My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Los lugares paragraph fill in practice and personal questions
Part 1: Complete the paragraph below with the appropriate place using the word bank. (10 sentences total)
Word bank: piscina / biblioteca / gimnasio / supermercado / parque / centro comercial / restaurante / iglesia / café / cine
Yo voy a la [1] ________________________ para leer un libro. Tú vas al [2] ________________________ para comprar la comida.
Part 2: each question in a complete sentence in the present tense. Use the word bank below, as needed.
*8 questions total with 8 different places
*Note: All questions start with ¿Qué haces tú en…?
sacar: to take out / devolver (o-ue): to return an item / leer: to read / usar la computadora: to use the computer / textear: to text / pedir (e-i): to order / comprar: to buy / ver una película: to see a movie …
¿Qué haces tú en la biblioteca? __________________________
Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
*It can also be used with chapter 1B of Realidades 2.
Un incendio: Vocab fill in practice
Complete each blank using the word bank provided.
*There are 14 sentences with 20 blanks.
Hints: V: use a conjugated verb / N: use a noun / A: use an adjective / I: use an infinitive
Word bank:
Conjugated verbs: funcionó / hubo
Nouns: reportero / explosión
__________________ (V) un incendio a las dos de la mañana en el quinto piso del edificio de apartamentos.
La estufa en un apartamento al final de pasillo (at the end of the hallway) _____________________ (V) mal y causó una _______________________. (N)
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
*It can also be used with chapter 5A of Realidades 2.
Natural disasters preterit sentence practice
Write the sentence in Spanish by conjugating each infinitive in the preterit. If there are two infinitives, conjugate both. Then, translate the sentence in English.
*Students will write and translate 20 sentences.
*Disasters included: el incendio / el terremoto / el tsunami / la inundación
El bombero / apagar / el incendio muy rápido
Spanish sentence:__________________________________________
English translation: _____________________________________________
El incendio / destruir / el edificio de apartamentos
Spanish sentence: __________________________________________________
English translation: ________________________________________________
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans. It can also be used with chapter 5A of Realidades 2.
Preterit imperfect clue words quick identification practice
For each clue word, write an X under the appropriate category: Completed action (preterit) or on going / habitual action (imperfect).
*50 clue words total
Todos los días / Cada día
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, study guide, entry / exit slip.
Regular and irregular preterit conjugation, clue words, and sentence worksheet
Part 1: Write the preterit conjugation for each infinitive.
*Students will complete a verb table with the preterit conjugations for the following infinitives: hablar, comer, vivir, buscar, jugar, empezar, dar, ir, ver, hacer (10 total)
*A table with preterit -ar, -er, -ir endings is included for reference.
Part 2: Clue words matching: Write the letter of the correct translation. (18 total)
p. last night / r. yesterday
_____ 1. Ayer
_____ 2. Anoche
Part 3: Write an original sentence in the preterit with each infinitive. Sentences must be 8 words minimum and should not be repetitive (using the same words over and over). Sentences can be about anything. Note: If you use a clue word that is 3 words such as “la semana pasada”, it will count as one word only. Post the word count at the end of every sentence. No collaboration or on-line translators.
*Students will write 10 sentences (one for each infinitive from part 1).
*Note: The English translation of the infinitive is provided.
Hablar (to speak) / Yo_______________________________________________
Answer key is included on pages 5-6 for parts 1 and 2. For part 3 (sentences), student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Las clases with Ir a and Tener que infinitive fill in practice
Complete each sentence with the correct conjugations of Ir (to go) and Tener (to have). For the infinitives, choose the correct infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) from the word bank and write it in the blank.
*7 sentences total with 7 different classes.
*Classes included: inglés, matemáticas, ciencias, historia, educación física , arte, español
Word bank for infinitives: conversar: to talk / leer: to read / escribir: to write (2x) / mezclar: to mix / usar: to use / tomar: to take / pintar: to paint / solucionar: to solve / entrar: to warm up / hacer: to do / jugar: to play / aprender: to memorize / presentar: to present
En la clase de inglés yo _______________ (ir) a ___________________ (infinitive) una novela porque yo ________________ (tener) que ____________________ (infinitive) un ensayo.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
Los desastres with weather, time, and description practice
For each disaster, write the weather (imperfect tense), the clock time (imperfect tense) , and a brief description of what happened with 2 sentences in the preterit. Use the list of helpful words below or come up with your own.
5 disasters included: incendio / terremoto / inundación / huracán / tsunami
Note: All questions are structured, as shown in the example below.
Write in complete sentences in Spanish and conjugate your verbs in the preterit and imperfect tenses, as needed.
Marcos: Hubo un incendio anoche en el edificio de apartamentos donde yo vivo.
¿Qué tiempo hacía? ________________________
¿Qué hora era? ______________________
¿Qué pasó?
