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First Aid Awareness

First Aid Awareness

This lesson aims to provide them with an awareness so they are able to answer theory questions. I then arranged for St John Ambulance to come in to deliver a basic first aid course to students to gain their certificate. This could be amended to be delivered in tutorial or detail added to make it applicable to higher level BTEC or A-Level courses. This PowerPoint contains activities on how to call 999 and what to say, DR ABC protocol, risk assessment, basic treatment of unconsciousness, burns, bleeding, fractures, anaphylaxis and choking. Their are practical activities throughout with instructions which include scenarios. You would benefit from basic first aid supplies e.g. gloves, bandages etc. CPR is not included in the lesson content due to health and safety implications and not having access to a resuscitation mannequin at the time of delivery. Teacher will need some basic prior knowledge to deliver this lesson.
Sociology of Education

Sociology of Education

Presentations on Sociology of Education. Focus on Social Class, Under-Achievement, Gender and Socialisation. Presentations do contain some student activities but you will need to create additional student focus tasked to suit your students. Presentations are fairly detailed and were designed for Level 3/4 learners.
Mental Health Inequalities and Discrimination

Mental Health Inequalities and Discrimination

Two full days worth of lessons which could be delivered across several weeks to suit a range of timetables. Originally designed for Level 3 students, this is a detailed presentations containing thought provoking activities for students. It could be tailored to fit several subject areas and student abilities. No teacher preparation needed but students would benefit from A3 poster for one of the activities. Content is as follows: considering the impact that an unequal society may have on mental health statuses via a group research task. This will include topics such as geographical factors, unemployment and socio-economic status. Impact of mental health discrimination and the laws/policies surrounding this-student poster activity. The second section of the powerpoint looks at social norms, the link between misconceptions of individuals with mental health conditions being criminals-leading to looking at the deviancy amplification theory. Scenarios and thought-provoking questions throughout which can be tailored dependent on student ability.
Application Forms and Cover Letters

Application Forms and Cover Letters

3 Resources
This bundle contains a detailed activity booklet on everything students need to know about letter writing, as well as handouts and a basic session plan which can be adapted to fit your organisation. The second resource is a worksheet focused around speculative and cover employment letters which includes student activities. Finally, there is also a comprehensive activity designed to inform students about where to look for jobs.
Job Application Process

Job Application Process

3 Resources
This bundle includes session plans, lesson resources and handouts to cover: Interviews Application Forms Employment Letter writing
Introduction to Writing

Introduction to Writing

4 Resources
This bundle features introductory lessons on the following areas: Travel Brochure Writing Imaginative Writing Play Script Writing Writing to Argue and Persuade
Presentation Skills Workshop.

Presentation Skills Workshop.

A two part workshop style lesson based on presentation skills which was delivered across two days. It uses a health context, however, this can be adapted to any other subject area. The main lesson objectives are: To recap prior learning. To identify at least 3 poor presentation skills (starter activity). To reflect on areas of self-improvement in relation to presentation skills (self-audit). To utilize a strategy for planning an effective presentation. To deliver a professional presentation which delivers a clear message. The powerpoint contains student prompts for a carousel activity which will introduce them to the AMPM technique, and guidance on how to incorporate data into their presentations. All resources have been included, however you will also need two pieces of flipchart paper to enable students to mindmap 'Medium' and 'Message'. There is also minimal cutting needed for the presenter card sort which has also been included. The worksheet entitled 'audience' has also been included which completes the carousel activity. English, Maths, Employability and Equality & Diversity skills have been embedded throughout.
Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

8 Resources
An excellent value bundle, saving 69%. The bundle includes 9 topic areas and hours of activities for students in the following areas: Anti-discriminatory Practice, Alternative and Complementary health Care, Communication, Community Care, End of Life Care, Ethics, Discriminatory Practices, Multi-Disciplinary Team Work. Students will develop their ICT, Evluation, Research, Employability, English and Maths skills.
Study Skills/Employability

Study Skills/Employability

7 Resources
This bundle is aimed at ages 16-Adults and covers essential aspects of most study skills/employment courses. It can also be used for tutorials during the lead up to students applying for jobs or applying for university. This bundle also includes presentation skills, career planning and personal SWOT Analyses.


10 Resources
This bundle features key tutorial topics surrounding bullying, drugs, employability, UCAS, alcohol, keeping healthy, radicalisation and more. It is aimed at 14-Adults. There are numerous activities which include citizenship, values, english, maths, ICT and employability.
Applying for Jobs

Applying for Jobs

7 Resources
This bundle contrains lessons, handouts and activities which cover the following aspects of applying for jobs: Career Planning and Personal Skills Reviews Conflict Management and Coping with Setbacks Stress Awareness Employability Skills Workshop Employment Letter Writing Knowing Where to Look for Jobs


6 Resources
A range of lessons/resources which cover applying for jobs, what employability skills are and career planning.
Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle

Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle

16 Resources
There are a range of resources in this bundle which can be delivered to students of many abilities from 11-16. Some resources are also applicable to A-Level students. They cover; study skills, English and a range of PSHE/tutorial topics which require little planning. The price of this bundle means that you are getting each resource for less than £1