
Amazon Rainforest themed coordinates activity
Children will investigate, read and plot coordinates on two quadrant grids.
This activity links closely to the cross curricular theme - Amazon Rainforest.

Food from around the world - Coordinates in the first quadrant.
Cross curricular maths lesson with the Creative Curriculum topic - Food From Around The World.
Finding coordinates in the the first quadrant.
Activities include:
1. Work out the coordinates for the foods on the world map. Fill in the table.
2. Work out the coordinates for the countries. List them in your book.
3. Plot the coordinates on the grid, show as a cross. Then join with a line.
(3,8) , (4,7) , (5, 6.5) , (6, 6.5) , (7,7) , (7.5,7.5)
4. What do you think these coordinates represent?
5. Write the coordinates for sweet potatoes travelling to the UK then plot them on the grid.

Area of Premier League football pitches
Order the football pitches in order of size by working out the area of each.
This activity requires pupils to also use long multiplication.
Fantastic maths activity to particularly engaged bots in maths.

Maths Snakes and Ladders
A perfect resource to use to liven up a Maths lesson.
This resource is perfect in a Year 5/6 class.
I created this resource to use with my Year 6 class for revision. Many of the questions are past SATs questions. Not every number is a question: there are rewards hidden too, including: 5 mins extra break, £2 school money reward.
This resource will only work when using Activ Inspire program (free to download online)

Measuring the angles in a dab Maths Lesson activity
I created this resource after the craze of dabbing.
My class loved identifying, estimating and measuring the angles of the different dabs of well known celebrities, characters and sports people.
Challenge question: Which person has the biggest total dab?

Maths Symmetry Challenge
Maths resource created using past SATs exam questions on symmetry. Used with a year 5 class.

London Marathon Maths Lesson
Long multiplication lesson suitable for years 4,5 and 6.
The flipchart slides include a maths starter, teaching slides, main activity, challenge and plenary.
The main activity is to work out the total running time for different running paces between 14 to 3 mins per mile. This includes multiplying decimals by up to two digits.
Challenge: 3km is a good distance to run. This is the same as 1.9 miles. Calculate the total time for each of the paces.

Measuring angles in flags
Maths activity - measuring the angles in flags. Includes DEEP questioning - explain type questions.

Anglo-Saxon Perimeter Maths Lesson
Cross curricular maths lesson on perimeter. Worksheet that goes with this flipchart is also available on TES.

Anglo-Saxon Perimeter of settlements and huts with DEEP questions
Cross Curricular perimeter maths lesson. Anglo-Saxon huts and settlements with DEEP questioning and reasoning skills.

Anglo-Saxon Shield Fractions Lesson
Cross curricular maths lesson - Anglo-Saxon shield fractions design. Worksheet available on TES

Maths calculating time intervals with Amazon rainforest link
Links to cross curricular theme - Amazon rainforest.
This is a challenging maths activity where pupils have to calculate how long the journey takes from Manchester airport to Manaus airport in the Amazon rainforest.
Pupils will have to calculate up to 3 different flights per journey and include any layover or connection times in their final total journey time answer.
On the activity worksheet, there are six different journeys all with the same destination. Pupils could be further challenged by calculating which journey is the quickest/slowest and order them.
The flight times have been taken from the internet and were accurate on 22nd April 2017.
We have been reading Journey to the River Sea in class and Maia (main character) in the book travels from England to Manaus, so this activity is a great link.

Maths Amazon rainforest data
Children will investigate data and statistics.
The data shows the rainfall and temperature in Manaus (central Amazon) compared to London.
Pupils could use the data to draw a line graph/bar chart etc.
There are also questions that pupils must answer linked to the data.
This activity links closely to the cross curricular theme - Amazon Rainforest.

KS2 SATs arithmetic question sets
9 full KS2 SATs Arithmetic tests.
36 questions in each paper. 30 mins to complete.
Answers included.
I hate paper waste so I have created these tests on one piece of paper for pupils to complete, rather than printing out arithmetic booklets that waste tons of paper.
I have used these in a variety of ways: pupils have used jotters and maths books for working out then written their answers on the sheets; they have had 1 sheet between 2 and completed the whole test in maths books and I have also displayed the sheet on the iwb and pupils have made their way through the test.

Orienteering Clues with maths link
cross curricular orienteering clues - 2D and 3D shapes
10 orienteering clues for OAA PE lessons with 10 flags and score cards for teams of 2.
I laminated the flags, hole punched, attached string then dotted them around the school field attached to the fence, trees and other objects. I then paper clipped the shape clues to the flags. I gave each pair of children a different shape which they then had to find the properties for and the number of the flag that the clues were attached to.
Aimed at KS2.

Anglo-Saxon Shield Fractions Activity
Cross curricular maths lesson - Anglo-Saxon shield fractions. Lesson flipchart available on TES.

Finding shapes in photographs of real life objects
Finding shapes in photographs of real life objects, including houses, pavements, statues etc.