changed forever. This pack is for early learners to begin to develop an appreciation of this significant day.
ANZAC Day Reading and Writing Tasks - This pack is also included in our ANZAC Day Bundle at a discounted price.
This pack includes
Background notes and suggested books to read
Word Work
How many words can you make from Australian and New Zealand Army Corps?
A recording sheet to write down your words
Work on Writing
Record my thoughts about ANZAC Day
Recount of an ANZAC Day March you have attended
What is the significance of the wreath?
What symbols are associated with ANZAC Day?
Complete a Venn Diagram on flags from Australia and New Zealand
PMI facts about ANZAC Day (positive, minus and interesting)
Alphabet Key – use words or phrases to describe this day
I see, I think, I wonder about the symbols, traditions or history
Read ‘Only a Donkey’ – list the animals in the story
ANZAC Fact Chart
ANZAC Day 3-2-1
“Only a Donkey’ – response sheet
Read ‘My Grandad Marches on ANZAC DAY’ – complete a character map, story board and beginning/middle/ending
Templates for the above tasks that can be used for any books you may read based on ANZAC Day
Small share book
Make a flag for Australian and New Zealand
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Shark Information Pack
Sharks Information Pack
This pack provides information about Sharks, it is great for Shark Week. This Shark Information pack will assist in the writing of your own Informational Text, guided by a rubric.
KWHL for Sharks
There are colour, plus black/white versions and a one page version.
This will assist in assessing what your grade knows and will help when writing the Informational Text - This is what we know about… - This is what we want to know … - This is how we will find out what we want to know…… - This is our new learning about ….
Colour and black/white versions are provided.
Spare tags for extra words.
Display these words and discuss what they mean
These cards are discussion starters or display these facts about sharks and discuss what they mean.
There are starters for the Informational Text to help build the paragraphs
These posters will assist in writing the text.
Print off and display around the finished Informational Text
Print and Go
This includes a true or false glue sort
labelling the shark, a fact recording sheet
a Can - Have – Are task
print and go fact sheets
complete the fact sheets for each shark
a blank template is also provided
The posters are to record the main ideas and the supporting information. The second task is to paraphrase the text
Use the posters provided in the poster section to assist in writing the text
Print off and display around the finished Informational Text
The rubrics are helpful in assessing the text
A planner is included for the Informational Text
Map to use
There are a variety of papers and planners provided
Photo prompts to be used for displaying in your room.
You must read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
Themes - shark | sharks | ocean | sea | information text |
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Pets - Printable and Templates
This Pets - Printables and Templates is all about how we look after our Pets. There are recording options for your information and a Word Wall to place words you may need to complete the writing tasks.
This pack includes -
Word Wall Posters – print in colour and display to record words with your students you may use throughout the unit
KWHL – complete the grid by adding what you know, want to know and new learning. Keep adding to this as you move through the learning
Templates for making two small books about how to take care of your pets
PET TALES, includes a book cover, and instructions to go home or you could use it as a class book. (Two spelling options for color/colour). If you do not have a pet, write about your dream pet.
References to the Australian Curriculum and CCSS (USA)
Pets - Printables and Templates are print and go templates
Boggle for stethoscope and veterinarian
What would you do for your pet if it was in the sun – thunder or snow?
Pros and cons for having a pet – birds, cats, dogs, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, horses, mice, rabbits, snakes and tortoises and a template for other pets
What does a vet do?
Research x-rays: human and animal
Compare two animals – dog/cat, mouse/hamster, snake/tortoise or use the open template for other pets
Describe your pet
Steps to put together a fish tank
Facts and opinions about birds, cats, dogs, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, horses, mice, rabbits, snakes and tortoises
Birds, cats, dogs, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, horses, mice, rabbits, snakes and tortoises – can, have, need, are
If I were a vet for a day
Collect data on who owns pets and what sort they have – graph them
What animal would you have if you could have any pet?
Interview your grade to gather facts and opinions about pets
Pets can-have-are-need
Collect tally marks and make a graph of your own design
Write about your dream pet
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Memory Book
End of Year – Memory Book K-2. Each year, it is great to capture what has happened and put together a keepsake for students to take home and share with their families over the summer break. This pack will help you to do just that. You can do the pages over time and then put them together when you have completed them.
This pack contains
Choice of covers to use in color or black and white
Choice of Grade/Year covers
Self Portrait
My Friends
My teacher
My reflections, strengths, areas to improve and goals
** Choose all or some of these pages to go in your book**
Field Trip
Read to Self
Read to Someone
Word Work
Monthly highlight pages where students can add writing and drawings to show the highlights for each month.
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Design Posters
These Design Posters - STEAM - STEM are to be used for class prompting and display. There is a Design Process Recording Booklet included too!
Use the Design Posters to model each part of the task and then allow the students to record their own responses in their Recording Booklet.
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

