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Paper 1, Option 1H: Britain transformed, 1918–97 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

Paper 1, Option 1H: Britain transformed, 1918–97 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 1, Option 1H:Britain transformed, 1918–97: 1 A changing political and economic environment, 1918–79 2 Creating a welfare state, 1918–79 3 Society in transition, 1918–79 4 The changing quality of life, 1918–79 Historical Interpretations: What impact did Thatcher’s governments(1979–90) have on Britain, 1979–97? (Specific historians and their viewpoints are detailed here) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
1L The quest for political stability: Germany 1871-1991 AQA A Level History revision notes

1L The quest for political stability: Germany 1871-1991 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes are intended to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the breadth study: “The quest for political stability: Germany 1871-1991”: Part one: Empire to democracy, 1871–1929 The Kaiserreich, 1871–1914 Empire to democracy, 1914–1929 Part two: the impact of Nazism, war and division, 1929–1991 (A-level only) The Nazi experiment, 1929–1949 (A-level only) Division to unity: the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949–1991 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 AQA A Level History revision notes

2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 Part one: the origins of the American Revolution, 1760–1776 Britain and the American Colonies, 1760–1763 Enforcing the Colonial Relationship, 1763–1774 Ending the Colonial Relationship, 1774–1776 Part two: establishing the Nation, 1776–1801 (A-level only) The War of Independence, 1776–1783 (A-level only) Founding the Republic, 1776–1789 (A-level only) Washington and Adams, 1789–1801 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2P The Transformation of China, 1936–1997 AQA A Level History revision notes

2P The Transformation of China, 1936–1997 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Transformation of China, 1936–1997 Part one: the emergence of the People’s Republic of China, 1936–1962 The Origins of the Civil War, 1936–1946 Communist victory and the consolidation of Mao’s rule, 1946–1952 The transition to Socialism, 1952–1962 Part two: the People’s Republic of China: Economic growth and the transformation of the state, 1962–1997 (A-level only) Reform and Control, 1962–1966 (A-level only) The Cultural Revolution, 1966–1976 (A-level only) The PRC under Deng Xiaoping, 1976–1997 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Paper 2, Option 2F.1 India, c1914–48 the road to independence Edexcel A Level History revision notes

Paper 2, Option 2F.1 India, c1914–48 the road to independence Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2F.1 India, c1914–48 the road to independence: 1 The First World War and its impact on British India, 1914–20 2 Changing political relationships,1920–30 3 Consultation and confrontation,1930–42 4 The road to independence,1942–48 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
How did Augustus use art to portray his ideals?: The Ara Pacis

How did Augustus use art to portray his ideals?: The Ara Pacis

This lesson is designed with the new OCR Classical Civilisation 9-1 GCSE in mind. Specifically, Paper 1 (Myth and Religion) topic 1.6 Myth and Symbols of Power. it is designed to run over 2 hour long lessons. All worksheets referred to below are contained within the .ppt file in the appropriate places during the lesson which can be printed out and given to students. All instructions are also contained in the ‘notes’ section for each slide (in addition to helpful video links). The lesson starts with a comprehension starter regarding how Augustus came to power and an accompanying video. There is then some class reading on the aims of Augustan art in general and the messages Augustus was keen to promote. Students are then introduced to the Ara Pacis itself via Augustus himself through studying the appropriate part of the Res Gestae. A short OU video link is included to help students visualise the size of the Ara Pacis itself. A worksheet is then included ready to be printed off (pictured)looking at Ovid’s Fasti and what he has to say about the altar. An in-depth look at the carvings one each frieze then follows with accompanying exam questions (8 and 15 markers). In the plenary students are encourage to envisage their own version of the Ara Pacis and what it would depict.
What was the Saturnalia and why was it important to the Romans?

What was the Saturnalia and why was it important to the Romans?

This lesson is designed with the OCR 9-1 GCSE spec in mind. Topic 1.5: Festivals in the Myth and Religion Unit of the paper. The lesson starts with reminding students of who Saturn was and his background as father of Jupiter and rule of the Earth during the Golden Age. Students then look at the 17th c. copy of the 4th c. Calendar depicting elements of the Saturnalia and are encouraged to draw inferences about what might have happened during the festival itself. A worksheet is included in the .ppt file for this. A knowledge organiser is also included on a slide to be printed out and given to students who then highlight and annotate it and use it to inform a travel guide/newspaper task where they have to write about their experience of the Saturnalia to a ‘foreign’ (I.e. non-Roman) audience. Practice exam questions are also included with help on how to structure their answers. These involve a Source inference (2 mark question) and two 8 mark comparison questions where students are told to compare the festival to the Lupercalia. Finally, students are encouraged to match a series of abstract images to their learning in order to demonstrate how much they have learnt in relation to the success criteria/ learning aims.
1C: Britain, 1625–1701: conflict, revolution and  settlement Edexcel A Level History revision notes