Sentence 1: __________________________________________________________________
Sentence 2: __________________________________________________________________
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz , entry or exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 5A of Realidades 2. Students can also do the practice orally.
La hora: Practice with clock time (Imperfect tense)
Write the appropriate clock time in the template provided. (21 clock times total)
*Note: All questions are the same as shown in the example. Only the clock time will be different.
*A structured template is provided for student responses. Prior to the practice, notes on telling time are included for reference.
¿Qué hora era? (1:00 am)
Template: Era / Eran + la / las + hour + rest
Answer: Era la una de la mañana.
Answer key is included on pages 5-7. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip (broken up in smaller sections).
Students can also do this practice orally in pairs or in small groups.
Tener que and Ir a infinitive mini translation practice
Translate each set of sentences with the correct conjugation of Tener (to have) and Ir (to go) and the appropriate infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) using the word bank.
*10 sets with 2 sentences each (one for Tener and one for Ir)
*A table with conjugations of Tener and Ir is also included.
Word bank for infinitives (-ar, -er, -ir): hablar: to speak / leer: to read / escribir: to write
I have to speak. Yo _______________ (tener) que ____________________.(infinitive)
I am going to speak. Yo _______________ (ir) a ____________________.(infinitive)
You have to read. Tú _______________ (tener) que ____________________.(infinitive)
You are going to read. Tú _______________ (ir) a ____________________.(infinitive)
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Irregular preterit fast and easy conjugation practice
12 irregular verbs included: Hacer, Venir, Querer, Andar, Estar, Tener, Poner, Poder, Saber, Decir, Conducir, Traer
A structured template is provided to write the conjugations. The template includes subjects and verb endings. The irregular stem is listed next to each infinitive.
Hacer (to do, to make) (Irregular stem: hic, hiz Él / Ella / Ud.) For the conjugation: Attach the endings to the stem
Subject: Yo
Verb ending: e
Conjugation: ______________
Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used when students are first learning the irregular preterit conjugations. It can be used for classwork, homework, review, stud guide, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Tan adjective como fill in practice
Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation of Ser (to be) in the first blank and the correct form of the adjective in the second blank. Be sure that your adjective agrees with the subject in number (singular / plural) and in gender (masculine / feminine).
*20 sentences total with 20 different adjectives
Note: Sentences do not link to any particular vocabulary or theme.
I am as tall as my brother. (alto) M: mascluine
Yo (M) _____________ (ser) tan ________________ (adjective) como mi hermano.
You are as nice as your sister. (simpático) F: feminine
Tú (F) _____________ (ser) tan ________________ (adjective) como tu hermana.
My English class is as difficult as my math class. (difícil)
Mi clase de inglés _____________ (ser) tan ________________________ como mi clase de matemáticas.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
El incendio paragaph fill in practice
Complete the paragraph using the word bank. (14 blanks total)
Word bank
fue: went / Hubo: there was / examinaron (examined) / edificio (building) / empezó (started) / dormida (asleep) / humo (smoke) / dañados (damaged) /se escapó (escaped) / llamó (called) / escalera (ladder) / llegaron (arrived) / Había (there was)* / herido (hurt) / apagaron (put out)
_________________ un incendio anoche en el 2. _________________ de apartamentos.El incendio 3. _________________ a las dos de la mañana cuando la familia Gómez estaba 4. _________________. La causa del incendio fue los cables (wires) 5. _________________ en la sala. …
Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used with chapter 5A of Realidades 2.
Los quehaceres selection practice
For each sentence, choose the correct conjugation and write A or B. (15 total)
_____ 1. Yo _______________ la basura. A. saco B. paso
_____ 2. Tú _______________ el almuerzo. A. barres B. cocinas
Answer key is included on page 2.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
*It can also be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 3.
Irregular preterit subject selection practice
For each blank, write the appropriate subject using the word bank to match the verb conjugation.
12 verbs included: Hacer, Querer, Venir, Andar, Estar, Saber, Tener, Poner, Poder, Decir, Traer, Conducir
Hacer: to do, to make (Irregular stem: hic)
Word bank: Yo / Tú / Marcos / Juan y yo / Vosotros / Tina y Carlos
___________ hice ________________ hicimos
___________ hiciste _________________ hicisteis
____________ hizo __________________ hicieron
Querer: to try to (irregular stem: quis)
Word bank: Los estudiantes / Vosotros / Nosotras / Ud./ Tú / Yo
_____________ quise ________________ quisimos
_____________ quisiste _________________ quisisteis
______________ quiso __________________ quisieron
Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Irregular preterit super basic conjugation practice
For each infinitive, write the irregular stem, verb ending, and the conjugation.
