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KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Adjectives and Adverbs (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Adjectives and Adverbs (2 versions)
Version 1:
Put a circle around each adjective and underline each adverb.
Use these adverbs and adjectives to make up your own sentences
Version 2 (easier):
Put a circle around each adjective and underline each adverb (only 1 in each sentence).
Setting Learning Targets
A blank template that children can use to write down their learning target for the school term/year.
Fundraising Event - Wacky Olympics (Sponsorship form and certificate)
Fundraising Event - Wacky Olympics
Blank sponsorship form and certificate included.
Art - Animal Patterns (1 worksheet)
Art - Animal Patterns (1 worksheet)
Activity 1: draw the different patterns identified in each animal.
Activity 2: think of other animals that have patterned fur/skin?
Activity 3: design their own animal patterns and decide which is their favourite and why.
Art - Line Scales (1 worksheet)
Art - Line Scales (1 worksheet)
Complete scales using different line techniques: cross hatching, hatching, squiggles, zig zags, inventing your own and combining 2 techniques.
An example included.
KS2 Worksheet - Area Problems (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Area Problems (2 versions)
Version 1:
Activity - calculate the area of various shapes or their length/breadth using the other measurements given.
Extension - 2 step problems
Version 2 (easier):
Activity - calculate the area of various shapes using the measurements given.
Extension - calculate the length/breadth of various shapes using the other measurements given.
Answers provided on the last page.
KS2 Worksheet - Numeracy Test (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Numeracy Test (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section 1 - convert measurements (length, weight and capacity)
Section 2 - find fractions of a numbers
Section 3 - name 2D and 3D shapes
Section 4 - money - change from £10, £20 and £100
Version 2 (easier):
Section 1 - convert measurements (length, weight and capacity)
Section 2 - find fractions of a numbers
Section 3 - name 2D and 3D shapes (names given)
Section 4 - money - change from £1, £2 and £5
Space Project - Instructions and template (2 documents)
Space Project - Instructions and template (2 documents)
Instructions: explains what the children should include in the project.
Template: blank document containing all the relevant pages for the children to complete.
Using a Search Engine - Mesolithic Times Research
Using a Search Engine - Mesolithic Times Research
Use a search engine to answer the questions about Mesolithic Times.