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Stephanie's Shop

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I completed my PGCE at The Institute of Education in 2011, staying in London to start my career at a primary school in Hackney. I taught across KS2 in four years, while also co-ordinating Spanish and Science and receiving brilliant CPD training across a range of specialisms. In 2016 I moved to Lancashire, where I have been supply teacher for a range of local schools. I love creating engaging & purposeful resources to bring education to life and to give teachers their weekends back!




I completed my PGCE at The Institute of Education in 2011, staying in London to start my career at a primary school in Hackney. I taught across KS2 in four years, while also co-ordinating Spanish and Science and receiving brilliant CPD training across a range of specialisms. In 2016 I moved to Lancashire, where I have been supply teacher for a range of local schools. I love creating engaging & purposeful resources to bring education to life and to give teachers their weekends back!
Geography: To be able to read a compass lesson

Geography: To be able to read a compass lesson

This lesson would be a good introduction to direction in either Geography or Maths. It introduces what a compass is and what it is used for, before focusing on NESW and the points in between. This could easily be demonstrated in the classroom by putting up NESW posters on each wall of your classroom, but my lesson uses a map of the counties of England to develop compass skills and direction. This is first modelled by the teacher, e.g. Cumbria is NW of North Yorkshire using the Notebook presentation, before the children have a go themselves, completing either missing compass directions or places in each statement. Suitable for KS2. Enjoy!
Geography - Locating Rivers of the World Activity Sheet

Geography - Locating Rivers of the World Activity Sheet

This resource is a worksheet with a clear outline of a world map, on which children are challenged to draw key world rivers on. This can be used in a Water topic or to simply develop geographical knowledge / map reading skills. Using atlases and/or Google Maps, the children will locate each river, match it to the area on their map and try to accurately draw it on and label it. The rivers children are challenged to locate are: 1. Mississippi 4. Thames 7. Nile 2. Danube 5. Huang Ho 8. Niger 3. Ganges 6. Amazon
Ancient Greek Pottery Activity

Ancient Greek Pottery Activity

This task, linked to Ancient Greek topic work, gets children to study different examples of Ancient Greek pottery, before they design their own pot shape outline in their books. They would then use this as a plan for when they make their pot from clay, following the instructions on the sheet.
Classroom Display Ideas

Classroom Display Ideas

When I make a good display (and I do like displays!) I like to take photos of it to remember it, to include in my personal profile and to share with others. Why take so much time over something and then take it down, never to be seen again?! A free resource to share as inspiration to others. UPDATED 13/12/16 to include extra Rivers and WII display ideas! UPDATED 09/02/18 to include extra Science display ideas!
English / Literacy: Comparing TV Adverts Worksheet

English / Literacy: Comparing TV Adverts Worksheet

Is your next topic about adverts, specifically TV adverts? Then here is a worksheet which involves children watching 3 different adverts and then analysing/comparing their effectiveness, use of language, use of effects and how each could be improved to draw in/entertain the reader more.
English / Literacy Worksheets for Carrot Crazy Recount

English / Literacy Worksheets for Carrot Crazy Recount

Carrot Crazy is a fun animation widely available on Youtube. This resource is made up of two worksheets; screenshots ordering events from the animation to guide children, and a planning sheet to help children recount the events of Carrot Crazy using lots of description.
Science: Animals including Humans Introduction Lesson

Science: Animals including Humans Introduction Lesson

This resource is the perfect introduction to a half termly topic which I have used from years 3-5 to teach children about the human body, skeletons of both humans and animals, food groups and digestion. This particular lessons gets children to brainstorm what they already know about animals and humans, and what they would like to find out, helpfully allowing you to adapt your planning to match their subject knowledge.. Objectives and success criteria include: 1) LI: To be able to produce facts that state my current understanding 1) LI: To be able to ask questions which would develop my understanding Success Criteria I can state what I already know about a given topic I can ask questions linked to a given topic to develop my understanding I can use a range of question starters (what, who, how, when, do...)
English / Literacy Persuasive Advert Plan

English / Literacy Persuasive Advert Plan

Is your current English topic focusing on persuasive texts/adverts? Here's a handy plan for children to brainstorm/note their ideas before they do their final design! It gets children to think about different vocabulary they will use, and includes LO/SC to make skill targets clear.
ICT / Computing / Science Activity: Researching Energy Sources

