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Rehana Fazil Saving Teacher's Sundays

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Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.




Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.
SPAG Punctuation Pyramid for the New English Curriculum

SPAG Punctuation Pyramid for the New English Curriculum

Punctuation signs with corresponding bands for each band. Includes supporting vocabulary e.g when each punctuation should be used e.g commas in a list or apostrophe for possession or apostrophe for words with contracted form. This is an excellent visual and reminder for students and will support children to work at the expected band and at greater depth in KS1 and above. Excellent way of children self assessing and or editing. Can be easily adapted to suit all key stages. Very bright and engaging resource. Useful to be laminated and arranged to look like a pyramid. Band 2 Working below: full stop at the top of pyramid. Band 2 Working At: full stop, question mark, exclamation mark and apostrophe for contraction. Band 2 Greater Depth: as above including apostrophe for possession and commas in a list.
Fractions of amount in a shape Mastery Level KS1

Fractions of amount in a shape Mastery Level KS1

Year 2 Maths Number -Shapes and Fractions Finding different fractions including 1/2, 1/4, and 2/5, 2/3 within a shaped pattern. Children working at greater depth can answer questions like which one is more 2/4 or 2/8 of this chocolate bar. They can also solve problems in a fun and engaging way to find equivalent fractions. This work is suitable for Mastery level in year 2 and is adapted for the new maths curriculum. Children can be challenged to write the number sentences for working out different fractions they need to shade e.g 2/4 of 8 is … 8 divided 4 x 2 (so they need to shade 4 out of 8 boxes). Differentiated activities also included for children working at and below Band 2.
Year 2 Comparing amounts and balance equations

Year 2 Comparing amounts and balance equations

Comparing amounts using < > and = in the context of length , mass and fractions. Children are encouraged to use jottings to solve each side of the equation. They then use the correct symbol to balance the equation. Suitable for year 2 mastery level although the activities are differentiated and easily accessible to all. Year 2 New Maths Curriculum.
Adding money amounts and using number line. Block E2

Adding money amounts and using number line. Block E2

This is fun and engaging way to work with money for young children. They can show reasoning with number and application of skills. In this problem solving task children are using money and showing a system. How many different ways can you make the amount using 2 coins. Differentiated for low ability with scaffolding provided and less amount of coins to use. Higher ability to use bigger amount and three coins. Additional money work consolidates number e.g. giving change from an amount using a number line to find the difference (and counting forward from the smallest number). Children working at the expected standard in the new maths curriculum can use a ruler as a substitute for a number line. Suitable for ks1.
Year 1 and 2 Maths investigation with shape and number

Year 1 and 2 Maths investigation with shape and number

Year 1 and 2 Maths Investigation with shape and number This is a fun, engaging and creative lesson with shape. The lesson has been successfully used to apply knowledge of shapes in a year 2 setting. Children can begin to think of problems systematically. They think of the best way to start, that there is more than one answer, that they can use number doubles and counting on to support them. Children are encouraged to find different ways to make a 9 sided shape family. They need to be secure with properties of simple 2d shapes previously such as sides of regular shapes. Work can be differentiated by giving children regular or irregular shapes. Very stimulating activity for all learners. The activity can be easily adapted for both year groups.
Year 2 Grammar Sentence Types Cursive

Year 2 Grammar Sentence Types Cursive

Year 2 Grammar washing line in cursive script - for all sentence types. These are posters of all the sentences types that are in the expected standard for English. They are a good reference for teachers and children. The posters have definitions and show examples of how to use them in context. Ideally they should be enlarged onto A3 paper, laminated and hung from a visible area for all to access. Alternatively they can be made into a handy booklet for children to access as a resources to up-level their work by editing gaps. Suitable for year 2 and the new curriculum.
Year 2 Place Value Number Sequencing and comparing

Year 2 Place Value Number Sequencing and comparing

Year 2 Maths Number A bundle of resources to teach place value using practical resources and equipment, and pictures to show what each number represents. The children move onto comparing numbers using < > symbols. They also understand how to compare three given numbers using more than, less than, tens and units . Finally, the complete number sequences in 2, 3, 5, from any given number forwards and backwards. The resources are differentiated and well organized with graphics and tables to support learning. Most of the resources ask children to explain and reason e.g how they know which number is greater to show they have mastered the skill.
Year 2 Grammar Washing Cursive

