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Minka Melody parts in TAB notation and for B flat instruments

Minka Melody parts in TAB notation and for B flat instruments

This is a song based on a Ukrainian folk tune but with original words and a second and third part. The melodies can be sung separately or in combination and all three together as a quodlibet. The song is taught on my YouTube video, where there is a full performance and backing track. There are also tuned percussion parts.
Minka melody and tuned percussion parts

Minka melody and tuned percussion parts

This is a song based on a Ukrainian folk tune but with original words and a second and third part. The melodies can be sung separately or in combination and all three together as a quodlibet. The song is taught on my YouTube video, where there is a full performance and backing track. There are also tuned percussion parts.
Christmas Carol/ song picture quiz

Christmas Carol/ song picture quiz

A fun music game where the children draw a picture to illustrate a Christmas carol or song. This links to a YouTube video called Christmas carol/ song picture quiz that can be found on the link below.
Fruity Rumba (A-Z) backing track

Fruity Rumba (A-Z) backing track

A lively 3 part song listing fruits and vegetables! Perfect for food related topics, harvest and thanksgiving. The score is available on this website and the performance video is on my Youtube channel. https://youtube.com/watch?v=abEnowmVXns
Fruity Rumba (A to Z)

Fruity Rumba (A to Z)

A three part song which lists fruits and vegetables from A to Z! Perfect for Harvest / Thanksgiving or links to food related topic work. There is a performance video on YouTube and a backing track available.