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Canciones, Lieder, Songs and more Musical languages resources for the foreign classroom.




Canciones, Lieder, Songs and more Musical languages resources for the foreign classroom.
¿Dónde vives? (Part 2) - Spanish song about living arrangements

¿Dónde vives? (Part 2) - Spanish song about living arrangements

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach students how to describe where they live. https://youtu.be/ziCCuOpWOk8 Lyrics: Vivo en una casa grande en en un barrio pequeño, en el norte de una ciudad muy bonita. Mi amiga Julia vive en un piso antiguo en un barrio grande, en el sur en las afueras. Mis abuelos viven en una granja en el campo, en el sur de Inglaterra en la costa. Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike Whole album: http://selz.co/1KMCDQh
Los meses (Song teaching the months of the year in Spanish)

Los meses (Song teaching the months of the year in Spanish)

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach the months of the year in Spanish. https://youtu.be/80qToEEFuUk Lyrics: Enero, febrero, marzo, abril mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre diciembre Enero, febrero, marzo, abril mayo, junio, julio, Enero, febrero, marzo, abril mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre diciembre Enero, febrero, marzo, abril mayo, junio, julio, The whole album is available on : http://selz.co/1KMCDQh Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike
¿Dónde vives? (Song describing a variety of types of residence in Spanish)

¿Dónde vives? (Song describing a variety of types of residence in Spanish)

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach a variety of residence types in Spanish. https://youtu.be/vRQnqTTrEyE Lyrics ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en un piso en un bloque moderno ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en un piso en un bloque antiguo Vivo en una casa, en una granja y en un chalet. Vivo, vives, vive, vivimos vivís, viven, viven Vivo en las afueras, Vivo en la ciudad en un barrio. Vivo en el centro, vivo en un pueblo en el campo. Vivo en el norte, en el sur. Vivo en el oeste y en el este. Vivo, vives, vive, vivimos vivís, viven, viven Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike Whole album: http://selz.co/1KMCDQh
Mi dormitorio (Song teaching items in a child's bedroom in Spanish)

Mi dormitorio (Song teaching items in a child's bedroom in Spanish)

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach items in a child’s bedroom in Spanish. https://youtu.be/__zn-KG-h7Q Lyrics: Las estanterías, el armario, la mesa la silla, la cama, la lámpara, los posters el ordenador, la puerta, el televisor y la ventana, la ventana, la ventana El equipo de música, la mesilla, la pared, la alfombra, las cortinas el escritorio, la butaca, las persianas, el tocador Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike Whole album: http://selz.co/1KMCDQh
Los lugares masculinos (Song teaching masculine places in the local area in Spanish)

Los lugares masculinos (Song teaching masculine places in the local area in Spanish)

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach masculine places in the local area in Spanish. https://youtu.be/wMIzgFqc_4c Lyrics: el aeropuerto, el café, el centro comercial, el cine, el estadio, el hospital, el instituto, el mercado, el parque, el polideportivo, el puente, el río, el castillo, el edificio, el monumento, el palacio, el parque, el quiosco Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike Whole album: http://selz.co/1KMCDQh
La comida (Song - List of 17 different food items in Spanish)

La comida (Song - List of 17 different food items in Spanish)

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach 17 different food items in Spanish. https://youtu.be/5XfFdXb-CMY Lyrics: una hamburguesa, una ensalada, unos espaguettis, unas patatas fritas, fruta, un bocadillo, una pizza, una tostada con huevos y con cereales una naranjada, una limonada, un zumo de naranja, un agua mineral una Coca Cola, un zumo de manzana, un café con leche y un chocolate Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike Whole album: http://selz.co/1KMCDQh
Las asignaturas (Song about the school subjects in Spanish)

Las asignaturas (Song about the school subjects in Spanish)

Set of resources based on a song designed to teach the school subjects in Spanish. https://youtu.be/qQQGasLTNA0 Lyrics: Las ciencias, la música, la religión las matemáticas, la tecnología, el francés, el español y el inglés la geografía, la historia, la informática la educación física Estas son las asignaturas. Me gusta la informática, me gustan mucho las ciencias Me encanta la geografía y me encantan las matemáticas Me gusta bastante la historia También me gusta el arte. Detesto la tecnología y no me gusta el inglés no me gusta nada el teatro y odio el francés Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. The whole album includes 26 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 26 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 26 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets Lyrics and language teaching tips Topics for beginner/ advanced /GCSE students alike Whole album: http://selz.co/1KMCDQh
¡Buenos días!  (Song - Meetings and Greetings in Spanish)

¡Buenos días! (Song - Meetings and Greetings in Spanish)

YouTube-Preview of the entire song: https://youtu.be/R-permg03eA The lyrics of the song are as follows: ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo estás? ¡Muy bien, gracias! ¡Buenas tardes! ¿Cómo estás? ¡Muy mal! ¡Fatal! ¡Buenas noches! ¿Cómo estás? ¡Bien regular! ¡Hasta luego! ¡Adiós! ¡Hasta luego! Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. It is therefore one of the best ways of introducing, practicing and revising both, new and old vocabulary in a foreign language. Therefore, we created “Fiesta!”, a teaching program, which, with the help of music, songs and animations, will engage pupils like never before helping them to memorize new vocabulary faster and in a more enjoyable way. This Spanish language learning package includes: 1 audio file of the song 1 audio-visual file of the song with fun animations 1 worksheet matching the audio-visual file 1 file with the lyrics 1 file with the key to the worksheet
Do you help at home?

Do you help at home?

The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time
Where do you live

Where do you live

The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time
Hair and Eyes

Hair and Eyes

The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time
Where are you going?

Where are you going?

The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time
The days of the week.

The days of the week.

Kids love music, learning less so. Use an animated song to teach your pupils the days of the week. The resource is suitable for both very young children and children with English as a foreign language. The package includes: -an MP3 -a video -a matching worksheet with solutions
The months of the year

The months of the year

Kids love music, learning less so. Use an animated song to teach your pupils the months of the year. The resource is suitable for both very young children and children with English as a foreign language. The package includes: -an MP3 -a video -a matching worksheet with solutions
The alphabet

The alphabet

Kids love music, learning less so. Use a song to teach the English alphabet to primary school children or children with English as a foreign language. The package includes - a video - an MP3 - a worksheet matching the song
My timetable

My timetable

The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time
Numbers 1-100

Numbers 1-100

The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time


The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time


The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time


The whole album is available at: http://selz.co/1FF8f75 Kids love music and using music as an enjoyable, engaging medium for education is a scientifically proven concept. Therefore, we created “Let’s Go!”. With songs, videos fand worksheets for the EFL (English as as foreign language) classroom, “Let’s Go!” will engage pupils like never before. The instantly downloadable EFL language learning package includes: 18 fun songs with lyrics covering typical topics of the curriculum 18 videos featuring songs with subtitles and pictures 18 worksheets with 3-5 grammar and vocabulary exercises per song 1 key to the worksheets * lyrics and language teaching tips topics for beginners such as: numbers, months, the alphabet, my house, my local area, my school, my free time