Year 2 Grammar Washing Cursive

Grammar washing line in cursive script suitable for the year 2 curriculum in writing. This is all the definitions of grammar features that are in the expected standard for English. They are a good reference for teachers and children and can be placed on working walls or washing lines. The posters have definitions and how to use them in context. Ideally they should be enlarged onto A3 paper, laminated and hung from a visible area for all to access. Alternatively they can be made into a handy booklet for children to access as a resources to up-level their work by editing gaps. Suitable for year 2 and the new national curriculum.
Year 2 Properties of 2d shapes and Tangrams

Year 2 Properties of 2d shapes and Tangrams

Explore properties of shape through this fun activity. The resources shows how children can make different animals using a tangram template. The children explore how to make an animals with the given 9 shapes and one rule- at least one side of each shape must be touching. After children have had a go, some may find it challenging so they can be shown the animals slide after. This lesson would be suitably linked to growth mind set challenges. There are also slides that show different ways of questioning knowledge about 2d shapes SATs style.
SLE Specialist Leader In Education

SLE Specialist Leader In Education

The former AST title has been replaced by the new SLE- Specialist Leader in Education. You may be endorsed by your headteacher to apply for any specialism e.g. a core subject English, Maths, Science, Assessment or NQT mentor, EYFS specialist. It could also be a foundation subject you specialise in. You will already be an outstanding practitioner and supporting colleagues in your own school or have had experience in supporting other schools in your chosen area of expertise. If you are passionate about being a leader of education and supporting other managers to lead then you need to prepare for a group discussion and an interview. See the attached PowerPoint for guidance of questions and supporting materials in how to prepare. Be an outstanding role model in your subject, be a good listener and inspirational, be confident and be the next specialist leader of education. Good Luck.
Year 2 Guided Reading and Response Activities preview

Year 2 Guided Reading and Response Activities preview

**Year 2 ** Guided Reading preview Developing reading for deeper meaning in the classroom for all pupils (Year 2 and Year 6). This resource supports teachers how to set up guided reading in their classrooms. It offers the following Developing Lexical reading - word meanings Developing figurative language like idioms to support comprehension Using pictorial clues for context Using P 4 C to develop deeper, critical thinking. Using point, evidence and explain to promote deeper level and detailed answers from children. Quality response activity ideas after reading with the teacher Carousel reading activity suggestions Sequencing and summarizing text. Can be used to develop staff cpd or for teaches to self-reflect and promote reading for pleasure in the classroom (as well as bridging the vocabulary of disadvantaged readers). Supports current pedagogy and practice for the new national curriculum for reading. I hope you find it useful to self reflect on your practice and develop a research informed pedagogy in school. Written by SLE in English -supporting educators around the world. The ideas and suggestions are transferable across the school.
Adding investigation using shapes

Adding investigation using shapes

A fun and interesting activity to consolidate adding three numbers including one 2 digit number. Children should have secure prior knowledge of adding mentally using different strategies such as doubling or counting in different steps. The task can be easily differentiated for all abilities. It offers good opportunity for teachers to facilitate the learning whilst watching how children apply learnt skills. They should be encouraged to be resilient, use trial and error and work systematically to find more than one answer. They should demonstrate reasoning skills by explain e.g how they made the total 29 using two shapes only with a value of 5 and 12. This make AFL easier for the teacher. A highly recommended task.
SPAG Rainbow Writing Code Year 2 Grammar

SPAG Rainbow Writing Code Year 2 Grammar

SPAG Rainbow Writing Code supports the Year 2 Grammar Washing Line. Please see the shop. The code is to support children to edit their writing using the same colour each time. They locate each grammar feature in a given exemplar text and use colour pencils to identify them and/or underline them. Over the year the children can self assess and peer assess using this rainbow grammar code. Eventually, by the end of the year, the aim is for the children to be able to identify all the writing grammar features in their own writing or up level it and edit if they haven’t. VCHOP stands for Vocabulary, Conjunctions, Handwriting, Openers and Punctuation. This resources supports the new National Curriculum for 2014 English Writing objectives.
The Twits Roal Dahl Year2 and 3 description

