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AQA English Language and Literature: Developing essay response skills to the Paris Anthology section

AQA English Language and Literature: Developing essay response skills to the Paris Anthology section

This is my attempt to engage and develop my Year 12s academic voices in their Paris Anthology related essay responses. The main issue my class had seemed to focus upon when and where to start. What I do is show them how they can place a particular emphasis on one of several potential areas of focus initially. I show them how they could use Mode, Audience, Purpose, each of Grice’s Maxims and each of the different levels of language as a starting point for an analytical response. The attached word document appears to be an “essay”.It isn’t. It’s the collected starting points placed in one document so that the students can focus more on the “how you do it” instead of trying to copy down the best bits. It worked reasonably well and is suited for a class with similar needs. Hope you find this useful.
AQA English Language P2: Section B (using A Christmas Carol)

AQA English Language P2: Section B (using A Christmas Carol)

A series of lessons designed to make sure students have a clear understanding of the “basics” and the “developed” skills and techniques required for EACH of the possible text types they could meet in Section B of the English Language Paper 2 exam. Because my lot were taught A Christmas Carol (and I was trying to kill two birds with one stone by revising this at the same time…), the tasks are all focused on writing within the world of Scrooge. To that end, they may require some editing on the part of the user - hence the reduced price.
AQA English Literature - A Christmas Carol: Complete Unit of Work

AQA English Literature - A Christmas Carol: Complete Unit of Work

The lessons are designed to tie in specifically with the Scholastic Classics version of the text OR the Collins Classroom Classics version, but it wouldn’t take too much to use this with any version to be honest. Visually, the powerpoints are designed to be eye-catching. Each one is loaded with links to videos, layered with animations and suitably spooky xmas music. The lessons are ordered via number for your convenience. There is a specific focus on each of the GCSE Assessment Focuses, starting with AO3 (It makes sense, to me at least, to contextualise the story prior to reading it). The stave lessons each contain definitions of the archaic words (though there is a definite backing off with this the further in you get: as the students get more familiar with the language, they’ll need less prompting with decoding it), as well as a particular focus on key quotations. There are comprehension questions layered throughout, and the first THREE of the stave lessons have an ending task that links to a type of question found in AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A - my class had previously focused on this unit and it made sense to me to keep these skills “hot” so to speak. The AO specific lessons tie in with the Assessment Objectives for the English Literature course. The AO1 and AO2 lessons assume that the students have read the entire text. Finally, the theme lessons build towards the students sitting a GCSE Literature style assessment. I have sourced a lot of ideas from the following pdf file - I wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to pass these ideas off as my own; I include the link so that any person might have the benefit of this resource without having to pay for mine: http://drbacchus.com/files/christmas_carol/glossary.pdf There’s about 30+ hours worth of teaching materials in here; enjoy!
AQA English Literature DNA resources

AQA English Literature DNA resources

There doesn't seem to be much out there for DNA, which is a shame really as it's a great text to study. Attached are ALL of the DNA resources I have created; hopefully this will give you a few different ideas and starting points. This is a mish-mash of resources from three years of teaching this text across two schools. Some organising and sifting-through is needed here.
KS3 Unit of Work and lessons for The Crowfield Curse

KS3 Unit of Work and lessons for The Crowfield Curse

A text I taught to year 7 (second set) which we all absolutely loved! There are so few lessons here in comparison to my other resource bundles because we often spent large amounts of time just reading the book. The video is pretty awesome - I take no credit for creating it, I downloaded it from youtube and converted it to a format I could use. May the crows find you willing and able.
Mass of KS3 resources

Mass of KS3 resources

18 Resources
This is a collection of free and paid resources - simply put, every single SoW and mini-unit I have ever created for Key Stage 3. Enough in here to significantly add to a KS3 curriculum for a year group or two.
AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 2 (Soliloquies)

AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: Othello - Lesson 2 (Soliloquies)

My second lesson. Here, I focus almost entirely on ACT 2 SCENE 1 and Iago's soliloquies therein. The notes element of the power point pulls a lot of thinking together from across a lot of sources - you'll need these notes to flesh out the tasks. I tie it up with an exam style question at the end focusing on what we can infer about attitudes to women. Quite pleased with how this looks and how it goes.