1C: Britain, 1625–1701: conflict, revolution and settlement Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from each part of the Edexcel History specification for Paper 1, Option 1C:Britain, 1625–1701: conflict, revolution and settlement: 1 The quest for political stability, 1625–88 2 Religion: conflict and dissent, 1625–88 3 Social and intellectual challenge, 1625–88 4 Economy, trade and empire, 1625–88 How revolutionary, in the years to 1701, was the Glorious Revolution of 1688–89? (Historians and their views are explicitly discussed here). They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
3.1 Epistemology AQA A Level Philosophy full course revision notes

3.1 Epistemology AQA A Level Philosophy full course revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level Philosophy students a comprehensive understanding of the key knowledge from the specification for unit 3.1 Epistemology: What is knowledge? - The tripartite view Perception as a source of knowledge - Direct realism - Indirect realism - Berkeley’s Idealism Reason as a source of knowledge - Innatism - The intuition and deduction thesis The limits of knowledge These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. These notes can be given to students to work through at their own pace, or split up and given to students as and when each part of the content is studied throughout the course. As the teacher you may find it useful to go through the notes with my students as they highlight and annotate them with anything extra you want to give them according to their level. These notes though are comprehensive and detailed and work just as well as a stand alone revision aid as they do an in-class resource. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Classical Myth & Religion: Introducing Greek and Roman Religion

Classical Myth & Religion: Introducing Greek and Roman Religion

Designed with the new OCR Classical Civilisation 9-1 GCSE in mind. Students are introduced to Ancient religion in general and the concepts of Hiera & Religio and the contractual nature of worship in the ancient world. In addition to this there is an exercise for students that is designed to compare ancient worship to modern worship and draw out the similarities and differences. There is a wealth of information contained within. The presentation goes through first the Greek gods and then their Roman equivalents. Each of the god's/goddess' areas of patronage are outlined, as are details about their associated mythologies, stories of origin and iconography. An A3 sheet is included to print and photocopy for students to record details about each deity, first for Greece and then for Rome. Primary Sources and GCSE practice questions are included as are model answers which students can use to improve their own answers. A final assessment task is also included which has GCSE rigour and can be used to get an accurate understanding of student's understanding of the topic to GCSE standard. Throughout, all technical terms are explained in 'glossary boxes' and students are encouraged to make a note of these as the lessons progress to build up their own glossary of key terms. The lesson could be easily differentiated for KS3 pupils by cutting out the GCSE style questions and focusing instead on the stories of each god/goddess.
Paper 2, Option 2C.2: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

Paper 2, Option 2C.2: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These detailed revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2C.2: Russia in revolution, 1894–1924 1 The rule of Nicholas II, 1894–1905 2 The end of Romanov rule, 1906–17 3 The Provisional government and its opponents, February–October 1917 4 Defending the Bolshevik revolution, October 1917–24 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Women in the Ancient World: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full revision course notes

Women in the Ancient World: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full revision course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give GCSE Classical Civilization students a comprehensive understanding of the key knowledge from the specification for Women in the Ancient World: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) Women of Legend Young Women Women in the home 'Improper’ Women Women and religion Women and power Warrior Women Women to be Feared Each of the above is split into two sections: Greece, firstly, and then Rome. These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. These notes can be given to students to work through at their own pace, or split up and given to students as and when each part of the content is studied throughout the course. As the teacher you may find it useful to go through the notes with my students as they highlight and annotate them with anything extra you want to give them according to their level. These notes though are comprehensive and detailed and work just as well as a stand alone revision aid as they do an in-class resource. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2B The Wars of the Roses, 1450–1499 AQA A Level History 'at a glance' revision notes

2B The Wars of the Roses, 1450–1499 AQA A Level History 'at a glance' revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Wars of the Roses, 1450–1499 Part one: the Fall of the House of Lancaster, 1450–1471 The origins of conflict, 1450–1459 The War of the Barons, 1459–1461 The triumph of the Yorkists, 1461–1471 Part two: the fall of the House of York, 1471–1499 (A-level only) ‘The Sun in Splendour’: the reign of Edward IV, 1471–1483 (A-level only) The downfall of the Yorkist Monarchy, 1483–1486 (A-level only) The end of the Yorkist Dynasty, 1486–1499 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Paper 1, Option 1A: The Crusades, c1095–1204 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