The Twits Roal Dahl Year2 and 3 description

Activities suitable for Year 2 and Year 3. Grammar features to suit the new curriculum have been included such as using expanded noun phrases, suffix endings- ier, subordinating conjunction 'if'. This is a 31 page powerpoint with lots of ideas about how to write a poem, character description, use grammar features and include cross curricular links like Art. There are good examples given for each activity and differentiation has been explicitly shown for LA and SEN to access the poem and grammar sentence level work. This will be an excellent resource to compare.books by the same author - Dahl .
Year 2  Materials and their uses -Secret Message GFOL

Year 2 Materials and their uses -Secret Message GFOL

Year 2 Science Materials and Their Uses Unit has been creatively linked to the topic of Great Fire of London. The task is to write a secret message using varying materials (substances) and see if they can be easily detected. some of the materials they can try writing the word ‘Fire’ with is, chalk white pastel white crayon oil milk lemon children are encouraged to think about how to record their findings independently for greater depth and show reasoning during their planning. A 14 slide powerpoint explains the process of enquiry which supports helping children to think of their own enquiry questions and ways of finding out. There are great opportunities for cross curricular work that should not be missed. Science in this context has been made purposeful and this is a fun enjoyable lesson to do.
Year 2 Estimating addition and subtraction calculations

Year 2 Estimating addition and subtraction calculations

Year 2 Maths Number Estimating calculations by rounding to the nearest multiple of 10 first. This resource has differentiated activities for children to solve an equation by rounding. They then write a reasoned answer about which answer is the closest. e.g is 12 + 9 closer to 20 or 30? children select 30 and write a sentence e.g 12 rounds down to 10 and 9 rounds up to 10 so 20 is the closest answers. children working at greater depth have further opportunities to round, reason and also use the > and < sign to select the appropriate answer. This is a challenging activity for all levels. Children will be able to develop fluency with estimating and rounding. They will need a pre-teach lesson about rules of rounding prior to this. Suitable for the new Year 2 curriculum and meeting ITAF standards.
Capacity  and reading scales at intervals Year 2  Mastery

Capacity and reading scales at intervals Year 2 Mastery

Year 2 Maths - Measures ‘Capacity and Reading scales’ These are activities to assess children’s ability to read scales in ml and liters. Children should have first hand practical experience measuring into different size cylinders or bottles first to get secure understanding of when to use ml or liters. They should experience for example that four 250 ml containers fill a liter bottle. They can then move on to identifying the reading of scales in different jugs and solve problems. These resources are differentiated for mastery and greater depth. There are opportunities to show reasoning and is suitably adapted to provide high expectations for the new maths curriculum.
Partitioning into tens and ones Year 2 KS1

Partitioning into tens and ones Year 2 KS1

Year 2 Maths number Problems Partitioning into tens and ones for Greater Depth Reasoning. Here is an example of the problems presented; Adam thinks 2 tens and 13 ones is greater that 40. Is he right? Explain your answer. Children develop from fluency to reasoning to show greater understanding in this activity. There are also differentiated resources for SEN to access similar objectives using concrete models and then moving onto pictorial form. Useful for the new maths ITAF statements and evidence for books and moderation. Part of the new national curriculum for maths.
Time  and clock hands year 2

Time and clock hands year 2

Year 2 tell the time by showing where the hour hand and the minutes hands. Children need to be confident in telling the time before they use this activity. They must understand that the hour hand is the small hand and the long hand is the minutes hand. The resource will enable them to count in fives around the clock and understand how to calculate for example 20 minutes past 9. A differentiated resource for all children to reach the expected standards (S) in maths for the new curriculum.
Telling the time Year 2

Telling the time Year 2

Year 2 Telling the time to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Children are encouraged to understand what each hand on the clock represents. They move onto telling the time an hour later, hour before, half an later and half an hour before. They look at word problems related to time and work out for example which clock is showing the time one hour after 10.30. They tick the clock that is showing a time in between 3 o’clock and 4 o’clock (e.g a clock face showing 3:15). The work on here is suitable for children working at the expected standard in Maths for year 2. The word problems have challenges for all ability groups including questions to challenge children working at greater depth.