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Samharnell's HSC Shop

I am a Course Leader for T level Health and have taught on the programme since Wave 1 in September 2020. Over the years I have spent many hours adapting and improving my teaching resources to support students meet the core skills and develop the knowledge across Core A and ESP.

I am a Course Leader for T level Health and have taught on the programme since Wave 1 in September 2020. Over the years I have spent many hours adapting and improving my teaching resources to support students meet the core skills and develop the knowledge across Core A and ESP.
T Level Health Element A5/6 Revision Slides

T Level Health Element A5/6 Revision Slides

These slides were created for a pre exam crash revision session on the whole of A5 and 6 across 3 sessions. All criteria is covered and contains the key information needed including key terms to remember. We also had discussions on impacts, benefits, drawbacks to extend knowledge. Students loved it and asked for these to be printed to continue revising from. They also asked for these for other elements. This is something i plan to create this year ready for June 2025 exams. Contains 4 sessions.
T Level Health Core A Week by Week Planning Overview

T Level Health Core A Week by Week Planning Overview

Included is the week by week plans for all bundles in Core A T Level Health. We have bundled into the following; A1 &A2 (Working in the Healthcare Sector) (2 hours per week) A3, 4 & 10 (Some A7) ( Health and Safety/ Clinical Practice) (2 hours per week) A5 & A6 (Information and Data) (2 hours per week) A8 (Person Centred Care) (2 hours per week) A9/11 (Health and Wellbeing & SG) (2 hours per week) ESP - **1 hour per Week ** The way I have sequenced it is how I feel like the criterias fit best together or lead onto certain topics well. This changes yearly as I develop more understanding.
T Level Health A9 Health and Wellbeing Revision Workbook

T Level Health A9 Health and Wellbeing Revision Workbook

This Workbook contains a range of questions and diagrams for students to complete to support with revision for every criteria within element A9 Health and Wellbeing. Criteria is labelled clearly throughout the workbook to direct students to classroom slides/texbook content to help them complete. There are multiple pages of exam style questions with various key command words such as identfy, describe, explain and evaluate. This resource could also be used at the end of session as a recap/plenary/ extension activity completing certain criterias within the book to match your lesson. Please review if purchased
T Level Answering a 12 mark Exam Question  (A2.13) Core A  (A2.13 lesson included)

T Level Answering a 12 mark Exam Question (A2.13) Core A (A2.13 lesson included)

This lesson followed on from a 2 hour session exploring external factors and the impact on healthcare. ( This lesson is also included in this pack) I have used modelling and WAGOLL ( what a good one looks like) to support students look at the details needed to gain as many marks as possible on longer mark questions. I have broken the WAGOLL’s down using A01, A02 and A03. This session took 2 hours as it included peer assessment and reading other peers long mark answers. and giving feedback. Students feedback after this session was positive and they started to userstand how to set out and plan their answers to long mark questions.
T Level Health Assessment 3 Handbook (Year 2)

T Level Health Assessment 3 Handbook (Year 2)

In Preparation for Assessment 3 T Level Health Assessment. This guidebook gives student an overview of themes that have come up in the past for the professional discussions and support for details to include in their professional discussions. This guidebook includes information such as; The weighting of this assessment, how many marks are available to gain as well as a guide on each of the common themes and details to think about to include in their discussions. There is a page dedicated to each of the common themes to give insight into each theme along with past years examples of question papers to help students understand what they could be expected to discuss and how it is presented to them during the assessment. **We will give this to students when we are preparing students for Assessment 3 as a way to support revision.
T Level Health Assessment 2 Guidebook (Year 2)

T Level Health Assessment 2 Guidebook (Year 2)

YEAR 2 T LEVEL HEALTH - Assignment 2 In Preperation for Assessment 2 T Level Health Assessment. This guidebook gives student an overview of the types of criteria they could be given as part of their role plays in ‘response to a stimuli’. This guidebook includes information such as; The weighting of this assessment & how many marks are available to gain. Past paper examples of scenarios Insight into what is on the markscheme including indicative content Hints and tips to remember when completing the role play such as; * Person Centred care * Communication * Health and Safety * Techniques to use * Documentation Also added in some information given from the most recent examiners report on how to do well in this assessment. We will give this to students when we are preparing students for Assessment 2 as a way to support revision.
T Level Health Assessment 1 Guidebook (Year 2)

T Level Health Assessment 1 Guidebook (Year 2)

YEAR 2 T LEVEL HEALTH - Assignment 1 In Preperation for Assessment 1 T Level Health Assessment. This guidebook gives student an overview of each of the 4 tasks along with support material to support their understanding of the types of information to include in each task. This guidebook includes information such as; The weighting of this assessment, how many marks are available to gain as well as a guide on how long they should spend on each task within the 4 .5 hours given to complete this assessment. There is a page to give insight into each task along with past years example tasks to help students understand what they could be expected to do. Also added in some information given from the most recent examiners report on how to do well in this assessment. We will give this to students when we are preparing students for Assessment 1 as a way to support revision.
T Level Health ESP Student Guidebook

T Level Health ESP Student Guidebook

This guidebook is designed to support T level Health students understand what the ESP is by outlining what each task is. Within the guidebook there is a page dedicated to each task within the ESP explaining what the task involves, what the purpose of that task is along with ideas on what to write about to succeed in each task. There is also a page dedicated to referencing with examples on how to reference following Harvard format.
Schemes of Learning for Core A T Level Health

Schemes of Learning for Core A T Level Health

After 3 years of delivering Core A content these are my amended and up to date schemes of learning. This resource is all Scheme of Learning for T Level Health Core A except A8. (This is due to me not having taught this element yet This year will be my first therefore its a working document) I will however upload a Week by Week of the way i plan to deliver this element. Within the document I have included detailed lessons including starters/assessment/documentaries used etc… pasted links, work book/sheet links ( which I should be able to give access to on Google) along with images that I feel are needed to support delivery. There are 5 Schemes of Learning as I have bundled some of the elements together. All criteria are clearly identified so you can see where they fall within each of the lessons. The bundles are; A1/2 A3/4 and 10 (some of A7) A5/6 A9 A11 Please feel free to message with questions.
T Level Health 6 Week ESP Prep Sessions

T Level Health 6 Week ESP Prep Sessions

These Sessions are designed for students who are **6 weeks away from sitting their ESP. ** Our students sat ESP in the Autumn term of their 2nd Year on T Level HEalth. Each week I spent 1 hour each week making my way through all tasks within the ESP to remind and prepare students prior to sitting the assessment. Within this resource are; The week by Week Planning for the full 6 week on a weekly overview template. 6 separate presentations. Choosing the case study Report writing- looking at past examples/examiners reports Role Play- Looking at our own example. This I have had to remove the video for Confidentiality however you could replace this with a mock up of a role play completed by teachers or students. Care Planning- looking at legislation and ADL’s. Examples and things to consider in each aspect of the care plan. Presentations- What a good one looks like. Using the Exemplar work given by NCFE. Reflection Writing and using GIbbs Cycle. I have also included a document consisiting all of the indicative content that the examiners are looking for in each of the tasks. This I handed out to each student to take to revise from. Any relevant documents referred to throughout the sessions. Students really enjoyed these sessions and feedback was that they took a lot from these sessions and felt more prepared and confident. Hope they are useful to you as they were to us! Reference: NCFE (2022) Examiner Mark Scheme/ Exemplar Work. Accessed Jan 2025