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Ryan Holmes's resources

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These resources are provided for free! #SharingisCaring #ShareAndShareALike




These resources are provided for free! #SharingisCaring #ShareAndShareALike
Olympics Knowledge Organiser

Olympics Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was designed with a a Year 5 class in mind in the lead up to the 2016 Olympics in Rio. Also included is an excel file designed to help with retrieval practice and quizzing based on the KO. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Inventions That Changed The World Knowledge Organiser

Inventions That Changed The World Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the IPC unit ‘Inventions That Changed The World’. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Unlike other KOs, I would not expect students to commit all of the information presented here to memory; however, I believe it can still provide a useful point for beginning discussion and is a useful subject knowledge resource. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
20th Century History Knowledge Organiser

20th Century History Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was designed with a mixed Year 5/6 class in mind when teaching the a topic on 20th Century History with a specific focus on the Second World War. I have uploaded the accompanying WW2 Knowledge Organsier here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/world-war-two-ww2-knowledge-organiser-12047114. UPDATE: Now including retrieval quizzes. This Knowledge Organiser was desgined to give context to the timeline of some key events that occured throughout the 20th Century. Disclaimer: this KO does focus on events that might be considered UK/US/Western-centric. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Historic Periods Timeline

Historic Periods Timeline

I created this resources to gain a better understanding of overlap and sequence between historical periods across the world. It is intended to give an overview rather than give specific dates. Due to the broad range of time that I have tried to cover, the dates are only accurate to within a 50 year period. I do not pretend to be an expert in any of these periods, so the approximate dates are the result of research online. If you notice any major errors in these approximate dates please let me know and I will edit the resource. Similarly, If I’ve missed some key historic periods that you think would be useful to include, please let me know and I will update the resource accordingly.
Human Body Knowledge Organiser

Human Body Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the science unit on the Human Body. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Ancient Greeks Knowledge Organiser

Ancient Greeks Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was designed with a mixed Year 5/6 class in mind in preparation for teaching a unit on the Ancient Greeks plus a series of retrieval quizzes. If you have any suggestions for changes or tweaks, please contact me through Twitter: @educatingholmes. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it.
Self-generating number bonds to 10 practice

Self-generating number bonds to 10 practice

This is a resource for helping to improve rapid recall of number bonds to 10, created by @adaubs. It is created in the same style as the times table practice resource we created earlier which you can also find here. These excel files will automatically generate new questions each time the file is opened, saved or any function to calculate formulas is used.
Plants Knowledge Organiser

Plants Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the science unit on Plants. It could easily be used or adapted for use with older classes. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Dinosaurs Knowledge Organiser

Dinosaurs Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the IPC topic ‘Footprints from the Past’. It could easily be used or adapted for younger classes studying dinosaurs. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. With special thanks to @jon_hutchinson for his advice and feedback in creating and designing this KO, which was one of my first. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Rocks & Soils

Rocks & Soils

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the science unit on Rocks & Soils. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Light & Shadow Knowledge Organiser

Light & Shadow Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the science unit on Light & Shadow. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Rainforests Knowledge Organiser

Rainforests Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the IPC unit ‘Saving the World: Rainforests’. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Forces & Magnets Knowledge Organiser

Forces & Magnets Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the science unit on Forces and Magnets. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Space Knowledge Organiser

Space Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was designed with a mixed Year 5/6 class in mind when teaching the Year 5 Space science unit and IPC Space topics. UPDATE: Now including retrieval quizzes. With special thanks to @adaubs91 for her significant help in creating and designing this KO! Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Times Table practice sheets & tracker

Times Table practice sheets & tracker

This is a resource for helping to improve times table recall. @adaubs and I created these resources for use with our classes before we had access to Times Table Rockstars; however these resources remain useful in helping our pupils to automate their multiplication and division fact recall. These excel files will automatically generate new questions each time the file is opened, saved or any function to calculate formulas is used. Each tab is ordered in the order that the English National Curriculum is expected to be learnt by pupils (plus the extension file goes beyond the times tables that pupils are required to learn). Following a year group’s expected times table, a mixed times table sheet is included covering all the tables which are expected up to that point. The final sheet has a greater number of division questions and the challenge is to complete it as quickly as possible (the quickest I have seen was all 45 questions on the 12x12 mixed multiplication and division speed challenge completed in 43 seconds - handwritten, not orally). The multiple copies files contains 20 sheets for each times table on each tab. When you print the file, ensure that you are not printing double sided. Each sheet will have different questions that randomly generated. Each sheet contains 45 questions (30 multiplication and 15 division). We would expect pupils to correctly answer 40 of these questions in under 3 minutes before moving on to the next times table. The quick practice file is a much smaller version of each times table sheet that can be used with younger groups, those who are particularly struggling and need a confidence boost or as an introduction. The extension generator goes beyond the NC requirements and is more intended for pupils who have mastered their times tables abut have enjoyed it and want to further challenge themselves in their own time. The tracking document is intended to help teachers track pupil progress whilst also promoting a collaborative competition as a class. The idea is that pupils need to improve their score to contribute to the class total (1 point for improving on their last score). If they get over 40/45 they pass and move onto the next times table (whilst scoring 2 points). If they improve their score AND pass the times table then they score 3 points. See the explanation tab for further details. The idea is that every child can contribute to a collaborative challenge working towards a class prize (whatever you decide!) regardless of which times table they are currently focusing on automating. UPDATE: Now including a black & white file copy for those who are colour printing cost conscious!
Self-renewing SATS arithmetic test

Self-renewing SATS arithmetic test

A self-renewing SATS arithmetic paper based on the 2016 Sample paper. Every time you save or close this resource, there will be new questions generated. The answers will also self generate but remember to print these off before saving or closing or the questions and answers will not match. This resource was developed by @adaubs91.
Fraction, Decimals & Percentage equivalence worksheet

Fraction, Decimals & Percentage equivalence worksheet

@adaubs91 and I developed these worksheets to help students practice identifying the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. The sheets will randomly generate new questions every time the sheet is saved, printed or any function to calculate functions is performed.
Maths basic skills self-generating worksheet (Shanghai sheet)

Maths basic skills self-generating worksheet (Shanghai sheet)

@adaubs91 and I developed these worksheets based on a worksheet brought back by a colleague of ours from a trip to Shanghai. The aim of these sheets is to ensure quick and automated basic skills using the four operations, comparing and representation. The sheets will randomly generate new questions every time the sheet is saved, printed or any function to calculate functions is performed.
Ancient Egyptians Knowledge Organiser

Ancient Egyptians Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was originally designed with a Year 3 class in mind when teaching the a unit on the Ancient Egyptians. It could easily be used or adapted for both older younger classes. Also included here are a series of quizzes to be used for retrieval practice. With special thanks to @MichaelT1979 for his inspiration using his History ‘Cheat Sheets’, part of which I have sampled in this KO. You kind find all of Michael’s resources, including his Cheat Sheets, on his website under the free resources tab. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it (I made these KOs before I had any intentions of sharing them!).
Romans Knowledge Organiser

Romans Knowledge Organiser

This Knowledge Organiser (KO) was designed with a mixed Year 5/6 class in mind in preparation for teaching a unit on the Romans plus a series of retrieval quizzes. If you have any suggestions for changes or tweaks, please contact me through Twitter: @educatingholmes. Images were gained from a Google Image search - if I have inadvertently used one of your images without crediting you, please let me know so that I can attribute it.