Paper 1, Option 1A: The Crusades, c1095–1204 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the Paper 1 study: The Crusades, c1095–1204 Reasons for the crusades, 1095–1192 Leadership of the crusades, 1095–1192 The crusader states of Outremer, 1100–92 The changing Muslim response to the crusades, 1095–1192 Historical Interpretations: What explains the failure of the Fourth Crusade? They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007 AQA A Level History revision notes

2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007 AQA A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give AQA A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for the depth study: The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007 Part one: building a new Britain, 1951–1979 The Affluent Society, 1951–1964 The Sixties, 1964–1970 The end of Post-War Consensus, 1970–1979 Part two: Modern Britain, 1979–2007 (A-level only) The impact of Thatcherism, 1979–1987 (A-level only) Towards a new Consensus, 1987–1997 (A-level only) The Era of New Labour, 1997–2007 (A-level only) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Unit Y112: Britain 1900–1951 OCR A Level History revision / course notes

Unit Y112: Britain 1900–1951 OCR A Level History revision / course notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y112: Britain 1900–1951 Enquiry Topic: England and a New Century c.1900–1918 a) Political issues c.1900–1914 b) Social issues 1900–1918 c) Britain at war 1914–1918 British Period Study: Britain c.1918–1951 a) British politics 1918–1929 b) British domestic politics 1929–1939 c) Economic issues 1918–1939 d) Domestic politics 1940–1951 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Y111 Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918 OCR A Level History revision notes

Y111 Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918 OCR A Level History revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give OCR A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Unit Y111: Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918 British Period Study: Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1902 a) Whigs to Liberals b) Gladstonian Liberalism c) Disraelian Conservatism d) Late Victorian politics: Gladstone and Salisbury until 1902 Enquiry Topic: England and a New Century c.1900–1918 a) Political issues c.1900–1914 b) Social issues 1900–1918 c) Britain at war 1914–1918 These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
1B: Tudor England, 1509–1603: authority, nation and  religion Edexcel A Level History revision notes

1B: Tudor England, 1509–1603: authority, nation and religion Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 1, Option 1B: England, 1509–1603: authority, nation and religion 1 Monarchy and government, 1509–88 2 Religious changes, 1509–88 3 State control and popular resistance, 1509–88 4 Economic, social and cultural change, 1509–88 Was there a general crisis of government in the last years of Elizabeth I’s reign, 1589–1603? (Historians and their views are explicitly discussed here) They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
Myth and Religion: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full course revision notes

Myth and Religion: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) full course revision notes

These detailed course / revision notes were specially written to give GCSE Classical Civilization students a comprehensive understanding of the key knowledge from the specification for Myth and Religion: OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation (9-1) Gods The Universal Hero: Heracles/Hercules Religion and the City: Temples Myth and the City: Foundation Stories Festivals Myth and Symbols of Power Death and Burial Journeying to the Underworld These extensive notes are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics / areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. They give peace of mind that every corner of the specification/syllabus has been covered. These notes can be given to students to work through at their own pace, or split up and given to students as and when each part of the content is studied throughout the course. As the teacher I found it useful to go through the notes with my students as they highlighted and annotated them with anything extra I wanted to give them according to their level. The notes though are comprehensive and work just as well as a stand alone revision aid as they do an in-class resource. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)
2A.1 Anglo-Saxon England & Anglo-Norman  Kingdom 1053–1106 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

2A.1 Anglo-Saxon England & Anglo-Norman Kingdom 1053–1106 Edexcel A Level History revision notes

These ‘at a glance’ revision notes were specially written to give Edexcel A Level History students a comprehensive overview of the key knowledge from the specification for Paper 2, Option 2A.1: Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo Norman Kingdom, c1053–1106 1 Late AngloSaxon England, c1053–66 2 The Norman conquest of England and extension of control in Wales and Scotland, 1066–93 3 State, church and society, 1066–1106 4 Normandy, 1066–1106 They are especially useful for students whose note-taking in lesson isn’t as good as others, or whose organisational skills mean they are missing notes/handouts on certain topics/areas. These notes will certainly help reduce the time it takes them to catch up with their peers, and also students like to use these as a checklist of topics to go into in further detail. Hopefully these notes help to save your students (and you!) some time in the hectic run up to exams. Thanks for taking a look :)