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RobATvirtual-science's Shop

The home of the Virtual Physics Laboratory which offers ideal resources for when laboratory time or expertise is limited. All these resources can be used by the teacher or by students with or without supervision. I started researching and creating these resources many years ago. I usually create the experiment in reality before creating a simulated version. I have taught at Universities, FE/HE colleges, and at secondary schools and have ran Virtual Science for over 30 years.

The home of the Virtual Physics Laboratory which offers ideal resources for when laboratory time or expertise is limited. All these resources can be used by the teacher or by students with or without supervision. I started researching and creating these resources many years ago. I usually create the experiment in reality before creating a simulated version. I have taught at Universities, FE/HE colleges, and at secondary schools and have ran Virtual Science for over 30 years.
TOM The Computer Simulator

TOM The Computer Simulator

The original Thoroughly Obedient Moron is a safe and user friendly environment for learning the fundamental concepts of how a computer works. From logic gates to algorithms. TOM’s original screen allows interactive programming that includes branching, looping, subroutine calls with stack operations, input and output operations, interrupt processing and memory mapped output. Complex concepts, such as recursion, are easily understood when you can see all the memory right in front of you and follow the flow of control. The unwinding of the call stack is so visual that understanding is an immediate eureka moment; making this the ideal groundwork before moving onto high-level language programming. Any TOM program can be seen executing on the main screen or by TOM’s underlying machine. A collection of interactive screens show how the elements of TOM are built from logic gates. Programming TOM enables students to have a deeper understanding of how computers work which helps them in all their future work with computers. TOM’s comprehensive documentation and help give background information on: • Number systems. • ASCII collating sequence • Binary encoded decimal. • Logic gates. • Stacks and subroutines. • Numeric overflow. And has numerous exercises you can use in class. *"This is real education, deep stuff. It’s informative, accurate, interesting and recommended. I don’t want to give it back.” * Parents & Computing We have found it an excellent tool for the delivery of the machine architecture aspects of A level Computing. It facilitates well demonstrations by the teacher but most importantly enables hands-on work by the students“ Paul Morgan, Sir John Deane‘s College. Licence This product is for a single site and is for personal and classroom use only. Copying any part of this resource is forbidden and violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Whilst efforts will be made to maintain third party links to sites such as simmer.io (for simulations) and Youtube (for videos), these cannnot be guaranteed in perpetuity. Purchasing and downloading this product is your consent to these conditions.