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Maths Snakes and Ladders
A perfect resource to use to liven up a Maths lesson.
This resource is perfect in a Year 5/6 class.
I created this resource to use with my Year 6 class for revision. Many of the questions are past SATs questions. Not every number is a question: there are rewards hidden too, including: 5 mins extra break, £2 school money reward.
This resource will only work when using Activ Inspire program (free to download online)

Reward Chart
If your school uses a child friendly monetary system, this is a perfect reward chart to help them spend that money.

Christmas Orienteering Game
This game will last approx 30 minutes depending on the speed and team work of your pupils. Can be set up inside a school hall or outside on a playground or school field. You may wish to laminate the ppt pages once printed. Pupils can play either individually, in pairs or small teams.
How to play:
Give pupils a starting answer (left words) and they write this down on their sheet of paper (clipboards optional). Give these randomly to avoid pupils following each other round.
Pupils find their starting word on the left hand side and look to the right for their next clue word. Remind them that it is a race so they may want to run.
Once answer word is found they need to write this down then look to the right hand side for their next clue word.
You may wish to get pupils to come back to check their answer order with you every 5 words or so to ensure they are doing it correctly.
Pupils have completed the game if they complete the list of 35 words in the SAME order. There is only one correct order and it will work for all pupils/teams.

King's Coronation Orienteering Game
King’s Coronation Orienteering Game
This game will last approx 30 minutes depending on the speed and team work of your pupils. Can be set up inside a school hall or outside on a playground or school field. You may wish to laminate the ppt pages once printed.
How to play:
Pupils can play either individually, in pairs or small teams.
Give pupils a starting answer (left words) and they write this down on their sheet of paper (clipboards optional). Give these randomly to avoid pupils following each other round.
Pupils find their starting word on the left hand side and look to the right for their next clue word. Remind them that it is a race so they may want to run.
Once answer word is found they need to write this down then look to the right hand side for their next clue word.
You may wish to get pupils to come back to check their answer order with you every 5 words or so to ensure they are doing it correctly.
Pupils have completed the game if they complete the list of 35 words in the SAME order as the answer sheet (1st slide of ppt). There is only one correct order and it will work for all pupils/teams.

Art / DT Evaluation Sheet
An evaluation sheet for your class to complete at the end of an Art or Design&Technology unit.

Christmas Craft Ideas
Ideas for Christmas crafts for your class in the run up to Christmas.
There are ideas for a card, gift box, calendar, decoration, gifts and classroom decoration.

70 Fun Spelling Activities
70 Spelling activities to reinforce weekly spelling words. Can be used with EYFS, KS1, KS2, and KS3.
Here is a large collection of spelling activities that can be used with a range of ages without much editing. I have tried to make them as interesting as possible by using fancy fonts, colours, images and GiFs. I have attached a few screen shots of some of the activities.
The activities work best when shown on an ActivInspire Flipchart because there are GiF images and files attached, however, I have also converted the slides to PDF so all can use them.
Some pages require you to add the spelling words, some do not. Please feel free to edit as you wish and suggest ways that this resource can be improved.
I hope you enjoy them and get use out of them.

RE/Reflection area display
A selection of images, key words, key questions, prayers and activities for your classroom RE/reflection area.
I have attached a photo of how this resource has been used in my own classroom for our Reflection Area

Water Bottle Groups Display
I have decided this year to organise my water bottle groups around the 5 major oceans as I have 5 groups of 6 children. The document is editable. I printed it out in A3 then laminated it and stuck it up in the classroom above the water fountain.
Baskets are extremely handy as they can easily be carried outside to PE lessons/sports day etc. by water monitors and keep the classroom tidy.
I have attached a photo of the water bottle baskets which I have created using the images from the document (cut out and laminated).

Top 100 books to read ... Bookmarks
I created this resource for use in my class library as an incentive to get children reading a variety of fiction books from different authors and in different genres.
As part of my reading area, I have a dislay showing the Top 100 books to read before leaving Year 5 (current year group that I teach) with space for children to add their names when they have read a book.
I have the majority of the books in the Top 100 in the library, so these books have one of the special bookmarks in them so they are clear to pick out.
I printed the bookmarks out on coloured card and stuck gold stars on them.

KS2 SATs arithmetic question sets
9 full KS2 SATs Arithmetic tests.
36 questions in each paper. 30 mins to complete.
Answers included.
I hate paper waste so I have created these tests on one piece of paper for pupils to complete, rather than printing out arithmetic booklets that waste tons of paper.
I have used these in a variety of ways: pupils have used jotters and maths books for working out then written their answers on the sheets; they have had 1 sheet between 2 and completed the whole test in maths books and I have also displayed the sheet on the iwb and pupils have made their way through the test.

Orienteering Clues with maths link
cross curricular orienteering clues - 2D and 3D shapes
10 orienteering clues for OAA PE lessons with 10 flags and score cards for teams of 2.
I laminated the flags, hole punched, attached string then dotted them around the school field attached to the fence, trees and other objects. I then paper clipped the shape clues to the flags. I gave each pair of children a different shape which they then had to find the properties for and the number of the flag that the clues were attached to.
Aimed at KS2.