
Non- Chronological Report - Everest
Year 5/6 non chronological report - full unit
This resource contains written plans for a 3 week unit on non chronological reports. The unit is based around writing a non-chron on Everest , however can be edited to suit your topic. The planning is suitable for year 5/6 (upper KS2) or adapted for year 4
The structure follows teaching comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and writing throughout the topic.
Resource includes:
Written plan for 3 weeks
Powerpoint for all lessons
Model texts
Model teacher write
Box ups and planning sheets for all lessons
Resources for all lessons
Writing prompts
Word maps / banks
LA / EAL / SEND adaptations

Diary Unit - Everest - Hilary and Norgay
Year 5/6 diaries - full unit
This resource contains written plans for a 3 week unit on diary writing. The unit is based around writing a diary from the point of view of Edmund Hilary or Tenzing Norgay (the first to climb Everest), however can be edited to suit your topic. The planning is suitable for year 5/6 (upper KS2) or adapted for year 4
The structure follows teaching comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and writing throughout the topic.
Resource includes:
Written plan for 3 weeks
Powerpoint for all lessons
Model texts
Model teacher write
Box ups and planning sheets for all lessons
Resources for all lessons
Writing prompts
Word maps / banks
LA / EAL / SEND adaptations

Information text / non chronological reports planning- London
Information text planning - Full unit
This resource contains written plans for a 3 week unit on non chornological reports/ information texts. The unit is based around writing an information text on a landmark, however can be edited to suit your topic. The planning is suitable for lower KS2 or differentiation for upper KS2.
The structure follows teaching comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and writing throughout the topic.
Resource includes:
Written plan for 3 weeks
Powerpoint for all lessons
Fact sheets for reading comprehension
Model texts x 3
Box ups and planning sheets for all lessons

Year 5 / 6 English units
Includes 7 English units to use in year 5/6. Can be adapted for year 4.
(Will cover 3 to 4 half terms of learning)
All units follow the overall themes of magical creatures, mountains and volcanoes and rainforests.
Units include:
Balanced arguments
Non-chronological reports
Poetry - Haikus

Year 3 /4 English Units
Includes 11 English units to use in year 3/4. Can be adapted for upper KS2.
(Will cover an entire academic years of learning)
All units follow the overall themes of the stone age, space, cities and landmarks and journeys
Units include:
3 poetry units
3 narrative units
non-chronological report unit
Recount unit
Explanation text unit
Instructions unit