Hero image






Social Skills activity where students label the facial expressions with the correct feelings.
Bullying Tutorial

Bullying Tutorial

This was a 1.5 hour tutorial originally produced for FE but would also apply to mature year 9 students and above. The session is mainly discussion based covering bullying, harassment etc. . However, student activities include creating a post it note wall to spark discussion, poster/research activity on cyber bullying and a case study analysis. Students will be working in pairs and small groups. Objectives which could be set might include: Define/Describe what is meant by bullying and harassment, Analyse the Impact that Bullying has on people, Identify support for individuals who are being bullied/harassment.


KS2 tutorial following CEOP guidelines for staying safe online and general e-safety.
Living Healthily Tutorial

Living Healthily Tutorial

This was produced for a short tutorial based on living healthily. Students partake in small group discussions, complete creative activities and learn that health is subdivided into different areas. The plenary focusing on online peer pressure and asks students to give advice to a friend. Very topical considering that the number of cases of online peer pressure/cyber-bullying are on the rise. This session is suitable for teenagers to adults. You will need minimum of an hour to do this tutorial and perhaps some poster/leaflet making materials e.g. pens and paper if possible. Students could also word process their work if computers are available. Lesson Objectives:
Road safety

Road safety

Lesson on road safety aimed at KS1. Could be delivered prior to a practical activity/role play. The aims are to make children more familiar with road signs, staying safe and understanding potential safe/dangerous places to cross.
Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump and Theresa May

Reading Comprehension-Donald Trump and Theresa May

This reading comprehension sums up the key points of the meeting between Theresa May and Donald Trump, the first meeting Trump had from another leader. Visually appealing document, easy layout. Students will answer a series of open and closed questions based on the article, the writing techniques, the vocabulary and what they would ask if they met Donald Trump or Theresa May. Challenges and Extension Activity included.
Sapphire Jubilee-Queen Elizabeth II-reading comprehension-formal letter

Sapphire Jubilee-Queen Elizabeth II-reading comprehension-formal letter

This reading comprehension covers the Sapphire Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II is currently celebrating. The reading comprehension asks open and closed questions about the text. In addition, their is a letter writing activity to the queen which makes up an extension activity for more able learners. Maths has been embedded into the comprehension.
Sharia Law

Sharia Law

An introductory lesson on Sharia Law aimed at A-Level or Gifted and Talented learners. The lesson provides a basic overview of what is meant by Sharia Law and students undertake an activity about Aurangzeb. There is a group presentation activity where students will be objectively looking at the portrayal of Sharia Law in the media/news and how it is represented. Students will also compare and contrast Sharia Law/views with Western views and ideals.
Who am I?

Who am I?

A basic worksheet with prompts for students to write and draw things about themselves to tell other students/teachers more about themselves. Students could exchange answers with other students.
What do we have in common?

What do we have in common?

Students complete a worksheet with a student they do not usually work with or do not know. Ideal for encouraging students to talk to new people. This has also been used for a starter activity to provoke a discussion about students similarities and differences prior to looking at the 'We are Britain' Poems.
Queen Elizabeth II Saphire Jubilee Maths

Queen Elizabeth II Saphire Jubilee Maths

This activity features problem solving questions/ number stories which are featured around a fictitious royal party: Questions cover the following: Time Elapsed Time Fractions Money Measuring (Area) Multiplication The theme is based on the Queens Sapphire Jubilee and her upcoming 90th Birthday.
What do you need for school?

What do you need for school?

Simple worksheet which could follow a class discussion on equipment students will need in school. Students are asked to draw/write what they need to bring with them on a school bag template.
Healthy Relationships Tutorial

Healthy Relationships Tutorial

In light of Valentines day, this is the ideal tutorial designed to get students to think for themselves about what is a healthy and an unhealthy relationship. Students will also discuss abuse and why abusive relationships can be difficult to break away from. Students will partake in discussions and light activities which can be further examined with older or more mature student groups. Advice provided to students on where they can go for support should they need it.
Employability Skills Taster

Employability Skills Taster

This lesson was delivered as part of a 1 hour tutorial designed to provide students with a taster of what employability skills, what are employers looking for and to encourage them to start considering what skills they already have. Features teacher prompts and student centred activities. You will need a classroom with computers and internet access for this lesson. Might work well at the start of the year for a taster of what skills students should expect to develop on whatever courses they are studying. Can be made subject specific.
Job Searching

Job Searching

Lesson Objectives: To identify the common places to look for jobs. To identify the less common places to look for jobs. To be able to provide their own evidence for jobsearch trackers. Aimed at job searchers/seekers over the age of 16. Comes with student and teacher handout. Would benefit from a powerpoint presentation to aid in delivery.
Labelling Theory and Crime

Labelling Theory and Crime

This lesson introduces students to the idea of labelling theory and what can impact on being labelled as criminal e.g. the circumstance, historical period etc. Modern examples are used e.g. the one legged model to introduce students to this area in a way they can relate to. Students will embark on a range of activities surrounding Becker, Labelling theory, Producing a Web Page based on the theory and will be briefly introduced to the overlap between sociological/criminological theory and philosophy by looking at John Stuart Mills and Jeremy Bentham. This should last for around 2 hours depending on the group delivered to.
End of Life Care Palliative Care

End of Life Care Palliative Care

This is a whole lesson which was originally delivered over a 3 hour session but can be divided to make shorter sessions. Students will explore a range of topics via research, discuss and debating activities. Topics are as follows: Euthanasia and the differences between the subtypes Making Choices about end of life care End of Life Policies
Reading Comprehension-Brexit

Reading Comprehension-Brexit

This reading comprehension summarises the key points of Article 50 and Brexit in a way which is easy for younger people to understand. The questions are focused around the content of the text, an embedded maths questions and students opinion on whether they agree with the right to leave. There is also a challenge/extension for more able learners of which you will need access to the internet for.
Employment Letter Writing

Employment Letter Writing

A handout/worksheet style session designed to remind students of standard and expectations of speculative letter writing/cover letter writing to support their CV when applying for jobs. Will need a accompanying powerpoint to support delivery.
Coping with Setbacks

Coping with Setbacks

Designed for 18+ learners applying for jobs. Series of handouts with guidance and activities throughout. Would benefit from a PowerPoint to help with session delivery and planning.