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Resources for OCR GCSE Computer Science and Edexcel A Level Business Studies




Resources for OCR GCSE Computer Science and Edexcel A Level Business Studies
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.5.1 Role of an Entrepreneur

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.5.1 Role of an Entrepreneur

A set of 4 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.5.1 Role of an Entrepreneur, including: a) Creating and setting up a business b) Running and expanding/developing a business c) Innovation within a business (intrapreneurship) d) Barriers to entrepreneurship e) Anticipating risk and uncertainty in the business environment Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Studies Case Studies 1.2.1 Demand

Edexcel A Level Business Studies Case Studies 1.2.1 Demand

A series of 7 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business 1.2.1 Demand including: Factors leading to a change in demand: o changes in the prices of substitutes and complementary goods o changes in consumer incomes o fashions, tastes and preferences o advertising and branding o demographics o external shocks o seasonality Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.1.1 The Market

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.1.1 The Market

A series of 6 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business studies, topic 1.1.1 The market covering: a) Mass markets and niche markets: characteristics market size and market share brands b) Dynamic markets: online retailing how markets change innovation and market growth adapting to change c) How competition affects the market d) The difference between risk and uncertainty Case studies on the following relevant businesses : Apple ASOS Nike Netflix Amazon Tesla All case studies include content guidance, markscheme and answer structure guidance based on PeCAn-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.1 Product/service design

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.1 Product/service design

A set of 3 case studies on 1.3.1 Product/service design covering: a) Design mix: o function o aesthetics o cost b) Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends: o concern over resource depletion: designing for waste minimisation, re-use and recycling o ethical sourcing Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.4.3 Organisational Design

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.4.3 Organisational Design

A set of 9 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies on 1.4.3 Organisational Design including: a) Structure: o hierarchy o chain of command o span of control o centralised and decentralised b) Types of structure: o tall o flat o matrix c) Impact of different organisational structures on business efficiency and motivation Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.2 Branding and promotion

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.2 Branding and promotion

A bumber set of 12 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business 1.3.2 Branding and promotion, including: a) Types of promotion b) Types of branding c) The benefits of strong branding: o added value o ability to charge premium prices o reduced price elasticity of demand d) Ways to build a brand o unique selling points (USPs)/differentiation o advertising o sponsorship o the use of social media e) Changes in branding and promotion to reflect social trends: o viral marketing o social media o emotional branding Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.4.2 Recruitment and Selection

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.4.2 Recruitment and Selection

A set of 5 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business 1.4.2 Recruitment and Selection, including: Recruitment and selection process: o internal versus external recruitment b) Costs of recruitment, selection and training c) Types of training: o induction o on-the-job o off-the-job Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.2.2 Supply

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.2.2 Supply

A series of 5case studies covering Edexcel A Level business 1.2.2 Supply including: Factors leading to a change in supply: o changes in the costs of production o introduction of new technology o indirect taxes o government subsidies o external shocks Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.4.4 Motivation in theory and practice

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.4.4 Motivation in theory and practice

A set of 18 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.4.4 Motivation in theory and practice, including: a) The importance of employee motivation to a business b) Motivation theories: o Taylor (scientific management) o Mayo (human relations theory) o Maslow (hierarchy of needs) o Herzberg (two factor theory) c) Financial incentives to improve employee performance: o piecework o commission o bonus o profit share o performance-related pay d) Non-financial techniques to improve employee performance: o delegation o consultation o empowerment o team working o flexible working o job enrichment o job rotation o job enlargement Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Project Learning Diary

Project Learning Diary

In the run up to completing the Programming Project (NEA) for OCR GCSE Computer Science, it is sometimes difficult to track and monitor progress. Students often don’t take suitable notes or keep detailed comments on their previous code to serve as an aide memoire in future programming. This learning diary facilitates student reflection and evaluation of their learning within a lesson and allows progress to be tracked across a series of lessons. It could also be used to support tracking the progress of students within NEA lessons, perhaps as part of a homework.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.1.2 Market research

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.1.2 Market research

A series of 5 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business studies 1.1.2 Market research covering: a) Product and market orientation b) Primary and secondary market research data (quantitative and qualitative) used to: o identify and anticipate customer needs and wants o quantify likely demand o gain insight into consumer behaviour c) Limitations of market research, sample size and bias d) Use of ICT to support market research: o websites o social networking o databases e) Market segmentation Businesses included are: Unilever McDonald’s Coca-Cola Nike Apple Case studies include key points for discussion, markscheme and answer structure following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
GCSE Computer Science Exam Technique Guide

GCSE Computer Science Exam Technique Guide

A presentation to talk students through how to answer questions in GCSE Computer Science to get the best marks. The presentation talks through exam command words and how to interpret how much should be written based on the number of marks available and shows some exemplar answers.
Edexcel A Level Business Studies Case Studies Elasticity of Deman

Edexcel A Level Business Studies Case Studies Elasticity of Deman

A series of 5 case studies covering 1.2.3 Markets, 1.2.4 Price elasticity of demand and 1.2.5 Income elasticity of demand including: The interaction of supply and demand The factors influencing price elasticity of demand The significance of price elasticity of demand to businesses in terms of implications for pricing The factors influencing income elasticity of demand The significance of income elasticity of demand to businesses Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.4 Distribution

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.4 Distribution

A set of 3 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.3.4 Distribution, including: a) Distribution channels b) Changes in distribution to reflect social trends: o online distribution o changing from product to service Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.3 Pricing strategies

Edexcel A Level Business Case Studies 1.3.3 Pricing strategies

A series of 14 cases studies for Edexcel A Level Business studies covering 1.3.3 Pricing strategies, including: a) Types of pricing strategy: o cost plus (calculating mark-up on unit cost) o price skimming o penetration o predatory o competitive o psychological b) Factors that determine the most appropriate pricing strategy for a particular situation: o number of USPs/amount of differentiation o price elasticity of demand o level of competition in the business environment o strength of brand o stage in the product life cycle o costs and the need to make a profit c) Changes in pricing to reflect social trends: o online sales o price comparison site