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Wardman Learning

A primary school teacher for over 20 years. I've learned a thing or two to share. My degree is in archaeology and I've never lost a love for history and all things history based.

A primary school teacher for over 20 years. I've learned a thing or two to share. My degree is in archaeology and I've never lost a love for history and all things history based.
White Rose maths Y1-6 unit cover sheets with small steps for children's book

White Rose maths Y1-6 unit cover sheets with small steps for children's book

This is the full school set of cover sheets for all year group topics. These can be glued into the children’s book before each topic starts. Great for Ofsted and we use them to mark out interventions for TAs in the small steps. Each maths area has its own border, eg, length is tape measures and place value has colourful numbers. I have left them as a word document so you can edit to suit your school. As i have uploaded it to a new computer, the school font has not been recognised so you will need to change the font and ensure each unit is on a new page. The title is the unit topic, then the White Rose small steps for that unit are below, a box for a before and after test results and a box at the bottom for the children to reflect on their learning within the topic. You can edit the boxes or wording, even the image around the edge if you like (it is a watermark under the design tab in word).
Primary Maths editable table top support basic skills key formulas SEND dyscalculia help

Primary Maths editable table top support basic skills key formulas SEND dyscalculia help

This is a handy sized booklet with a range of basic facts and reminders from the Key Stage 2 curriculum. It includes addition and subtraction (100 square and the part-whole model), multiplication and division (multiplication square and the part-whole diagrams), a range of shape key facts (including features and symmetry), angle reminders (shapes and lines), area, perimeter and volume formulas, fraction key information with diagram and a table of key facts for measures. It is downloadable as a PowerPoint so that you can edit to suit the needs of your children by adding or removing diagrams or key information. It can be used for SEND children or those with dyscalculia.
Primary maths times tables posters with multi-sensory strategies SEND resource

Primary maths times tables posters with multi-sensory strategies SEND resource

A colourful and engaging set of times table posters. Each poster has a multi-sensory strategy for learning that times table with an extension task for creating a poster using the given strategy so the facts can be learnt by heart or given a memorable way to support skip counting. Not only are they great for SEND children to learn some difficult maths facts but they are colourful and bright and would make any classroom look amazing and raise the profile of maths in your class.
Primary Maths everyday maths home schooling maths fun activities with maths

Primary Maths everyday maths home schooling maths fun activities with maths

An engaging and interactive set of 6 cards to show how maths can be found in everyday activities. Each card contains a set of instructions so that teachers, parents and even students themselves can use the cards independently. The activities can be used within school as a practical application of maths or sent home with an appropriate unit of work. There are suggestions for challenge so that the activities will suit Key Stage 1 and 2. The maths curriculum can be rather unrealistic and these should help bring it to life.
New to Primary Maths Leadership

New to Primary Maths Leadership

A Powerpoint explaining some of the main tasks of a Maths Subject Lead. The presentation is split into - Curriculum, Action Plan, Monitoring, Policies, OFSTED, miscellaneous and a final slide directing you to other useful sites to further your subject leadership knowledge and understanding. The slides contain tried and tested ideas and suggestions and a review of some useful school based apps for maths at school and home. A great introduction for those who need some guidance as they begin an important core subject lead.
Primary Maths - Problem Solving styles and examples

Primary Maths - Problem Solving styles and examples

A document outlining the different styles of questions around problem solving in maths. There are many, including more than one answer, missing numbers, odd one out, 1 or 2 step problems, logical thinking, patterns, generalisation and non-examples. The document includes the skills that children will need to solve these problems and examples of what they look like. This is intended to support teachers within the primary phase to effectively teach maths problem solving in class. As maths lead, I have distributed this to staff and asked them to ensure they expose the children to each one each year.
Primary Maths good practice in monitoring and feedback Subject Lead and managers

Primary Maths good practice in monitoring and feedback Subject Lead and managers

A powerpoint containing a range of useful ideas for monitoring and feedback, aimed at maths subjects leads but can be applied to any subject. It is for subject leads who want to motivate and empower staff to reflect on their practice and find their own way forward. It provides some good practice in collaborative planning and some ideas for feedback without value judgements. There are also slides offering advice on where to find support for staff who need development. I have offered suggestions as to websites and orgaisations that might be useful for maths leads and there are some quotes and posters from experts in the field of education and business that can be used as mantras to develop your role around. A great starting point for subject leads who want to create a positive and inspiring atmosphere for colleagues.
Primary Maths Times tables 1-12 fortune teller fun games and practice

Primary Maths Times tables 1-12 fortune teller fun games and practice

A highly motivating tool for learning times tables. The fortune tellers are a great activity to make and a sociable way of learning the facts of any times table. They can be used in class or sent home for extra practice. A full set from 1-12 with fun questions relating to each. There are visual instructions for folding the fortune tellers with a link to a simple video and a set of useful instructions for playing the game with a partner. What could be an easier or more fun way to learn the facts of each times table? Instant download. You could be using them in class tomorrow!