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Business resources created and utilised by an experienced teacher with over 8 years teaching experience. Lesson and worksheets designed to support students' metacognition, in line with teaching and learning research. All resources are tailored to the OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing Level 2 specification, RO67, RO68 and RO69 2022 onwards units of study, however can also be used cross-curricular topics such as marketing and financial calculations.

Business resources created and utilised by an experienced teacher with over 8 years teaching experience. Lesson and worksheets designed to support students' metacognition, in line with teaching and learning research. All resources are tailored to the OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing Level 2 specification, RO67, RO68 and RO69 2022 onwards units of study, however can also be used cross-curricular topics such as marketing and financial calculations.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA3 Revision Flash Cards

OCR Cambridge Nationals in Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA3 Revision Flash Cards

X24 Flash cards for students to work in pairs/groups or independently to test their knowledge on RO67 TA3 understanding what makes a product financially viable. Flash cards include questions and answers on the following: Fixed Costs Variable Costs Variable Cost Per Unit Output Total Variable Costs Total Costs Revenue Profit Break-even How break-even information is used Cash and Profit Difference
OCR Cambridge National ENTERPRISE AND MARKETING RO69 RAG Checklist

OCR Cambridge National ENTERPRISE AND MARKETING RO69 RAG Checklist

This resource is for students to independently RAG their performance on all RO69 Controlled Assessment Tasks. It is based on Summer controlled assessment submissions and is designed for students to independently reflect on their controlled assessment tasks during each half-term (1-5) up to the Summer submission date. The resource is effective for students to reflect and ensure high standards of work are being submitted for each individual task.
OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA1 Revision Flash Cards

OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA1 Revision Flash Cards

X14 Flash cards for students to work in pairs/groups or independently to test their knowledge on RO67 TA1 Characteristics, Risk and Reward for Enterprise. Flash cards include questions and answers on the following: Definition of entrepreneur Characteristics of entrepreneurs Risks/Drawbacks of being an entrepreneur Rewards of being a entrepreneur
OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA2 Revision Flash Cards

OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA2 Revision Flash Cards

X50 Flash cards for students to work in pairs/groups or independently to test their knowledge on RO67 TA2 Market Research. Flash cards include questions and answers on the following: Purposes of Market Research Primary Research Methods - including advantages and disadvantages of each method Secondary Research Methods - including advantages and disadvantages of each method Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Types of Market Segmentation Benefits of Market Segmentation
OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA4 Revision Flash Cards

OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA4 Revision Flash Cards

Over 90 Flash cards for students to work in pairs/groups or independently to test their knowledge on RO67 TA4 ‘Creating a Marketing Mix to Support a Product’ Flash cards include questions and answers on the following: Marketing Mix Advertisement Methods (Digital and Non-Digital) Sales Promotion Techniques Public Relations Methods Selling Goods to Consumers Product Lifecycle Extension Strategies Pricing Strategies
OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 Revision Guide and Accompanied Consolidation Tasks

OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 Revision Guide and Accompanied Consolidation Tasks

2 Resources
This bundle includes a complete RO67 (exam) TA1-TA5 revision guide, including all topics and a consolidation booklet for students to chunk and revise all TA1-TA5 examination topics. Images and case studies are included to support with student engagement and retention. All consolidation tasks have been created to support students’ long-term memory when revising for their RO67 examination.


This resource is for students to independently RAG their performance on all RO68 Controlled Assessment Tasks. It is based on Summer controlled assessment submissions and is designed for students to independently reflect on their controlled assessment tasks during each half-term (1-5) up to the Summer submission date. The resource is effective for students to reflect and ensure high standards of work are being submitted for each individual task.
OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing Tracking Sheets for RO67, RO68 and RO69

OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing Tracking Sheets for RO67, RO68 and RO69

This resource is designed to track students’ unit level and overall marks and UMS on both controlled assessment and practice assessments. Formulas have been applied to accurately monitor student progress and RAG rating to inform data discussions with both students and staff members. The most recent grade boundaries have been utilised for tracking on the final grades tracking sheet.
TA4 8-Mark Topics Revision Guide

TA4 8-Mark Topics Revision Guide

This 14-page knowledge resource is for the 8-mark topics in RO67. The resource includes key information for students to consolidate and revise for their 8 mark essay question in RO67, the resource also includes case study examples and space for revision notes to be made.
Business Costings Lesson

Business Costings Lesson

Teacher slides and accompanied student worksheet for the OCR Cambridge Nationals Enterprise and Marketing RO67 TA3 3.1 topic however, can be used for alternative curriculum specifications as all of the following topics are included: Fixed Costs Variable Costs Calculation of Total Variable Costs Calculation of Total Costs Teacher slides include modelling and direct instruction, with answers provided for all student examination questions. This lesson provides effective scaffolding for learners to calculate both total variable costs and total costs to be fully prepared for costing examination questions in their external assessment.