Vocational studies

Alternative Health Care
A teacher-led presentation on Alternative Health and Complementary Lesson which could be delivered prior to students embarking on independent activities (these would have to be created).
Originally aimed at Access to HE but could be tailored to suit a range of courses.
Students should be able to describe and evaluate various aspects of Alternative Health Care by the end of the session.

Atypical Psychology
A very detailed, heavy session which covers various aspects of Atypcial Psychology, including activities for students.
I would recommend re-formating to make slides more user friendly.
Originally designed for Access to Higher Education but can be tweaked to fit A-Level specifications.

Developmental Psychology
LO's: Describe and evaluate two relevant theories in Attachment.
Describe and evaluate supporting studies in attachment
Use relevant terms and concepts relating to developmental psychology
Apply the nature versus nurture debate to your chosen theories
Designed for Level 3 courses.
Student activities embedded throughout the presentation.

Psychological Health's impact on Physical Health
This lesson considers to important questions...How does an individuals psychological state impact on their health and well-being? and How might a professional deal with this to support the individual?
Originally designed for Access to Health Professions students, this lesson contains activities and scenarios of a medical/healthcare nature.

What is classified as Normal and Abnormal behaviour?
This worksheet is best bought as part of a bundle with the accompanying PowerPoint. Students will indicate a list of behaviours and whether they deem them as normal or abnormal. They will then justify their responses. Can be used a starter or a plenary.

Living Healthily Tutorial
This was produced for a short tutorial based on living healthily. Students partake in small group discussions, complete creative activities and learn that health is subdivided into different areas.
The plenary focusing on online peer pressure and asks students to give advice to a friend. Very topical considering that the number of cases of online peer pressure/cyber-bullying are on the rise.
This session is suitable for teenagers to adults. You will need minimum of an hour to do this tutorial and perhaps some poster/leaflet making materials e.g. pens and paper if possible. Students could also word process their work if computers are available.
Lesson Objectives:

Macro and Micro Nutrients
A PowerPoint presentation which can be used for a tutor led introduction or given to students as a revision material. The PowerPoint covers the major nutrient groups.

This presentation features discussion of the types of joints, an investigation of their mechanisms and an activity on conditions which affect the joints.

Practical Investigation of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
This resource contains a starter activity, overview of the carriage of O2 and Co2 and then guides students in designing, conducting and interpreting their investigation.

Lesson Focus: To be able to use psychological theory to explain why misconceptions of disability exist.
Some student activities, contentious questions and relevant theory throughout.
Originally aimed at Access to HE Learners but would also be appropriate for other courses.
You may wish to use additional student focused activities to compliment this.

Cell Division
This is a lesson which is student led as students will be researching the processes of meiosis and mitosis, as well as becoming familiar with key terminology associated with this area. This was originally produced for A-Level but will also be appropriate for Access to HE and Foundation Degree's. It can be used to compliment handouts which you may already have produced for students on this topic area.

Cell Division Part 3
This is the final part of a series of 3 lessons on Cell Division and Heredity. Students will explore Monohybrid and Dihybrid crosses, Explain the cause of variation and research an influential figure in genetics.

Explanations of Mental Illness Starter
Students will need some prior knowledge of the biological, psychological and social explanations of mental illness to partake in this Starter activity: Presentation concerns images which relate to either the biological, social or psychological explanations of mental illness. Students will need to work independently to note down which slides they think correspond to which approach. There is some overlap which will generate discussion! I would recommend that you have an impromptu discussion at the end of the starter to enable students to justify their answers, this should be an ideal AfL opportunity.

Cell Division Part 2
This is the second part of a series of three lessons on cell division. Learners are encouraged to be independent and this lesson incorporates discovery learning methods on genetic disorders, Punnett Grids and contextualises meiosis with a research activity on Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.

Introduction to Market Segmentation/How is Marketing Targeted to different groups?
Aimed at GCSE Travel and Tourism, this lesson will provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with the key terminology, look at examples of market segmentation with regards to advertising. Whilst this lesson is aimed at Travel Tourism, it may also be applicable to some business studies students.
Lesson Outcomes:
To identify the market segments relating to demographics, lifestyle and psychographics
To explain how products are changed to suit different groups’ needs

Introduction into writing travel brochures/travel brochure writing
This is an introductory lesson into the features of travel brochures. There are activities and discussions for students to participate in throughout the lesson. This lesson could be used prior to students writing their own full travel brochure.
The Objectives are:
1. Recognise features of Travel Brochures
2. Examine features of Travel Brochures and their Audiences
3. Write an extract of a travel brochure

Genetically Inherited Disorders
A lesson on genetically inherited disorders which includes whole class activities and discussions including Punnett diagrams across 36 slides on PowerPoint.
Disorders covered include:
-Huntington's Disease
Students are also provided with quiz question opportunities to check learning and progress throughout and a poster based research activity.

Job Searching
Lesson Objectives:
To identify the common places to look for jobs.
To identify the less common places to look for jobs.
To be able to provide their own evidence for jobsearch trackers.
Aimed at job searchers/seekers over the age of 16.
Comes with student and teacher handout. Would benefit from a powerpoint presentation to aid in delivery.

Anti-Discriminatory Practice
Research activities and case study to prepare students for assignment on Anti-Discriminatory Practice.
Lesson Objectives:
Explain what is meant by Active Participation
Identifying needs for equality, diversity and equal rights within a care environment
Identify and evaluate the applicability of related laws and regulations
Recap learning

Communication in Health
A PowerPoint featuring a full lesson with student centred activities to cover the following..
LO2: Identify the reasons for effective health communication
LO3: Explain the importance of effective communication in health and social care
Students will also be able to utilise presentation skills, note-taking and referencing skills throughout and was originally aimed at pre-university course learners.
You will need to have some coloured card of which you will cut each sheet into various regular shapes for students to participate in a silent jigsaw activity whereby they will only be able to use non-verbal communication. You will also need some case studies of cases of poor communication which fit the needs of your learners. These are easily accessible via the internet-if you need help, please contact me.