*Infinitives included: hacer, venir, querer, andar, estar, tener, poner, poder, saber, decir, traer, conducir
Hacer: to do, to make (Irregular stem: hic) Stem is hiz for Él / Ella / Ud.
Irregular preterit endings: Yo: e / Tú: iste / Él, Ella, Ud.: o / Nosotros: imos / Vosotros: isteis / Ellos, Ellas, Uds: ieron
Yo: ___________ (stem) + _____________ (ending) Conjugation (combine stem + ending) Yo: _______________________________
Tú: ___________ (stem) + _____________ (ending) Conjugation (combine stem + ending) Tú: _______________________________
Él / Ella / Ud. : ___________ (stem) + _____________ (ending) Conjugation (combine stem + ending) Él / Ella / Ud.: ______________
Nosotros: ___________ (stem) + _____________ (ending) Conjugation (combine stem + ending) Nosotros: ____________________
Vosotros: ___________ (stem) + _____________ (ending) / Conjugation (combine stem + ending) Vosotros: _____________________
Ellos / Ellas / Uds. : ___________ (stem) + _____________ (ending)
Conjugation (combine stem + ending) Ellos / Ellas / Uds: _____________________
Answer key is included on pages 6-12.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, study guide, entry / exit slip.
*This practice can also be used when students are first learning irregular preterit verbs.
Los lugares matching with personal questions practice
Part 1: Matching (Write the correct letter of the answer for each question).
*10 total
*Note: All questions start with ¿Qué haces en + place?
h. Yo camino y juego con mis amigos.
j. Yo bebo café y como unas galletas.
_____ 1. ¿Qué haces en el café?
_____ 2. ¿Qué haces en el parque?
Part 2: Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish in the present tense. Be sure to answer each part of the question. (10 total)
*There is one question for each of the 10 places from part 1.
¿Cuál es tu café favorito? ¿Dónde está? ¿Con qué frecuencia (how often) comes tú allí (there)?
¿Con quién vas al parque y qué haces tú allí (there)?
Answer key is included on page 4 for part 1 only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary.
*This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
*It can also be used with the preliminary vocab of chapter 1B Realidades.
*Students can practice orally with the personal questions.
Worksheet on stem change verbs present tense
Write the correct conjugation of each infinitive in the present tense. Note: There is no stem change in the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations.
Infinitives included:
Pages 1-2 (e-ie): Pensar, Empezar, Querer, Entender, Preferir, Mentir / (u-ue): Jugar
Pages 3-4 (o-ue): Almorzar, Encontrar, Volver, Devolver, Dormir, Morir
Pages 5-6 (e-i): Pedir, Repetir, Servir, Competir
Answer key is included on pages 7-12. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
*All infinitives are structured by subjects (All 6 persons included).
E-IE stem change verbs
Pensar: to think / Yo: _____________________
Empezar: to start / Yo: ______________________
Querer: to want / Yo: ______________________
Entender: to understand / Yo: ______________________
Preferir: to prefer / Yo: ______________________
Mentir: to lie / Yo: ______________________
Los lugares tiny conversations with Ir a infinitive
Complete each mini conversation with the conjugation of Ir (to go) in the first and second blank. In the third blank, choose and write the correct infinitive phrase using the word bank.
*There are 10 tiny conversations.
Note: All conversations are structured the same, as shown in the example below. Only the places will be different.
*The word bank includes the English translation of each infinitive.
Word bank: beber café: to drink coffee / ver una película: to see a movie
¿A dónde vas tú?
Yo ___________ (ir) al café.
¿Qué vas a hacer?
Yo __________ (ir) a __________________________________. (infinitive)
Answer key is included on pages 3-5. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with the preliminary vocab of chapter 1B of Realidades 2.
*Students can practice orally with the conversations, as well.
Regular preterit short intro packet
For each infinitive type (-AR, -ER, -IR), students will conjugate 3 verbs for all 6 persons and answers 3 personal questions.
*A template is provided to write the conjugations.
Preterit -AR, -ER, -IR verb endings are also included.
Verbs included:
Page 1: -AR verbs (hablar, comprar, estudiar)
Page 2: -ER verbs (comer, aprender, volver)
Page 3: -IR verbs (vivir, escribir, recibir)
Answer key is included on pages 4-6 for the conjugations only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Dar, Ir, Ver, Hacer preterit tiny conversations practice
Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation in the preterit.
*There are 4 tiny conversations for each verb.
*Note: A table with conjugations of each verb is included prior to the tiny conversations.
Dar: to give
¿Qué _______________ tú a José? Yo ______________ un libro a José.
¿Qué _______________ Paco a su novia? Él le _______________ las flores.
¿Qué _______________ vosotros a los profesores? Nosotros les _______________ la tarea.
¿Qué _______________ Juan y Tina a sus amigos? Ellos les _______________ los dulces.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.