The Speedy Sloth Book Study
These tasks are for the delightful book – The Speedy Sloth by Young and McKenzie. Use these printables to explore this text in depth and build on reading responses.
Pre Reading Tasks
•Predictions from the cover
•Predict what will happen after two pages
•Interactive Flap page for recording predictions
Vocabulary Tasks
•Alphabet Key
•Word Wall
•Is-have-can for a sloth
•Noun, Proper Noun, Verb and Adverb sorting task
•Vocabulary Detective task
•Rhyming word task
•Words to describe the characters
•Important facts
•Beginning. Middle, End with two options
•Somebody, wanted, but, so, then
•First, next, then, after that, last or finally
•Main Idea and sub points
Print and go section
•Venn Diagram
•Problems and Solutions
•Compare two characters
•I see, I think, I wonder
•Three facts and opinions
•3-2-1 facts-opinions-questions
•Plus, minus, and interesting parts
•Text to Text, Self, World
•What does the author do to keep us interested?
•Interview questions
•Design a new cover
•Speech bubbles
•Author’s Purpose
•Write a sequel
•Different ending
•Change the characters
•Write a letter
•Draw and label a Story Map
•Story Elements
Book Reports
•Fiction Text
Craft Idea
•Make a running sloth with split pins
•Use paper chipping to colour
the sloth from the cover
Rubrics and planners included are
Use these planners and rubrics to write about topics related to Mothers. The above suggestions are just ideas and there are multiple ideas to write about. Brainstorm the possibilities as a grade.
•4 choices of paper to write on
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place Teaching Resources
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent of the author.

2D Shape Posters
This pack provides 2D Shape Posters on some of the most well known 2D shapes.
There are two versions each in color and black/white. The first version has the name of the shape, while the second version has some attribute facts about the sides and vertices/corners.
Shapes included are -
• Circle
• Heart
• Hexagon
• Octagon
• Oval
• Pentagon
• Oblong
• Rectangle
• Rhombus
• Square
• Star
• Trapezoid
• Triangle
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Talk Like a Pirate Day
Talk Like a Pirate Day is a fun day to mimic what a pirate might sound like for the whole day. Explore words, phrases and live like a pirate for the day. These writing tasks will expand your vocabulary and help to make this a day to remember.
Word Wall – one that is complete and a blank version to add your own grade’s ideas. Great to get your grade talking like a pirate, with lots of terms and phrases to use.
Make a Pirate Dictionary template – what words or phrases would you add
Interactive Notebook for What a Pirate is-has-can?
Word splash to describe a pirate
Character Traits of a Pirate – List them and take on the nice ones for a day
A Day in the Life of a Pirate – Write a story
Making Pirate lists – What does a pirate need to do in a day
Conversations with a pirate – what would you say if you met one
My Pirate Diary – Make a booklet to describe a week at sea, a week in port, finding treasure
A Day in the Life of a Pirate with side graphics – write a narrative
A ‘I talked like a Pirate today’ Certificate
Stick Puppets – use them to write a script
Pirate Script Planner – two versions
Themes - talk like a pirate day, pirates, special days, words, phrases, script writing, word splash
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Parts of Speech - Pirate Themed
Our Parts of Speech - Pirate themed pack supports working out if a word is a noun, verb or adjective is all part of helping to make a great sentence and writing a grammatically correct text. Enjoy this pirate theme pack while sorting out nouns, verbs and adjectives.
• These posters when displayed will guide your students through the difference between nouns, verbs and adjectives.
• There is a second version of the Adjectives poster with USA and non USA spelling.
Sorting Task
• Use the picture prompts sort into three groups – nouns – verbs – adjectives.
• Record the groups of words on the provided templates.
Print and Go
• This print and go section allows for consolidation of what the students know about nouns, verbs and adjectives.
• Brainstorm tasks, alphabet keys and recording templates that are clear and suitable for focus groups or whole class tasks.
Writing Tasks
• Use these templates for planning writing tasks that focus on using nouns, verbs and adjectives.
• These can be pirate based or texts of your choice.
Read the Room
• Print the cards and display them around the room.
• Print the recording sheet for each child.
• As they find a card they record if the card is displaying a word that is a noun, verb or adjective.
• There is an answer key.
Describe It
• These cards can be printed and laminated.
• The students can use a dry erase marker to add adjectives to describe each picture.
• You could print and use in focus groups and complete a few of the cards together.
• Check in with a buddy and add more adjectives together.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Pirate Bundle
Our Pirate Bundle contains our Pets Theme Printables and Templates, Book Study for Pirate’s Perfect Pet, Parts of Speech/Pirate Theme and Talk Like a Pirate Day Pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

3D Shape Lapbook
This 3D Shape Lapbook investigates the shapes, corners, vertices and faces that make all 3D objects. Keep all your learning in one place and great for showing parents what they know at conferences.
The pack contains
• Detailed instructions to put the folder together and photos to assist you through every step
• A choice between a color and black/white cover
• A template for where to place each part of the folder
• Beginning, Level One, Two and Three Learning Goals to achieve
• A ‘Shape Recording’ Booklet for each student to record their knowledge about what they know about each shape
• Pocket templates to attach to sort 3D objects on cards
• Color and black/white options for sorting cards
• A ‘Shape Fact’ Booklet to record faces, corners/vertices and edges
Related products -
3D Assessment Grid
3D Posters with Faces
3D Posters
3D Shape Sort
3D Shape Lapbook
Geometry Shape Word Wall Vocabulary Cards
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

