Hematology/Blood: Identifying Leukocytes (POWER POINT) (Anatomy and Physiology)
This 42 slide power point presentation will help your students learn how to identify the five types of leukocytes. Presentation reviews functions and normal lab values of leukocytes, characteristics of granulocytes/agranulocytes before identifying key information about each of the leukocytes, along with microscopic slide pictures. Finally, students can practice identifying leukocytes with microscopic slide pictures.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology, laboratory, Medical Assistant, health sciences or related course and can be used in lecture or student-driven learning.
Cardiovascular System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 84 power point presentation will help your students to learn about the Cardiovascular System. Topics include: anatomy of the heart, pulmonary, systemic coronary, fetal, and cerebral circulation, membranes/layers of the heart, conduction system, electrical activity of the heart, cardiac cycle, heart sounds, cardiac output, stroke volume, blood pressure, pulse points, and blood vessel anatomy.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture.
Digestive System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 76 slide power point presentation will help to teach your students about the digestive system. Topics include: oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, large intestine, histology, enzymes, defecation and common vocabulary terms
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student driven instruction.
Blood Anatomy and Physiology Power Point
This 104 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about blood as well as disorders of the blood. Topics include: Characteristics of blood, plasma, erythrocytes, leukocytes (granulocytes, agranulocytes), chemotaxis, diapedesis, platelets, hemostasis, blood groups/typing, blood genotypes and phenotypes, Punnett squares, as well as multiple disorders of the blood.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used as part of lecture.
Muscular System: Axial and Appendicular Muscles POWER POINT
This 76 slide power point presentation covers approximately 60 of the most common muscles of the axial and appendicular skeleton (does not include origin/insertion of specific muscles but does include the function/location).
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture. Can also be used with Muscular System power point which covers muscle physiology and other key topics.
Blood: Complete Blood Count with Differential (POWER POINT) Anatomy and Phys
This 30 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about a complete blood count (CBC) with differential, as well as how to calculate a differential.
Topics include: lab tests in a CBC, definition of a differential, and an example of how to calculate a differential
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology, laboratory technician, Medical Assistant, health sciences or related course and can be used in lecture or in student driven learning.
Biology- Cellular Respiration and Reproduction (Mitosis/Meiosis) POWER POINT
This 97 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about cellular respiration and cellular reproduction (mitosis/meiosis).
Topics include: Cellular respiration, ATP, Ox/Redox, Glycolysis, Krebs, Electron Transport Chain, anaerobic respiration, DNA, mitosis, meiosis, and gametogenesis.
Ideal for a biology or related course and can be used in lecture, or in student driven learning.
Biology- Cell Structure and Organelles (also Membrane Transport) POWER POINT
This 85 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about cell structures, organelles and other cellular functions.
Topics include: cell membrane, cytoplasm, desmosomes, nucleus, mitochondria, lysozymes, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, protein synthesis, centrioles, cilia, flagella, cell diversity, membrane transport, selective permeability, passive transport, facilitated diffusion, active transport, exocytosis, endocytosis, and phagocytosis.
Ideal for a biology or related science course and can be used in lecture or in student driven learning.
Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 69 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about the Respiratory system. Topics include: anatomy/function of respiratory system, the respiration process, gas transport, respiratory volumes and capacities, and factors affecting respiratory rate.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or student driven instruction.
Organization of the Human Body Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 73 slide power point presentation will teach your students about the organization of the human body. Topics include: directional terms, body planes, body regions, body cavities, abdominal regions, anatomical position, levels of structural organization, body systems, homeostasis, negative/positive feedback, medical imaging.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used for lectures and with available Human body organization worksheets.
Muscular System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 59 slide power point presentation will help your student to learn about the muscular system. Topics include: muscle tissue properties, types of muscle, anatomy of skeletal muscle, sarcomeres, sliding filament theory, neuroelectric factors, energy sources for muscle contraction, muscle tension, origin/insertion, and muscle shapes.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used during lecture.
Histology (Tissues) Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 127 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to histology. Includes epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues with characteristics of each tissue type and histology slides.
Ideal for a histology unit in an Anatomy and Physiology or related course. Can be used with available Histology worksheets.
Integumentary System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 63 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn about the Integumentary system. Topics include: Epidermis, melanin, Merkel cells, keratin, keratinization, dermis, tissue of the dermis, hypodermis, sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands (eccrine and apocrine glands), ceruminous glands, transdermal medications, aging and the integumentary system, hair, and nails.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used during lecture. Can also be used with available Integumentary system worksheets and activities.
Endocrine System Anatomy and Physiology POWER POINT
This 75 slide power point presentation will help your students to learn bout the endocrine system. Topics include: functions of hormones, hormone classification, types of endocrine gland stimuli, as well as all major endocrine glands and their hormones.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course, and can be used along with available Endocrine System worksheets.
Nervous System- The Special Senses (Anatomy and Physiology) POWER POINT
This 74 slide power point presentation will help to introduce your students to the special senses and some disorders of the special senses.
Topics include: eye anatomy, vision, eye disorders, olfaction, sense of smell, tongue/taste buds, sense of taste, ear anatomy, sense of hearing and equilibrium, and ear disorders/deafness.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or related course and can be used in lecture or in student driven learning.
Cardiovascular System Assessment (Anatomy and Physiology, EKG)
This 65 question (multiple choice) assessment will test your students’ knowledge of the cardiovascular system (topics include: heart anatomy, valves, vessels, stroke volume, cardiac output, blood pressure and more).
Note: Cardiovascular disorders are not included on this assessment- there is a separate assessment available for disorders.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or human body course and can be used as a review or assessment. Can be used with other Cardiovascular system worksheets. Answer key included.
Respiratory System Assessment (Anatomy, Biology, Nursing, Quiz)
This 60 question assessment (multiple choice) will test your students’ knowledge of the respiratory system. Topics include anatomy of the respiratory system, mechanics of breathing, volume and capacities, and more.
Note: Disorders are not included on this assessment; however, there is a disorders assessment available separately.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or human body course and can be used as a review or a unit assessment. Can be used with other respiratory system worksheets. Answer key provided.
Disorders of the Respiratory System Assessment (Anatomy and Physiology, Quiz)
This 35 question (multiple choice) assessment will test your students’ knowledge of the disorders of the respiratory system (includes pneumonia, COPD, emphysema, tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, carbon monoxide poisoning, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax, and more).
Note: Respiratory System assessment is also available separately. Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or human body course and can be used as a classwork assignment, assessment, or review.
Can be used with other Respiratory system worksheets. Answer key provided.
Disorders of the Urinary System Assessment (Anatomy and Physiology)
This 30 question (multiple choice) assessment will test your students’ knowledge of the disorders of the urinary system (including Hydronephrosis, renal calculi, polycystic kidney disease, renal failure, enuresis, DI, UTI, and more).
Note: This assessment does not include general urinary system questions; however, there is a urinary system assessment available separately.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or human body course and can be used for a review or an end of the unit assessment. Can be used with other Urinary System assessments and worksheets. Answer key provided.
Urinary System Assessment (Excretory System, Anatomy and Physiology, Quiz)
This 50 question (multiple choice) assessment will test your students’ knowledge on the urinary system (includes anatomy of the kidney, nephron, filtration, reabsorption, secretion, urinary bladder, ureters, urethra, and more).
Note: Disorders are not included with this assessment, although there is a Urinary System Disorders available separately.
Ideal for an Anatomy and Physiology or human body course and can be used a review, or an end of the unit assessment. Can be used with other Urinary System worksheets. Answer key included.