ICT / Computing / Science Activity: Researching Energy Sources

I made this resource to link Year 6’s ICT and Science topics: internet researching and energy. The objective of the worksheet is to research facts which complete the tables / questions given. The topic covers a range of different types of energy and examples of how they are used across the world. The last task gets the children to research facts of their own for one fuel type.
Supply Teacher / Teaching: School Information Sheet

Supply Teacher / Teaching: School Information Sheet

As a new supply teacher, I wanted to have a blank document to hand which I could take note of key school information, so that if I returned to provide cover again, I would have all the important information in advance. The sheet allows notes to be taken for the following: School Name: Address: Phone: Email: Head Teacher: Key Contact: Uniform: Computer log-in: Additional Notes: (which I would use to note which class(es) I covered, whether I used my own resources to avoid future repetition, what computer programmes they had - incase my SMART presentations couldn't be used etc etc)
Classroom Objects Wordsearch

Classroom Objects Wordsearch

A simple but fun Classroom Objects-themed word search. Could be used at the beginning of a new term, to settle a class in spare time or as a spelling activity. Available in PDF format. Words featured in the puzzle are: BIN, CHAIR, DOOR, PENCIL, SCISSORS, WINDOW, TRAY, CARPET, DESK, GLUE, DISPLAY, BOOK, COMPUTER, RUBBER, SHARPENER, WHITEBOARD, PAPER, RULER, TABLE
Art - Introduction to Etching Lesson

Art - Introduction to Etching Lesson

I made this lesson to introduce to my Year 3 class what etching was and why it was used as an art form by the Victorians. It includes a definition, picture examples and a video link. My lesson task was to design a print (on paper) that they wanted to etch the following week.
Captain Tom Moore - Fact Finding Challenge

Captain Tom Moore - Fact Finding Challenge

I made this resource using a BBC article about Captain Tom’s achievements and subsequent recognition. I made up the questions based on the article, so it is more of a comprehension - but the children don’t need to know this!
Banking / Money Themed Word Problems - UKS2 / Year 6

Banking / Money Themed Word Problems - UKS2 / Year 6

This resource consists of various word problems themed around money which require knowledge of various mathematical skills, from calculating percentages to division. Additionally, it helps to introduce economic topics to primary pupils, such as mortgages. Suitable for UKS2 / Year 6 learners.
Adding Subtracting Fractions UKS2

Adding Subtracting Fractions UKS2

This resource is taken from my Zoom online courses during COVID. The pack consists of 2 x Powerpoint presentations teaching how to add & subtract fractions, starting with common denominators and then moving through to unlike denominators (both Powerpoints are the same; one is annotated to show answers/how I taught each method). Includes worksheets (one PDF & Pages version - the latter making it editable). Suitable for Y5-6 with extra challenges included to push higher learners. As it’s from my courses my logo is included on the presentations and worksheets but you can obviously remove these to make them your own!
Maths - Time: Understanding 'past' and 'to'

Maths - Time: Understanding 'past' and 'to'

A handy worksheet to help children to understand the concept of 'past' and 'to' when telling the time. It includes a blank analogue clock and times to cut out and place on the correct place on the clock. The instructions on the sheet are as follows: Step 1: Neatly cut out your clock Step 2: Stick it under your learning intention Step 3: Neatly cut out the times in the boxes Step 4: Can you match the times in the boxes to the numbers around the clock? Check with an adult before you stick them in!
Algebra UKS2 Lesson & Worksheet

Algebra UKS2 Lesson & Worksheet

This resource is taken from my Zoom online courses during COVID. The pack consists of a Powerpoint presentation teaching about Algebra from the very beginning and building up into SATs questions. Includes worksheets matching the slides. Suitable for Y5-6 with extra challenges included to push higher learners. As it’s from my courses my logo is included on the presentations and worksheets but you can obviously remove these to make them your own!
Topic / History / ICT / Computing: World War I Research Activity

Topic / History / ICT / Computing: World War I Research Activity

This resource was made for a Year 4 class to develop their ICT research skills using the internet, while keeping with the current school topic of World War I. The task gets children to answer questions about World War I (e.g. When did Britain enter the war? Which was the longest battle of the entire war?) using an appropriate search engine. Would be useful for all of upper KS2.