3D Assessment
3D Shape Grid Assessment, Notebook and Printables
Teaching 3D shapes helps children develop spatial awareness, improves problem-solving skills, and lays a foundation for geometry. It enhances their understanding of the physical world, aids in visualizing objects, and supports mathematical reasoning in real-life contexts.
This 3D Shape Grid pack includes -
a grid to record the faces, edges and vertices for common 3D shapes
a notebook to record learning
answers using a QR code
answer key
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

3D Shape Posters
This pack provides 3D Shapes – Posters on some of the most well known 3D shapes.
There are two versions of the 3D Posters each in color and black/white. The first version has the name of the shape, while the second version has attribute facts about the sides and vertices/corners.
Shapes included are –
• cone
• cube
• cuboid
• rectangular prism
• cylinder
• hexagonal prism
• ovoid
• pentagonal prism
• square pyramid
• sphere
• triangular pyramid
Related resources –
3D Assessment Grid
3D Posters with Faces
3D Posters
3D Shape Sort
3D Shape Lapbook
Geometry Shape Word Wall Vocabulary Cards
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
Themes – 3D shape, posters
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

The Good, The Bad, and The Spooky
These tasks are for the delightful book – THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE SPOOKY by Young and McKenzie. Use these printables and craft tasks to explore this text in depth and build on reading responses.
• predictions from the cover
• predictions for what will happen after two pages
• Interactive Flap Page for recording predictions
• Alphabet Key
• Word Wall
• Part of speech sorting task
• Words to describe the Bad Seed
• A Bad Seed is, has, can
• Important facts
• Beginning. Middle, End with two options
• Somebody, wanted, but, so, then
• First, next, then, after that, last or finally
• Food and drinks for a party
• Games to play
• Design an invitation
• Design a costume
• Recount template
• Problems and Solutions
• Text to Text, Self, World
• Author’s Purpose
Rubrics and planners included are for a narrative and here are two writing suggestions. You can always come up with a brainstorm of extra story starters with your grade.
There are different planners that you can choose depending on the writing ability of your students.
Included is a page you can print out to share with students as writing prompts.
Narrative Writing: New Adventures for Bad Seed
Write a new adventure for the Bad Seed. What happens after Halloween?
How might the Bad Seed experience “good,” “bad,” and “spooky” events in other holidays or situations?
Create a different spooky problem for the Bad Seed to solve. What would happen if they couldn’t find the perfect costume or if something went wrong at a Halloween party?
There are two craft tasks to choose from – a Good, Bad or Spooky Seed and then a pumpkin with pumpkin seeds.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place Teaching Resources
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without the consent of the author.

3D Assessment Shape Tasks
These 3D Shape Assessment Tasks pack will help to give hands on sorts and clip it tasks. Reinforce knowledge and check understanding quickly and efficiently with the three tasks included to explore these 3D Shapes.
This section contains the following sections for 3D Shape Assessment Tasks -
KWHL - Use the KWHL to find out what your students know, want to know and record new learning
Recording sheets for listing what you know about individual shapes by individual students
Recording sheets for a whole grade brainstorm
Cards for sorting - This section contains title cards, cards for sorting in colour and black/white, the black and white version can also be copied onto the coloured card as another option, spare tags for drawing and adding your shapes to the sort
Clip it cards - Cards for clipping with pegs in colour and black/white, clip the correct answer with the peg. The black and white version can be copied onto coloured card as another option.
Read the description and download the preview before purchasing.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product is not to be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

3D Poster Set
Do you need a 3D Poster Set for display? This pack provides 3D Shapes Posters on some of the most well known 3D shapes. They look great on display.
There are two versions of the 3D Poster Set, one in colour and one in black/white. The first version has the name of the shape, while the second version has attribute facts about the sides and vertices/corners.
Shapes included are –
• cone
• cube
• cuboid
• rectangular prism
• cylinder
• hexagonal prism
• ovoid
• pentagonal prism
• square pyramid
• sphere
• triangular pyramid
Please read the description and download the preview before purchasing. The preview clearly shows you what is included in this pack.
Themes – 3D shape, posters, 3D Poster Set
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.

Shape Word Wall
This pack contains the following 85 cards for your Shape Word Wall plus spare cards to help brainstorm more shape words. This helps to navigate 2D and 3D shapes.
There is a Word Splash and a KWHL. This is great for adding words over the time of your study on shapes. Use different colors and compare old and new words at the end of the unit of work.
Cards include -
closed shape
concentric circles
equilateral triangle
irregular shapes
isosceles triangle
open curve
rectangular prism
regular polygons
right angled triangle
scalene triangle
semi circle
square pyramid
straight angle
triangular prism
triangular pyramid
Packs contained in this bundle –
3D Assessment Grid
3D Posters with Faces
3D Posters
3D Shape Sort
3D Shape Lapbook
Geometry Shape Word Wall Vocabulary Cards
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.