
Brandenburg Concerto No 5 Mvmt III
An excellent resource to use when revisiting and recapping over the key points of Brandenburg Concerto No5 Mvmt III. This is a matching jigsaw task where student identify and match key words, images of musical devices/features, and descriptions.
Students are given a prepared jigsaw and working individually or in pairs, match the various squares, sticking in their book to aid revision.
I have included a differentiated task with an image of Bach in the background to support learners further, if required.
A tried and tested resources which engage learners. The task takes between 20 - 30 mins to complete.

Killer Queen - Queen - GCSE Music
An excellent resource to use when revisiting and recapping over the key points of Killer Queen. The activity is a matching jigsaw task where student identify and match key words, images of musical devices/features, and descriptions.
Students are given a prepared jigsaw and working individually or in pairs, match the various squares, sticking in their book to aid revision.
I have included a differentiated task with an image of Queen in the background to support learners further, if required.
A tried and tested resources which engage learners. The task takes between 20 - 30 mins to complete.

Edexcel GCSE Music - Star Wars Final Retrieval Lesson
Edexcel GCSE Music - Set Work - Star Wars
Resources consists of one Ppt which goes through the following: main points, key words, features and devices, knowledge organiser, questions, wider listening with student task, Walk and Talk exam questions on section A, B and diction. Answers and audio clips for listening tasks.
The resource is designed for focused retrieval and revision prior to the exam.

BTEC NQF Music Unit 1 The Music Industry Venues
Venues; large / smaal / pros / cons/ venue manager / health and safety / mock questions on venues

BTEC First Music Unit 1 Organisations - The Record Company
BTEC First Music
Unit 1 The Music Industry
1. Ppt to guide students through the Record Company
2.Ppt includes a prezi presentation, activities, mini plenary in the form of arcade game
3. Matching resources 'Vinyl Label'

BTEC Music First Unit 1 - Unions
This presentation gives students information on Unions within the Music Industry and includes exam style questions, video interview and webpage links

Music Take Away Homework / Cover Lesson Tasks
KS3 Music Take Away Homework Menu.
3 Menus attached, Autumn, Spring and Summer
Great resources to use for Home Learning or as Cover Lesson Tasks

Purcell - Music For A While - Music GCSE Edexcel
A full teaching resource for GCSE set work, Music For A While by Purcell.
The resource includes 52 slides containing historical context, wider listening, detailed analysis, listening tasks, Kahoots Quiz and key word definitions with videos to support independent learning.
Tried and tested resource which guide students, in depth, through the set work.