A fully resourced 9 lesson unit about Buddhist beliefs and practices for KS3. Each lesson contains a powerpoint lesson, printable resources, opportunties for recall, engagement with scripture, and a challenge task.
There is a 15 multiple choice mid point assessment quiz included and a knowledge organiser.
Lesson 1 - The Buddhas early life
Lesson 2 - The four sights
Lesson 3 - Enlightenment
Lesson 4 - The four noble truths
Lesson 5 - The eightfold path
Lesson 6 - The wheel of life
Lesson 7 - Meditation
Lesson 8 - Being a teenage Buddhist
Lesson 9 - Inspiring Buddhist leader
A revision lesson that covers the AQA GCSE RE Christian beliefs section. It includes…
Starter activity
Essay plans for tricky 12 markers
Scripture revision and recall
Keyword revision
The lesson is designed to be teacher led and enables students to revise in a variety of ways and activities.
There are two version of essay plans to suit more able and less able students.
SEND printable resource (nature of God table) included
An hour long lesson for KS3 - would work well in any unit about religion and science, or philosophy.
The lesson explores the big question is religion a product of the human mind and looks at psychological explanations of religion (e.g. Freud).
Guided reading printable resource
Powerpoint lesson
Challenge task
A fully resources KS3 lesson about the wheel of life (Bhavacakra wheel) for Buddhists. A great lesson to engage students with art and religion. Includes
Powerpoint presentation
Guided reading activity
A multiple choice quiz for a Buddhist unit
Recall activities
KS3 year 9 philosophy lesson about knowledge and truth. This is an introduction lesson to a religion and science topic, but would fit in well with any unit on philosophy.
SEND resource
Knowledge organiser about religion and science
Philosophy enquiry with scholars Descartes and Zhuang Zhou
Challenge activites
Two revision maps for AQA A Religious Studies 9-1 Christianity beliefs and teachings. One with a focus on beliefs and teachings, and another on the life of Jesus. These can be printed and completed by students.
It includes opportunities for students to revise influences, teachings, keywords and scripture.
A fully resourced KS3 lesson about the four noble truths for Buddhists. Includes the story of Kisa Gotami. The lesson includes…
Paired reading activity
Activity about the story of Kisa Gotami
Recall activities
40 individual A4 sized Bible scripture for classroom display for AQA A Religious Studies (9-1). (Includes 40 individual quotes).
Covers Christianity beliefs and teachings, practices, theme A, D and E. Great for embedding scripture revision in the classroom.
AQA A Religious 9-1 Islam practices Ashura lesson. Includes a full one hour lesson powerpoint with activities (worksheets included), video links, challenge tasks (for g&t). Focuses on what Ashura is, how it celebrated in different countries, scripture to support Ashura, and exam practice (4 and 12 mark).
Lesson powerpoint
Starter task (pictures for discussion)
Worksheets for activity (includes differentiated version for lower ability)
Information about Ashura for main activity
Video questions for students
12 mark checklist for planning
(Total of 7 resources)
A fully resourced KS3 lesson about Thich Naht Hanh, an inspiring Buddhist leader. The lesson includes…
Powerpoint lesson
Reading activity about Thich Naht Hanh and Martin Luther King
Recall activities
A fully resourced KS3 lesson exploring the question ‘is it hard to be a teenage Buddhist in the UK?’. The lesson includes…
Powerpoint lesson
Engagement with the CENSUS
Recall activities
Two lessons for focused revision for AQA A Religious Studies - Theme C The Existence of God and Revelation. Two hours of study.
Two powerpoint lessons (one hour each).
Two revision topic grids (in powerpoint) that can be printed off as worksheets.
Opportunties for AFL through numerous 1 and 2 mark quick fire questions.
Example planning points for two 12 mark questions (supporting and non-supporting), and two 4 mark questions to support students.
An 8 page (including front cover) booklet of scripture and teachings for AQA Religious Studies A 9-1. Each scripture informs students what topic the scripture is for, a short explanation, and some quick ‘using scripture tips’.
Christianity beliefs and teachings
Christianity practices
Islam beliefs and teachings
Islam practices
PAPER 2 - (Scripture from Christianity and Islam)
Theme A - Relationships and families
Theme B - Religion and life
Theme D - Religion, peace and conflict
Theme E - Religion, crime, and punishment
GCSE AQA A Religious Studies 9-1 Islamic beliefs and practices A3 overview revision sheets. Includes opportunities for students to revise keywords, teachings (beliefs), contrasting beliefs (practices), importance and references to scripture.
Print in A3 and give to students to complete for revision.
AQA A Religious Studies 9-1 Theme D Peace and Conflict. A3 revision overview sheet for students to complete. Christianity ONLY.
Provides opportunities for students to revise key teachings, contrasting views and scripture.
3 double sided A3 revision maps for AQA A Religious Studies Christianity beliefs, teachings and practices. These can be printed for students to complete.
A3 double sided revision map for Christian beliefs and teachings
A3 double sided revision map for Christian beliefs about Jesus
A3 double sided revision map for Christian practices.
All have opportunities for students to revise keywords, scripture, influences (beliefs and teachings), teachings and contrasting practices (practices).
AQA A Religious Studies 9-1 Theme D Crime and Punishment. A3 revision overview sheet for students to complete. Christianity AND Islam.
Provides opportunities for students to revise key teachings, contrasting views and scripture.